Germany always trying to destroy euro-
Not this time. 2017 this is going to change.
Germany always trying to destroy euro-
Not this time. 2017 this is going to change.
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I hate this fucking idiot so much. Why did he not continue to be a alcoholic in his book store, would make him much more likeable.
He's been a central part of the EUs worst period, long may he continue fucking things up.
You fuck off. EU members only.
Is Martin Authoritarian?
fuck this jew
he should get into a fucking oven
fucking EU kike
>Germany found the only cunt more cucked than Merkel
>Mutti will win reelection because her ridiculous refugee policy seems moderate compared to Schulz
God I fucking hate germans and their kike union. This guy looks like a fucking disgusting alien.
Schultz for the jews?
I found nothing to his jew ancestry, but he looks like a jew. Someone got more information?
So your choice is EU or more EU...
fs Hans get your shit together
Is that fishery equipment approved by the EEC and is it legal to use it in the current context, citizen?
He is of catholic descent. Him being a jew is wrong, and just perpetrated through this one quote he made
> pic
Is he our girl?
Is he?
Shittest meme. Go back to your containment site.
It is going to change...
He must be. He is our last hope.
If he really said it
That image is wrong on so many levels.
Wub you too, Genosse.
>anime woman
Cute. That's the closest thing to a real woman for you anyway.
lol what a cuck kapo
This is so forced
Thank you for Correcting Das Record!
>using trump memes for a globalist kike bent on destroying the european nation state
No, his father was a guard in a Nazi death camp
>thinking the european union is something to be proud of
I'm lost, what am I looking at?
A cuck
A shitty Reddit meme.
>save the europe
no way fag
digits of truth
Praise kek
is there a German version of 4chinz where you can redpill your compatriots? Are you getting any vibes from the younger generations shifting from the same old voting pattern?
>Replacing Merkel
>with (((Schulz)))
Are you trying to outdo yourselves?
Fuck off r/the_schulz
Go fuck yourself too kraut poster back to your discord group
Never forget: The Jew is the enemy.
can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
Holocaust-obsessed alcoholic.
You're sick, subhuman gentile. Jews aren't your enemy, you're enemy to yourselves because you're like animals. Jews are superior masterminds.
Goody goy
You mean that this time you will surely destroy europe?
fuck off autist
Shout out to all my fellow r/the_schulz posters, by the way.
When these are Germany's options, the eternal Anglo need not lift a hand.
Our Guy. Get Merkel out!
No Jew, but he wants to execute the sinister Kalergi plan in Europe
All this r/the_schulz cancer is postet from one butthurt /leftypol/ user to force this bullshit
remember to sage the cancerous shills
Its just an unemployed/paid larping antifa/commie cuck editing the ugly "German" chancellor candidate from the German socialist party on Sup Forums memes. Think of that ugly rat as a mix of everything thats wrong with Merkel, Zionists and Stalin just worse.
I can't think of many people that are both pro Israel and so far left....
what's his end game? What's the deal?
Got the edited pre war posters of the social Democrats?
Thanks for the reminder
got beat in ww2, america instituted a jewish shadow government so germans could never do another holocaust
Wow this thread is sad.
He would be even worse than Merkel - Merkels politics are basically "SPD light" (despite being CDU), whereas SPD and Martin Schulz are almost as bad as "Die Grünen" or "Die Linken". No one who paid attention to the bullshit local SPD politicians spew whenever a refugee comitted a crime (be it taking action to prevent criminals from getting punished or rejected for raping/assaulting other people simply because the criminals happen to be muslim refugees - they don't give two shits about the nonmuslims, really) would vote for that moron, even if both suck - Merkel would be the smaller turd Sandwich. Red/Red/Green-Values put us into this mess; i really cannot fathom why anyone (outside the SJW/Antifa crowd) would consider voting for them...
The following may not be 100 % accurate but that's what I have read about him over the time anyway.
