Hi everyone. It's time to discuss one very important subject. Maybe most important in this situation.
If California will secede, then the mainland US will lose The Silicon Valley.
You will lose Apple, Facebook, Oracle, Google, Sun and other IT companies.
Do you remember about that?
Will Trump save The Silicon Valley as a part of USA?
Thank fucking god.....
>Make America Agrarian Again
Yeah. And their economy will fail and those companies will have no choice but to go to another gibsmedat evonomic center.
California would be Mexico within a week.
california can't secede we're not water self-sufficient, US wouldn't even have to fight a war, just cut water exports
we don't want those cucks
>hey other blue states please ratify this amendment that lets me leave and BTFOs the US left forever
Not seeing it
>If California will secede, then the mainland US will lose The Silicon Valley.
If California were to secede THEY would lose Silicon Valley. You think an Americans state that relies on the rest of the country to import fucking -water- is going to last after a Non-Constitutional Secession? California is totally fucked if they secede.
I am ok with this
Cali won't secede for fucks sake.
Stop wasting your time by bitching about it.
Texas didn't secede during Obama years.
I'm a UKIPtard insider, and the guy who's ''third in charge'' love Trump tier USA, but said he'd love a UKIP run Britain to ''bomb the fuck out of California''
(especially LA, SF, and Fresno)
> Lose companies that skirt tax laws to avoid paying US corporate taxes
fucking disgusting degenerate
>Let Calexit happen
>Keep military presence in Commiefornia
>5-10 years Bear Republic goes to shit from gibs, diversity and drug trade.
>Steam roll the country and take it back
Best case scenario for us good goys in CA. The question is what if it works out and Cali stays sustainable?
businesses will leave California if they secede lmao
kys virgin
Say goodbye to our economy. Those shit manufacturing and coal jobs would never make up for the loss of tech jobs.
I can't believe people are actually entertaining this bullshit. They need permission from the other states to leave the union, or start a civil war. Neither is going to happen.
CA businesses have already left for the most part. Farmers and Tech companies stay because of the gov subsidies ( farms) or they make so much bank it doesn't matter (tech). Smart middle Americans will continue to bail, leaving a socialists paradise for those still around. Maybe CA becomes Brazil 2.0
Silicone valley is NOT the only important thing we'd lose in Calexit.
We have MAJOR naval and army bases there. Where the fuck would we reposition all those assests? Oregon and Washington arent near enough equipped to hold them. And more than likely those two states would be the next to exit the Union anyways.
On top of all this, Cali would have no choice but to turn to Russia and/or China for funding and logistics. In exchange China and Russsia will be allowed to operate militarily ON OUR SHORES.
As such, CA is far too valuable to our government to let go without a fight. So if this does go down, expect Civil War folllowed shortly by WWIII
There is literally nothing useful coming out of silicon valley.
This is what will happen
> Be Californian for Calexit
> "yay independance"
> Trump puts massive tariffs on every business that used to hire american workers in California
> companies leave and spread among the 49
> California gets poor
> Mexico invades
> Californians come crying to Trump for help
> Vegan never Trumper's are now bending the knee to the God-Emperor
> Trump tells them everything will be ok and they will get their tendies
> Trump personally flies to Mexifornia
> Trump lands in Disneyland
> it's over run with a bunch of sleeping Mexicans doing no work
> Donald pulls out an m4 assault rifle and starts shooting
> Kills every hairy cholo and prego dirt woman in sight
> "It's time to Make California America Again"
> blows the smoke away from the muzzle and drops the gun
> Angry conquistadors and banditos get wind of Trumps victory and rush him
> millions of the hairy dirt midgets start charging him with all their cholo might
> Trump is prepared
> runs to Trump Force One
> side paneling blows away from the TF1
> Trump is standing behind a minigun
> "I got 20 million rounds of ammo and I'm using it all"
> 5 minutes later
> Trump laughing
> every Mexican dead
> California agrees to come back if they pay for the ammo and the cleanup of all the dead hairy dirt midgets.
Any referendum would be forced to be like ireland leaving each region to choose for themselves resulting in a few shitlib cities with no farmland.
I have to prepare pop-corn.
I can't wait for the cartels to take control and for every big business to flee back to the states.
i like your phony russian "accent"
now to ask your answers
i work in Silicon Valley and would like nothing more than it being genocided. Calexit is the quickest path to that end
calexit = faggot bloodbath
Yes, because those multinational countries will choose to stay in a tiny country with few resources, no established government, high risk of failure, no diplomatic relations with foreign governments, no military, no treaties or tried and true trade deals and lots more.
I'm sure they'll just stick around instead of moving 2 feet to the left and renter the most influential country on the planet.
>implying those companies will remain in California, thus losing thousands of benefits of being part of the USA.
I can't wait for this day to come. Please leave CA and take all those liberal dumbfucks with you.
>implying we're seceding
stick to your own countries politics nikita
you literally couldn't survive without us cucks
> no mulch under grapes
> no legumes between rows
Almost perfect. In all seriousness Jeffersonian (Agrarian) America best America, you know where that farm is?
>a few shitlib cities
surrounded by people legally carrying AR-15s
why am I attracted to girls like this
Eh, it's all going to get outsourced to China anyway. SV doesn't really add value to anything anymore, all they do is trick and track you.
