What the fuck is your guys problem? Sup Forums used to be nice with intelligent discussions, but now it's just a huge fucking echo box. I go on threads where people are talking about the Muslim ban, and when someone points out that someone who lived here for 20 years with a green card can't come back into the country, people just respond with "get the Fuck out". This board is sinking and you guys are alienating everyone, not to mention you guys parrot Trump and I have seen people believe one thing and then the next thing, even after arguing against it, but they were suddenly wrong about their past judgements just because Trump changed his mind or it fits better with your narrative. Just so you know, half of my family is affected by this ban, if which half lives in Canada. And no, my family isn't Muslim, for those of you who right off people because their beliefs, but they are Assyrian Christians, myself Syriac Orthodox with my mother and the rest of the family being Catholic or some other Orthodox. More and more people are realizing what half of this board is about, the people you see who you either ironically or unironically call a shill, are anons who realize what is happening. I hope you guys realize this.
What the fuck is your guys problem? Sup Forums used to be nice with intelligent discussions...
>you guys
Do not come here if you think the rules do not apply.
What are you on about?
\pol\ is one person XDDDDD
get the fuck out
Nigger learn how to write and spell. I ain't reading that wall. Stay in fucking Canada.
Holy fuck these CTR threads are pathetic
Kill yourself shill
>the Muslim ban
Into the trash it goes. Get the fuck off the board faggot you can't even get basic facts straight. It isn't a Muslim ban it's a terrorist ban.
Why do you leftist niggers think terrorist = Muslim? If anyone's racist it's you stupid fags.
Fuck you guys, I'm concerned because of how fucking retarded you guys are, you see how people already dismissed it as shilling, you guys don't even think about what you say our hear.
I'm calling it what other people call it you tard
get the fuck out
Eat shit, shill
Fuck you cunt
So you saw an idiot line and went straight to waiting on the back of it.
No, it's because fuck semantics. Also not an argument.
Can someone respond with an actual argument? Why am I wrong, give me a valid reason why my advice should be ignored.
>20 years with a green card
It only takes 10 years to become a citizen.
Assimilate or get out.
That's not the point, some people are just too lazy, also it affects people with dual citizenship.
No it doesn't you worthless libtard.
And if they're that lazy, we don't need them.
There are too many Americans leeching off the system as it is. We certainly don't need to import more useless trash.
its a 90 ban
Yeah sorry, I Forgot that dual citizenship just gives you a hassle and you can still fly, but my point remains that you guys are just parrots.
The ban is from 8 countries made by the obama administration in 2011 and not a ban for muslims
You are wrong
Just so you guys know, that Travel Ban was just used as an example of the attitude on this board.
Attack the main argument, not the example. I would really like to hear all your responses.
>he says while parroting the retarded lies he heard on msnbc
Do you retards ever get tired of virtue signalling?
It seems like an awful lot of work for no gain.
Those particular countries have been getting bombed for 12 years straight by drone strikes
There is intelligence from the department of homeland security that many of the resistance fighters in these countries have planned assassination attempts against the people of the United States
It's not hard to piece together user
Op fucking says 'oh no I can get banned too and I'm a Christian'
Except derp, Trump specifically said he'd let in people who were religious minorities...which would be Christians in Syria.
So stop concern trolling ctr.
I'm not virtue signaling and I'm not a leftist, attack the main point of my wall of text please. Also what lies? You mean what Sup Forums believed about the ban before it was clarified that it would affect US citizens? I guess Sup Forumsacks all watch MSNBC.
I'm not arguing against the ban, I'm arguing about the attitude of Sup Forums. Also I believe the ban should extend to the Stans.
Try harder shill
Not an argument :^)
>Sup Forums used to be nice with intelligent discussions,
Holy fuck get out of here newfag leddit cancer.
You said the ban affected dual citizens, implying that it affected american citizens.
That was a lie.
You don't have a point. You're a virtue signalling libtard. How many virtue points did you earn with this thread? Were your libtard friends impressed?
No one gives a shit if some lazy fuck from the middle east who has been a green card holder for twenty years was inconvenienced for a few hours. He'll get over it.
Controlling borders is more important than the feelings of literal retards.
Before the election maggot, at least more intelligent than a bunch of retards on a megaphone
Sup Forums got raided by ISIS.
ISIS wants to divide Muslims and Christians.
Sup Forums wants to divide Muslims and Christians.
