How can we attempt to fix Japanese politics if they can't even be bothered to have a logical writing system?

How can we attempt to fix Japanese politics if they can't even be bothered to have a logical writing system?

nice troll. only like 3 of these kanji are real. the rest are made up

prove it

mind your own business retard.

犬 dog

太 thick

大 big, great

make america 大 again

Ahmed knows.

犬 bless you

Stop obsessing over animeland and get a job, you obese faggot.

大 犬 are 太?

厚 is thicc, 太 is just lard-ass fat.

yeah I bet lied to me :)

God damn it man I can feel the fire all the way here, you carbonized poor OP

Says the guy from the only nation using the retard rollercoaster instead of the metric system.


fucking this

>the only nation that landed men on the moon
US customary is based on the English system that was the first adequately standardized system for modern industry. Metric was designed in imitation of that system with the deliberate intent of making it incompatible and then promoting it broadly, to disadvantage the English who were industrially well ahead of everyone else.

Of course, the English, their colonies, and their ex-colonies didn't go along with this bullshit until the empire collapsed. And the most advanced industrial economy in the world still hasn't knuckled under.

Metric was, from the beginning, a deliberate wrench in the gears of universal standardization. It's also a poorly-considered system that was thrown together in a rush from half-baked ideas, rather than developed with care over time and based on experience.

Getting rid of their chinese loan chicken scratches would probably do them a lot better. Stick to your alphabet and stop using 5,000 pictographs

>Euros this mad they don't have two systems to use at their convenience

lmao stay mad bratwurstboy

do you love Japan?

We actually use it too, because as a people we English are capable of using both systems and are well suited to determine when to use one over the other. Only philistines limit themselves to one system.

Wrong, also Myanmar and Liberia use it; it's a club for retarded nigger countries.

Yeah, the imperial system is so great that almost every scientist ever have used it. Oh no, they haven't because it's shit and retarded and no one with an two digit IQ would design a unlinear scaled metric.

fahrenheit more accurately captures the temperatures movements of a day

checkmate kraut

I agree that the imperial system is great for measuring distances and power when it comes to transport and industry but as you Brits saw its unfitted for science. That's why your country actually switched to metric in science and used imperial for consumers. That's how it should been done.

>Making science based on feelings
Literally SJW tier.

but he's right though

太 almost always refers to a living thing being fat

you would not use it in reference to an object

read more


>Myanmar and Liberia
We can use wikipedia too, but they are too irrelevant to even be mentioned.