They have the morals of a $3 hooker. They deserve China and China deserves them.
Apple, Facebook, Oracle, Google, Sun and other IT companies will lose protection from the US government. They have more to lose than the US does. California will be turned into some Mad Max type shit.
Californian land is almost all owned by the Bureau of Land Management
Calexit is retarded
I have a proposal...
fuckinh do it
The only way Calexit would EVERY happen, is if the state of California got broken up into pieces.
i dont want to be a part of french canada
Rural American dream. Keep your guns, get rid of the libs and the degeneracy. Problem is that the demographics wouldn't allow it. Rural areas are almost as brown as the cities. Thanks blanket amnesty. Love being a white minority in my home state.
If California secedes, it cannot do so legally, it would have to do so violently.
In order to do it violently, they will need lots of individuals who:
1. Are more loyal to California than to the US
2. Hate Trump more than they like the US
3. Both own and are familiar/trained with guns
In addition to their own stockpiles of guns/ammo. These sorts of individuals would be exceedingly rare. Keep in mind that existing military bases in any given state are not filled with individuals from that state, but rather a mix of people from all over. And military members in general tend to disproportionately come from demographics that would not want to fight for Cali independence, and rather would fight against it.
California has no real way to secede, and the US government would not allow it either peacefully or by force. Moreover, California still has it's own political divide, and the Northern/non-coastal regions would side against the separatists.
As a Trump Card, they can just cut off the water that supplies LA, cut off outside power supply, and cut inbound fiber optics. With their agriculture, water, and internet out, with little in the way of a fighting force and much in the way of domestic opposition, CA would surrender in days.
Fuck off
As someone from deep south I really, really want this to happen.
>California secedes
>US demands repayment of debt
>California decides to not secede
>>as a trump card
i see what u did there
>those cuts
Immediate red flag of baggage lol
>this causes the leaves to wither and die
California isn't going to leave the union. They are just going to make petitions and walk around with signs. They would have to initiate a military conflict and they would get destroyed. Like fucking 5% of gun owners in CA are liberal and less than 5% of them want to actually leave.
>You will lose Apple, Facebook, Oracle, Google, Sun and other IT companies.
Russiabro still living in 1994
you have autism
>Any of those companies staying in California if California left and they lost free trade with the other 49
God Emperor Trump will simply vanquish California and take it under his control again you liberal swine will bend the knee.
Prefer the original Superman film option
Why does New mexico, Minnesota and Colorado show up as Red in the state map in the bottom left?
Is calexit remotely possible? The (((Economist))) ran a piece a few years ago on how it was amazed it hadn't gone bankrupt yet.
No. States aren't allowed to leave, the civil war settled that.
That won't be as big of a deal as you think.
Those companies already control this state.
Once the federal government is out of the picture they will take control of the state 100% and outsource almost everything.
The entire idea of splitting California into 6 states was suggested by a tech ceo guy who just wanted his own state that he could buy his way into power and control the taxes placed on it.
Silicon Valley needs to be reined in.
This is exactly how it should be done.
Funny thing is those tech companies rely upon US tax code to make massive profits. In reality these companies cater to liberalism to make themselves look hip and establish brand value. But in practice these companies are the worst of the worst when utilizing tax loopholes. An independent California would probably tax the shit out of these companies and as a result the US just has to become as tax haven for the Californian economy. Hell Reno would probably become the New York of the West as all the tech companies would have their shell accounts there.
welcome to Sup Forums
Sun Microsystems is a multi billion dollar company
Assange finally got to settle down and start that farm he's always dreamed of?
>Do you remember about that?
I 'member.
Illinois fag here, how do we fix Shitcago?
My state would be Wisconsin-bro tier without it.
Companies will move out of California. They're doing it already, and when Free California is crushed under the unholy intersection of massive unskilled immigration and the welfare state, I expect anyone in their right mind to flee before it all burns down.
Those companies are as American as Daimler is now.
Many local municipalities have fucked themselves really, really hard with outstanding pension payments (for firemen, police, etc.). Despite how people vote for congress and president, California has a billion budget initiatives every election and the ones about raising taxes to pay for that kind of shit always lose big time. They love liberalism in Washington but definitely not in their backyard. Well at least until 4 nigger prison escapees set it on fire.
"Trump won't be president" we're in the rogue time line, anything can happen.
It's called Québec
California's not going anywhere.
The Mexican invasion force are being driven before the armed forces of the United States.
The Sacramento Democrats are getting free one-way helicopter rides over the Pacific.
Hollywood and Silicon Valley tax cheats are going to cough up the money the Former Tenant never bothered making them pay for their crazy social engineering schemes.
White refugees from California are coming home, to get started on making the Golden State great again.
You know the answer, user.
we don't give a fuck. Life went on before apple, google, & microsoft....it will still go on after they are no more.....
Cali will never secede.
Blue can't fight for shit anyway. if they grew the balls to actually try a "free" California it will last about as long as Shia's "art" project did. would be nice to clean up this infestation I admit but this shit is all elephant talk.
I hear their voting registration policy is somewhat lax
> some russian schoolboy who is beginning to appear chinese due to chronic masturbation
no matter how hard you wish, it ain't gonna' happen