>Sup Forums used to be nice with intelligent discussions
You can't be fucking serious
Some people on Sup Forums are stupid
Some are smart
Some have counter points that suck some have counter points that are good
What do you want?
I Forgot that it didn't affect people with citizenship. Sorry if it bothers you that much to dismiss me so you don't have to face an actual argument.
I want people to realize what is happening to pol, and the vast majority don't
Sup Forums was always stupid as fuck, although I concede it got far worse during the election.
Pol has been like this a long time. Almost no polack 100 percent agrees with everything Donald does, but he's close enough, and his end goal pretty much lines up with ours.
Therefore he's something of a legend.
Make no mistake, he'll go down in history, for better or worse. And pol loves happenings. He is the ultimate happening that creates happenings.
Your entire argument was based on a lie.
That's not an argument. It's lying.
>Sup Forums used to be nice
ya ok
idk man sounds just like /pol to me
Get the fuck out
Fake news. DHS used its authority under the EO (which is not a muslim ban and does not pickncountries to ban but goes bu previous laws) to make it explicit every gc holder can enter the US. It was just an error in communication the 1st day of implementation
Sage in all fields for shill threads.
Fuck off ShareBlue.
My white guilt is taking over
Atleast you got a ton of (You)'s from that post right? Isn't that what really matters in the long run?
we won, /leftypol/ git out
From day one of Sup Forums western posters have wanted third worlders / arabs out of their societies. Now that it is somewhat happening, you're surprised people don't give a fuck about sand niggers?
Btw your family should not be affected since he is meant to be prioritising Christians right?
no one cares faggot. go cry about it on reddit.
How are you any better
How are you making this place better
You don't make good arguments and instead you just cry about some unseen threat and then make shitty bait replys
Pol is bad because you are bad
Fuck you guys you're all so fucking ignorant.
>Sup Forums used to be nice with intelligent discussions
>You're just ignorant!
Then get the fuck
Go back to /sg/ you worthless subhuman
Living in America is a privilege, not a right. Only American citizens deserve to live here, and it's about time we have a President who understands that, instead of the globalist puppets who turned this country into the world's dumpster for every country's human trash for over 50 years. The American citizenry should be the gatekeepers for anyone else who wants to live here. Only white people from Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand should be allowed, and only if they pass some sort of test to prove they aren't leftist scum. America is only for Americans and the few people we approve.
>attitude of Sup Forums
>cares about what a bunch of anime fapping virgins thinks on a Thailand ladyboy dating app
Really nigga? Like really? I am literally shaking right now.
I'm trying to makes this place better by trying to get you guys to stop alienating the normies and being an echo box where we will get nothing done. Do you know why the Democrats lost? Because they alienated everybody and they stuck with their "white man bad" narrative and never thought of other things besides what would be approved and garner popularity within their hug box.
>Sup Forums used to be nice
t. liberal
I'm done. You guys are hopeless. Also I'm tired of replying to people with answers to question I already answered. Read the whole thread you yards.
shareblue thread
Fucking read the whole thread you count.
You will be the downfall of the right.
>Papists and Orthodox devils barred from the country
Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
People tell you to get the fuck out because you don't want a discussion. You want to virtue signal and you lie while doing it.
You're literally not worth anyone's time.
>and when someone points out that someone who lived here for 20 years with a green card can't come back into the country]
You do know that even college students can and are converted into radical Islamism right?
Fuck I was using it as an example to how ignorant pol is. Read the whole thread.
It isn't a Muslim ban.
I feel no empathy for you. If your family lives in Canada, then they have zero reason to come here for the next 90 days. This board is sinking because everyone doesn't agree with you? Living in reality must be terrifying for you.
If you want to blame someone, blame Obama for rushing thousands of green cards through last minute.
Kek'd at the pic
I'm not virtue signaling. Also it was a mistake on my part since I was ill informed. All I'm trying to do is show you that what happened to the left as a whole is what is also happening here. If you don't want to hear my warning, so be it.
Trump is the anarchist's choice.
Fugg, read the whole thread.
So? Paco's and many sub-saharans say they are Christian as well, doesn't mean they belong among us.
Your homelands are going to shit, your tribes are being massacred what are you going to do about it? Flee here? Or if you are already here look the other way? Why would we take people in who aren't loyal to their own nations and their own tribes? We certainly can't expect them to be loyal to us as they'll likely flee again as soon as times get hard, or perhaps betray us out of guilt or bitterness over not belonging.
