"You fought in the culture wars?"
"You fought in the culture wars?"
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. I worked for CTR before gaining a position as Lead Shill, was affected to the Sup Forums-raid division, as ordered by Emperor Soros.
If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
>those digits
execute it
I was once a memelord, the same as your father.
He was the best shitposter in the galaxy. And a cunning troller. And he was a good faggot.
Kek wants you on pols side
I was too used to packin memes n stuff
>Vader: "No, Luke. I am your father"
>Luke: "NOO!!! That's impossible!! You don't have a penis!"
>Vader: "Did you just assume ny gender Luke? I'll have you know that studies conducted over a 10 year period with recently transitioned females shows that, according to modern day research into cis-normative evolutionary conditioning..."
>rattles on and on about gender study for two hours. Luke kills himself offscreen.
kill your self
Meme magic is a pathway to many abilities some consider...unnatural.
is it possible to learn this power?
Not from a Shitlord
For a long time, Sup Forums was the keeper of peace on the internet, before the dark times came...before r/T_D
>2 wings, 4 legs
What kind of creature is it?
>No Sup Forums, YOU are the Liberal
Justin, I am your father!
If you kill your enemies, they win!
>Off by one Kenobi
close yet so far I was
It all makes Sense.
yes, I was a younger man then, still adapt in the ways of the kek. As was your father, a Pepe Knight