Discriminated french speaker.
Filthy anglophones made him to do it
Discriminated french speaker
>shit suburbia ontario sharter hellhole
>comfy european like towns and cities
I have always supported independent Québec. It's just triggering to think that anglos can do this.
Anglos will deny that they made him a terrorist. It's just a fact.
I live here, why are you for Québec? No one cares about fins here and only old uneducated bastards are for independence
stop trying to break my country apart.
sorry i don't mean noone cares about fins but nobody knows anything about finland and why would a finn support independence?
il manque seulement une option souverainiste de droite. Un péage sur le fleuve saint-laurent sur les navires qui passent pour fournir les grands centres industriel que sont l'ontario et les grands lacs. avec ca et une politique fiscale avantageuse et le quebec deviens literalement un paradis automatisé. l'energie est preque gratuite et disponible en énorme quantitées ici.
>Anglos make French guy a terrorist.
>Guy gets arrested/shot after attacking a French mosque.
>Anglos win.
>French also win because Trudeau logic.
So what?
Because we Europeans have to support our other European counterparts all over the world.
Vous avez du nucléaire?
ouin.. boff on est bien aek le canada, c rien qune question d'culture et de langue.. on a la même culture que les americains pi les anglais.. c juste l'histoire pi la langue...
Based Finland
there's some people that think countries splitting apart is somehow cool or some shit. they literally have no real reasons
If you were to ever come to Québec, especially downtown Montréal and the suburubs of Mtl and Québec City, you'd realize that we're a lot more American than European.
On avait une centrale nucléaire, mais elle a fermé récemment.
Il parle plutôt d'hydroélectricité.
Is Quebec the least cucked part of Canady?
Québécois dislike immigration for the most part but we're socialist as hell
Québec has comfy towns. Would love to visit Finland some day
Quebec incharge of always fucking things up.
We should have a separation competiton.
Saskatchewan and Alberta separate with Canada 100%( no gibes me dat separation like Quebec wants)
And Quebec does the same.
And we will see who is doing better after 5 years.
FLQ crisis, bombings, kidnapping, murder. Montreal massacre at Ecole Polytechnique, worst biker wars in Canadian history. Fucking peasoupers as bad as Muslims.
So you're socialist, but nationalist?
>multicam hat
I bet his pants are Tru-Spec too.
t. ontarian
fuck off faggot
I love you finbro
Yes, I realize that but countryside is very comfy.
Welcome! Häme-region with Tampere (inb4 commie), Hämeenlinna, Jyväskylä and Lahti is the best area in this country. People are friendly and towns are comfy.
Also Rauma and Porvoo are very nice with their wooden old towns.
Yes, but the Québécois want socialism for their own. Most dislike natives(indians) and other unassimilated filth. Most hate the ''BS'' too, our word for leeches on welfare.
Ontario doesn't exist. It's a made up province.
Quebec politics are quite complicated.
There's the typical fiscal left and right.
There's people who want independence, some who don't.
There's also a social left and social right.
The identity game is also complicated, it's split between people who want Quebec to be it's own country, nationalists who want to stay in Canada, and people who like their Canadian identity.
Moé j'vient d'Saguenay osti d'cave
Thanks, saved that info. During which season would you recommend visiting?
Quel coin du Saguenay?
We willingly gave the frogs an entire fucking province they can call home.
some of us frogs are proud Candians, faggot
>gave us
quebec was always ours
Proud Canadian
HAHA esti de traitre liche le cul de Trudeau
Summer is the best season with sun staying up at night and it's just a comfy weather. Up north there are these mosquito fuckers so prepare with chemicals.
Winter is also quite nice if it's really freezing because slush-like snow is very shit.
Wintery Porvoo and Helsinki are super nice, Tampere too. Not sure of Turku in winter though.
>buy beer and snacks
>go to the Koskipuisto-park with friends
>have super verry nice time
>end up sleeping in tornihotelli
Dumbfuck that's what he is
le tabernac!
Le Québec stune osti d'province de bs pi de vieux calisse et d'inceste
Ton français est dégueulasse.
moé jparle le jouale pas l'français
J'ai plusieurs amis d'Alma, fort probable qu'on ne se connaisse pas par contre. En liens avec ton premier post, j'dois dire que j'connais vraiment pas beaucoup de gens de notre région qui ne sont pas souverainiste. La plupart s'en sacre mais voteraient Oui si le référendum arrivait.
The way you descbribe it, it looks a lot like our weather. Can go anywhere from -38C during the winter, up to +36C during summertime. Looks lovely mate!
seulement les bs parlent joual. honte à toi.
you shut your mouth you stupid fin
what happens here is none of your fucking
buisness we don't need the support of a filthy
Neck yourself
J'avoue que la plupart du monde icite s'en calisse de pas mal toute apart leur pickup pi leur ptite vie
Pas mal, on est comme les Hobbit. On est assez retiré des grands centres et on ne vit pas les mêmes tensions multi-culturelles qu'ils vivent. Tout est encore ''correcte'' ici, les gens se sentent retiré des politiques de Québec et Montréal. C'est probablement pour ça que Radio X est si populaire, les gens consumment des nouvelles d'ici en se disant que le reste de la province est un royaume quasi étrangé
We should call it "National Socialism"
quebec is only on the welfare game because their under ennemie regime
tu dois connaitre grand chose .....ta trop eu de propagande anglaise dans le cul
White people finally proving they are not better than muslims
peut-être ta trop eu de propagande de pqiste dans l'cul
Le PQ fait aussi partit du problème
was there recently
Glad you enjoyed your stay!