Fuck refugees and while I'm at it fuck the ethnic minorities who would rather stay in the developed world while their motherlands exist in poverty.
Normies is the reason this place sucks
Goobergate ruined every board
Why in the ever loving fuck would we care if "normies" are alienated or not?
Quick question. When David Brock takes you all to the company retreat in Nicaragua, do you HAVE to fuck the children there or is it optional?
My mother moved from Iraq in the 60s because Bathists where genociding the Assyrians
Because normies are most people in the US
I read the first ten posts, and basically your a cry baby that's upset everyone doesn't agree with you.
Basically you belong on tumblr, that's as far as I need to read.
Shit thread
>stop alienating the normies
We don't WANT normies here you fucking retarded shill.
This place is filled with racists, betas that wish to be alphas, and Russian shills.
Hopefully Hiro will nuke this hellhole so all these cucks go back to Stormfront.
Fine, do you want more white people?
And most people are fucking retarded
The majority of people who go on forums are like the top percentile of people
Even the dumbest fucking user is smarter then the most average normie
fuck you nigger!
>Sup Forums used to be nice
Holy shit how new are you?
Normies that would come here aren't white. Go back to plebbit or whatever shithole you crawled out of.
I am a liberal/demoractic socialist. I want to discuss my opinions with the propaganda arm of our President of Hate.
Trump is an intrinsic product of capitalism and the epitome of how it effects humanistic ethics in exchange to perpetuate an otherwise unsustainable society based on materialistic values, which ultimately lead to fascism. I personally idealize the idea of a global community for multiple reasons so it's sad to see separatist attitudes that avoid looking at the bigger picture of any situation. The power is in the people and I hope we see it through so that everything works out. It's important to me to try and stay educated and not fall to either side of the political spetrum to the point of forming dogmatic opinions, in which people on both sides of the spetrum do. I'd rather try and seek what truth and perspective I can find in these situations so I don't blindly follow anything because otherwise you'll just end up recycling hate in your own voice. The divide between us as people is a conditioned illusion and if people are too shitty to realize that, that's pretty stupid but, idk, I have faith we're smart enough to come to a collective conclusion on such a thing and move in a direction that's more beneficial for all of us instead of fabricating fictional divisions, because we're all on the same level and we're only human.
>who lived here for 20 years with a green card can't come back into the country, people just respond with "get the Fuck out". This board is sinking and you guys are alienating everyone,
>Can someone respond with an actual argument? Why am I wrong, give me a valid reason why my advice should be ignored.
Okay, here's your argument. And listen closely.
Perhaps you failed to notice the transition, but Sup Forums went from Anarcho-Capitalist memery to White Nationalism. If you're not white, then you are worthless for our goal of creating white ethno states in the Western world. We're tired of equal rights. We're tired of multicultural experiments. We're tired of being ridiculed and shamed for things we had no part in. We're tired of being replaced in our own nations. We tried to live with you shitskins in peace, in our own countries, spreading our ass wide open and taking every abuse because we believed that ultimately, it would be worth it.
Well, it wasn't worth it. Other races have only cared about themselves, while whites were the only ones able to apply some objectivity. This post-racial utopia we dreamed to achieve, living in unity with all peoples of the world ... this illusion bubble that we propped up through self-sacrifice of white people towards non-whites ... it has been leaking in these last years. Because we could see first hand what it leads to: The destruction of our way of life, the destruction of our white families and our countries. Muslim terrorists killing our people, Jews pushing race mixing propaganda to accelerate miscegenation. Niggers randomly targetting whites on the street. Mexicans raping and murdering whites.
We're tired of being decimated by shitskins out of some false sense of responsibility for lesser races. We don't care anymore. Non-whites have pushed us too far, and now we are bouncing back.
Weep, you shitskin faggot. Go back to your sandhole country and leave us alone. Before we remove you by force. Playtime is over.
Muslims have and always will be incompatible with the west. You're talking millions who believe killing women is sometimes justified and that if you belong to any other religion then you're a enemy to them and their beliefs. Even fucking Buddhist know this shit.
I've never been a complete regular, but every time I've stopped by here this place has been retarded.
Shlama/Shlomo brother. Assyrian here.
Don't bother getting worked up, mate.
>Sup Forums used to be nice with intelligent discussions
College students even be can converted to chant in front of a camera. They're not the sharpest.