In younger years Schulz was an alcoholic who failed at school and dropped out. Afterwards he was trained as a bookseller but since he was constantly drunk they kicked him out again. He opened up a book shop anyway and it went bankrupt. Having no gf, no money and no achievements at the age of 24 he considered suicide according to himself.
But then... he realized that there is a political party always desperate for inept personel as long as they are good at bootlicking. He joined the social democrats and was soon appointed mayor of his hometown where he built an expensive public pool that is supposedly causing monetary problems for the community to this day.
Later he somehow ended up in the parliament of the EU, became very important and ended up with having around 50 subordinates serving his every whims, including a "Kammerdiener". Since parliament sessions are boring Schulz was often absent but he still found the time to visit the parliament to put his card into a machine to receive the daily monetary benefits of being present.
His last position in the EU was president of parliament. He was actually supposed to take his leave midterm due to some dealings behind the curtains with the other parties. The position had to be shared between two people. But Schulz being Schulz simply decided to stay to receive more benefits causing a small shitshow. Now that he is finally out he decided to return to Germany because a man of his stature needs a position representing his greatness and sadly there was no place for him anymore in the EU. So now he is the chancellor candidate for the social democrats. Their former one decided to step down. He was unpopular as fuck anyway. For a week now media is trying to sell us Schulz as a lighbringer or something.
Just your typical hidden jew that takes over everything.
>a leftist will save Germany
I still can't get over the fact that mainstream political parties pay people to shitpost on Sup Forums
I wonder if this word would still be in use, say, 50 years from now
Because nearly everyone is completly brainwashed to vote for this bs. Or why are partys like Die Grünen still relevant?
I have the bad feeling that we are chucked
fuck of you shill nigger
All EU oligarchy faggots need to get gassed.
The nose tells all.
why are Germans so cucked?
schulz is the uber cuck
Man, this thread is shit. How do i delete threads?
take a knife and cut yourself at the wrist, make sure it's lenghtwise, not across
20 minutes later your kike thread gets deleted
He was the President of the European Parliament from 2012 to 1017.
Choosing between him and Merkel literally is choosing between Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton.
Oh well I guess 1 can play the saxophone, whooptie fucking doo.
What exactly went wrong during your childhood?
We just need to stop posting and start to sage
I assume he was born in Slovenia.
Hello, I am the kraut this argie is so angry about.
>how do I delete threads
Fucking killyourself
he's a cryptojew
>make europe a shithole again
And we'll come after you too, Angloscum!
It'll be lots of fun to finally rebirth Europe by creating a common army and cutting ties to a nation as primitive as the United States of America.
No USA, no Russia!
Only Europe!
Have fun be overrun by muslims you fucking retard
This is a clear case of American stupidity!
Has no idea what is going on somewhere else and only gets his infos from shit sources!
This is American uneducated lowlifes in action!
For a Europe without individuals like this one!
I hope a refugee rapes your mother
How come only the Germans could possibly turn love, tolerance and Democracy into an oppressive force.
I just don't know how you cunts achieve this.
>no arguement
Europe is falling apart
In the absence of war
We are questioning peace
In the absence of god
We all pray to police
Oceans of people
Oceans of souls
Schulz is pig disgusting.
It's not an oppressive force to want freedom from both Russian and American tributary doom.
You will soon learn that. Theresa is only teasing the EU. She knows that the USA aren't reliable and is playing our politicians to give you guys better conditions for your strategic resources.
We will comply and form a strong military union that defends our interests!
Go cry in a corner, uncultured scum!
Don't you fucking fucks try to elect him, you've caused enough problems already
>stop posting
Cringe thread.
>implying you retards aren't destroying your own culture
fuck off nigger, eastern germany is rightful polish clay
Somebody without culture could never be in the position to judge whether or not another culture is destroying itself.
We are rising to the top, while you destroyed Pax Americana on your own accord.
Your stupidity by destroying the American Empire WILLINGLY will be remembered and laughed at for generations.
Not even the Romans were this stupid.