white people shoot up schools all the time, started the most bloodshed of wars, and invade other peoples land.
Why dont we ban white people?
White people shoot up schools all the time, started the most bloodshed of wars, and invade other peoples land
I dare you
I double dare you
I triple dog dare you to ban white people
>ban people for doing the most shootings
might want to rethink that jamal
Why dont we ban white people?
Because they created this nation... now you want to steal it?! like my bike?
Because you live in a white western nation you stupid cunt. Your existence within it's borders is a privilege, not a right.
In the pic, even if that were real how is that a problem? Want everyone to be ghetto ass doo-rag wearers? Why does someone care how they look especially when you are trying to make an already stupid argument?
Forget about violent crime rate even as a small percentage of the population already?
Go to Kenya, nigger.
You won't have to worry about White people anymore.
Worked really well for Mugabe, didn't it?
White people only do this because of how bigoted immigrants and the left has been
arabs and blacks do it much much more
let's ban all 3
1. If a white guy's best friend is like that he's still black. I refer you to Carlton Banks' speech to the uppity black fraternity. Being black doesn't mean you have to act like a nigger.
2. If white people are banned you'll all starve. Do you want to live in Africa or Brazil? Because that's what you'll get.
I don't get this photo
Are they saying that being a presentable young person who doesn't engage in hoodrat crime means you're not really black?
The whole school shooter thing is ridiculously overblown by the media to demonize whites, and it's actually hard to demonize whites because whites are the least violent race
Shut the fuck up nigger lipped faggot. Go suck David brocks aid infested cock.
kek, I went to high school with the guy in that picture
They are not white people, they are terrorist. White people laws strictly condemn those actions.
>banning white people from their country
You are more than welcome to leave. Take some shitskins who share your opinions with you.
So do black people. Black people also happen to shoot up the neighborhoods just outside the school and everywhere else they can be found.
The reason white people are such a big deal is because it happens so rarely that when a white person actually does shoot up the school it's an anomaly.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, black people fuck up so much it isn't even surprising anymore.
You know, when you're the new roommate, you don't get to evict the people who've been living there since they built the house. We never even said you could live here, and you aren't paying rent. Somebody needs to go, and it isn't us.
That picture implies that "black" is a culture and not a race.
So how am I being racist if I find black culture abhorrent but don't judge anyone based on their skin color?
>who they be
Fucking niggers
Stop posting nigger memes fag
>white washed black person isn't a real black person
>light skins aren't real black people
Blacks are truly the most racist of all.
>that meme
You look old, are you 25+ or something?
>You know, when you're the new roommate,
But my family has been here in the US longer than yours has
> you don't get to evict the people who've been living there since they built the house
But no one alive has built the house
>We never even said you could live here
Yeah, they just said "Get in my house, nigger!" and shipped them over.
> and you aren't paying rent.
But we are? Everyone pays taxes. Even if it's something as small as sales tax.
>Somebody needs to go, and it isn't us.
Good thing you don't have the authority to make such a retarded decision.
Who is going to pay for your welfare?
nevermind. the problem takes care of itself through interracial mixing. and whites usually off themselves too.
whites fuck anything. How did Sup Forums not see this before. Even historians wont admit it.
who needs welfare?
native americans lived on land for thousands of years without such things as taxes or welfare.
So, after living on food stamps your entire life, you're suddenly going to go out and farm your own food?
Explains africa, I guess.
Muslims are an existential threat to western civilization at this point due to policies designed to keep the western nations occupied with petty appearance-based identity politics instead of banding together as a nation to keep civil liberty hating cultures from forming.
>Muslims are an existential threat to western civilization
>still does business with saudi arabia
how do you know what he looks like?
Are you not capable of understanding the difference between doing business with someone and importing millions of them into your country?
>believing this
you complain about Muslims coming in while whites are free to go and fuck shit up in other countries?
As far as poor countries go, Kenya isn't that bad.
Why don't you stop coming to white countries or pack up and move to non white countries?
Srs question.
I like how you assume common sense must come from someone above the age of 25 kid hahaha. Holy fuck you children are cancer 25 must seem ancient when you are 12.
No, we shouldn't be meddling in their affairs at all. If I were god emperor, Saddam and Gadaffi would be very much alive today. I have been opposed to every interventionist war I've personally had to live through. I just don't want to share my country with Muslims. The world is big enough for everyone to have their own space.
Are you mentally ill?
Oh, what was I thinking.
It's time to go home.
Yeah, they also fucking ate each other and cut off people's faces. Not really looking to take a page out of the book of a group still in the stone age.
did you even notice the whole #nevertrump and the whole hillary warmongering thing?
we're not neocons
Because whitey would follow them wherever they go. They just can't stop opressing people of colour.
Nigs always wanting to take what they didnt create.
Shitty thread, but I'll bite.
Statistically, dark-skinned people are more prone to violence than minorities. White people invade other people's lands because other people's lands are rich with resources and the inbred retards who inhabit these lands do not know how to exploit them; they live like savages. White man comes along & exploits their resources, makes a deal with those who inhabit the land or kills them if they are violent apes who would regress society (tough shit, that's just how nature goes, kiddo.)
If other nations would only accept white people's technologically advanced, superior way of life whose main goal is peace and the ability to thrive and advance as a species, then the world would be a much better place.
Instead, you get nigger-tier behavior in response to "whiteys" help: extreme tribal/gang violence, lack of moral character, poverty, greed, disease, etc. This isn't to say all white people are good-hearted but that as a whole Europeans have progressed society further along than any other 3rd world, ass-backwards gang of apes.
>while whites are free to go and fuck shit up in other countries?
Pls name one muslim majority country where white chiristians are welcomed and encouraged to openly practice their religion and are allowed to try and spread their religion to the populace.
>ban white people
what a good idea
Lucky guy to have so many white best friends
Reminder that white people are underrepresented as mass shooters considering their population size, while black people are overrepresented.
Shooting up schools is a fraction of the all the shootings that occur in a minutely basis at the hands of black people.
race is a social construct.
there's no white people on Sup Forums, haven't you watched hwndu?
Does that pic literally make fun of a nigger based on his looks?
Are they literally trying to make an argument that mobile games = aren't games, but metrosexual niggers = not niggers?
Lol, niggas with out whitey picture needs to be from precolonial times. Do u think they lived like that before white people showed up?
Your welcome to try.