Why do they hide the rapes, beg for the rapist not to be deported, why did the give out flowers to the arabs after cologne?
Do they import these arabs because they want to be dominated, deep down, and this is their manner of doing it?
Why do they hide the rapes, beg for the rapist not to be deported, why did the give out flowers to the arabs after cologne?
Do they import these arabs because they want to be dominated, deep down, and this is their manner of doing it?
because woman are retarded.
"aryan" women are the greatest threat to tradition and traditionalists don't even know it
what's the alternative?
my gf is spanish, olive skin and all that. not aryan. she is very traditional minded and i may have turned her into a bit of a racist. whereas everyone 'aryan' girl ive been with has been a traitorous slut who would gladly jump in with the rest of the virtue signalling hordes to welcome their new masters.
blondes aren't known for their genius
They are playing a game as we all are and are angry that white european men are letting them selves become cucked so hard. Deeply dissappointed in their men. Understandable imo. They are couch potatos most of them.
who knows, but i think that more so than anything all of this degeneracy is from a lack of discipline as children.
All women secretly wish to be raped.
t. Sigmund Froid
The alternative is that the aryan is dead. You have to search for Aryans of the Soul, and it sounds like you have one
Women are stupid and the jews gave them the right to vote.
that's funny i've experienced reversed scenario more than once
they are all lining up to have brown babies in their bellies.
women don't want to break the consensus
women don't want to jeopardize their social support
women go to college
the consensus there is the liberal worldview
anyone that disagrees is harassed and blacklisted
so women support refugees even as terrorism spreads
Fuck off Tyrone
Aristocrats of the Soul, mayhaps?
I can imagine. Not saying my anecdote is true, but most aryan women i've known, besides my own family, have been fully subverted.
Less educated girls like my gf, who grew up in as a white minority in mexican barrios, are pretty redpilled on a lot of shit. Whereas white girls are typically going to grow up middle class in all white neighborhoods.
good point.
Is it all a giant shit test that white men are failing? women testing the limits, and keep getting farther and farther without a firm hand of man to stop them?
>To intelligent to be a cucked euro male
European Girls Want Big 60% White Cock now.
Its just civilization level shit test. Women keep pushing the boundaries of what men will tolerate, and will only stop when we bite back. If we keep trying to be reasonable, the further they will go. Soon we will see women advocating that its their RIGHT to have more than one lover, and if we disagree we are oppressing them.
Think about it, we already have no rights as a father, with regards to paternity testing, custody, etc. We can't shame sluts anymore. We can't shame fat chicks.
Very soon we won't be able to shame women fucking refugees or whoever on the side.
They're just women, user. I thought browsing Sup Forums of all places would lead you to understand the extent of their intelligence.
it's true, we are colonising the wombs of white women and impregnating them with our seed.
They love it and deep down you love it you you weak little pink cuck.
when a white guy rapes its creepy.
when a black man does it, its called taking charge.
ill wait.
Niggers say the stupidest shit, They think everything is like blacked.
>No rights as a father
Sorry but I need to help out the birth rate so yeah I'm having kids. Being a neet isn't really fun at all. I'll have to find a virgin wife though.
Rape is sex + institutional power. Refugees and black men don't have institutional power.
Russian women are extremly retarded too.
It's just a butthurt Niggerposter, just ignore it. He's too much in denial.
>being trolled by cucks
Wasn't saying you shouldn't have kids, just pointing out how much mens rights have actually being eroded in the last 50 years, despite this era of equality.
Have a kid, you move out of your house and pay for it. She remarries? You still pay for her. Paternity test? Not even allowed in some countries, and if you do, it doesn't matter the result because your names probably already on the birth certificate.
Good luck finding a virgin wife though. Im seriously considering joining a church or something. Im rich as fuck, but I don't want to marry some used up whore or a gold digger.
Women can't have Stockholm syndrome
They're all programmed with it by default
Only men can have Stockholm syndrome since we don't have it from birth
Not trolled, it was just a good excuse to post my pepe gualtieri which I hadn't in a while
Its a good pepe.
Muh anecdotal evidence
No shit
t. Charles Darwin
>Stockholm Syndrome
>Swedish women have it more than anyone else
There's plenty in Pennsylvania, Our birth rate is so low, yet race mixing is extremely rare as well. Most white chicks marry white guys. I've only ever seen a white chick with a black guy once.
Also since the grills here are mostly polish, they don't like illegals that much.