Any of you niggers get this done?
I'm thinking about it, but how much information do you have to give up about yourself? I'm slightly paranoid
Any of you niggers get this done?
I'm thinking about it, but how much information do you have to give up about yourself? I'm slightly paranoid
Nothing to worry about Goy, just pay the 300 shekels so we can put you in our system
Inaccurate ancestry percentages, too expensive, sketchy business practices. Not worth it
They only get your DNA, it's fine. It's not like they will make clones of you in the future or something.
You might not like what you find...
You're only giving up your DNA which is merely a map of everything you are or ever will be in a physical sense. No biggy.
PS: 23 and Me is associated with/funded by Google. If you don't think they'll be adding your DNA in to your online marketing profile at some point, I have a bridge to sell you...
You get to find out that you don't have a scrap of jew blood, but one of your distant relatives fucked a gorilla at some point.
Why don't you look in the mirror instead, or ask your family?
I know you have to give a DNA sample, but can't you do it anonymously? I leave DNA around everywhere I go so who gives a fuck as long as it's not attached to my identity
Viewing the results anonymously is the hard part
I can't wait for the day when we can do this in our homes without a third-party. Fuck google, fuck the (((cloud)))
read their TOS and EULA they can sell your data which means they do sell your data. anyone who wants to buy it, its theirs.
wait 5 years you will be able to sequence your own gnome, there are already machines that cost less than a grand that can do it. in a half decade it will be under 100 bucks.
thank you, will wait for now
you a nigger
You can use a fake name and a temporary email. You still will need a physical address.
rent a PO box with a prepaid visa. still a lot of fucking around to find out I'm whiter than all of you honestly though
DNA not attached to your identity lol.
if they have the DNA of anyone even remotely related to you they will know you are related and how close that relation is. they got your dad's dna they know your his son, etc. they know your general location in the gene pools and therefore your location because they have so many samples already.
If you want to get put into a government data base then go ahead.
Anything sub ~3% shouldn't be taken literally. It could be ancient or noise. I go 0.2% sub-saharan. DNA.Land, DNA Tribes, and WeGene do not give me any sub-saharan.
good point, but this implies that my dad or anyone else in my family has their genome sequenced, which is not the case. Also not sure if you could even get a court order for a sample, but you raise a valid concern
you're black, get over it
This is mine. I got it for $100, like 2 weeks before they raised the price.
My reactions:
>italian, what?
>monogolian, I don't even know what the fuck is this timeline, what?
>but this implies that my dad or anyone else in my family has their genome sequenced, which is not the case.
but they can at any time and they might not tell anyone. also as a privacy thing you can pretty much know for certain that eventually your DNA will be matched to you, eventually one of your offspring or offspring of close family will have their DNA sequenced and that will be enough for them to dox you if you use fake info.
its just bad opsec.
true that
Someone is a little paranoid
God forbid that someone should do this the old fashioned way with actual research. Go ahead, willingly give Jews a DNA record and pay them good money for their troubles.
Could be, but 0.1-0.2% from an autosomal based test is not the best indicator.
Rate my ancestry.
I bet none of you niggers and kikes can beat 100% EUROPEAN BABY.
see Seeing how everyone is ignoring this leads me to belive that this is just another advertising thread.
This doesn't stop your research. For example I tracked down my dads side until like the mid 1800's. Prior to that you basically have to go to Europe and look up old birth records that aren't on the internet.
not saying everyone should care but some people do. some people take privacy pretty seriously.
>1.4% Middle Eastern
>Southern European
My DNA is already with the police thanks to an arrest 10 years ago. No more mailing feces for me :(
Jewgle probably have your DNA already. They sell all sorts of data on you which is probably more valuable than DNA anyway. You can tell a lot about a man by his search history.
Give in to the privacy Jew, user. Just let go.
The ashkenazi component conceals middle-eastern ancestry.
Current Founder and CEO of 23andME.
Anne Wojicki (former wife of (((Google))) CEO:
>Wojcicki, the youngest of three daughters, was born in San Mateo County, California. Her parents are Esther Wojcicki (née Hochman), an educator, and Stanley Wojcicki, a physics professor emeritus at Stanford University. Her mother is Jewish and her father is a Polish-born American. Her sisters are Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube and a former executive at Google[2] and Janet Wojcicki, anthropologist and epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco.[3]
If you want to give your genes to the Jew, go right ahead, Goyim.
I found out im a mongol ;_;
Don't ruin this for me.
If I was part eggplant they would have told me.
Is there any service that can provide a comprehensive (Y DNA, mtDNA, autosomal DNA) test? And how much will it cost? (
I'm gonna get around to doing it eventually. The police have my DNA anyway, so fuck it.
Is there a better one to use?
23andme gives you maternal and paternal haplogroups, as well as the autosomal analysis.
I used 3 websites and they was all slightly different results.
Stop wasting money in dumb stuff, send tht money to the Hungarians/Polish vigilantes