are you keeping a good posture?
Are you keeping a good posture?
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Not quite. But it's better since I started doing deadlifts.
sleep like this
Just to be clear, I consider Sup Forums completely satire and this is my vent for my sexual frustrations.
with sneakers on?
no with your spine
im helping you why are you meming around
I just broke up with my gf
Huh OK. I might try that. I've always been too lazy to look into this.
I just fap a lot for that.
maybe you had a bad posture and you did not look confident enough try sleeping like this
>he had a gf
>shoes in bed
my thread my rules no yelling allowed if u dont have anything good to say say nothing at all
I bought a pillow set like this. At first, it is a bit uncomfortable. After a while you get used to it and sleep becomes better.
did your posture give you confidence and height and make your life better?
sleep right posture = good posture = confidence = girls suck your dick = happines = good life.
remember to sleep with a good posture if you wanna becoem happy
It's really hard. You don't notice this at all man
no. it hurts to stay stationary stood up for more than 20 minutes.
except for when I sit. I slouch.
>sleep like this
Is this how you swedes sleep?
try sitting like this or sitting less
Takes too much energy to do that all the time.
My posture is very good i'm a PT
Im sorry user
Normie is sad
>girls suck your dick = happines
I'm confused, I thought you all were gay?
I walk like a caveman-pigeon hybrid.
Yes. I changed my car seat to its highest position which is like a 90 degree angle. I used to slouch, but now I have a straight back and perpendicular shoulders.
do a lot of pushups and train your back the strength in muscles will help you sit straight and on top of it u are sleeping good so it will come natural to sit straight
pic related also works
what do you mean
Hmm good to know :)
you don't notice that you sit in an incorrect position
must be a finn
hm ok but sleep with right posture as in op picture and then eventually your back will become normal and then when you sit your back will most likely be good, just look at the pictures and make sure you are sitting right you cans also look up online how to sit with a good posture it was tricky for me at first but now its good
>Im sorry user
>Normie is sad
Dunno if it helps, but here's the cutest pic that I have.
>stand straight when walking with chin up
>squat when waiting for traffic lights
Out of curiosity how does the pillow under the legs help? I'll probably try it tonight but was wondering if you could explain
Slept on my stomach my whole life. Any tips to train myself to sleep on my back?
Thank you user
It makes me feel a bit better
If you sleep on your back, a small pillow under the back of your knees will reduce stress on your spine and support the natural curve in your lower back. The pillow for your head should support your head, the natural curve of your neck, and your shoulders.
I thought Swedes hung upside down in closets during night hours.
ok so get in the position of op picture, but dont actually sleep, just get some headphones and lie like that for maybe 15-45 minutes, and relax. and then do that once everday for some days and then eventually you will corelate that sleeping position with being relaxed and it can help you fall asleep like that.
Always, women love a man with good posture
i thought americans would look out for the interests of their european brothers
Its hard man, I inherited my grandmas tits so im constantly hunching over
i dont understand what you mean
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Tape yourself to the ceiling
I'll give it a shot. Thanks Swedebro