When Sup Forumsocks gets on a high horse about not being drug using degenerates. But abuses the worst of them all.
When Sup Forumsocks gets on a high horse about not being drug using degenerates. But abuses the worst of them all
Salt? Im addicted to liberal salt tbqh
Sugar you tard
I don't consume refined sugar, lad.
sugar is a mineral you dummy.
I've cut down my consumption of refined sugar almost completely a couple years back, though.
I do drugs actually.
so is water a drug too? fucking dumbass
Water withdrawal really sucks.
OP confirmed worthless druggie
I don't drink soda
I drink my coffee black
I drink my tea plain
I don't see your point
>implying I'm not on nocarb
> t. fattie
Caffeine check mate
You fell for it.
Glucose is crucial to brain function.
I avoid soda and drink my coffee black. I generally don't like candies and shit, either. I don't like chocolate.
dont take away my crack
>mfw I use THC but not sugar
Do you remember when these people said eggs were bad for you? Just eat traditional meals and you will be fine.
>When Sup Forumsocks gets on a high horse about not being drug using degenerates. But abuses the worst of them all.
But I'm an alcoholic. The reason I get on my high horse about drugs is I don't want to see other people go down the same road I have.
jokes on you I was snorting ketamine just this morning
Caffeine is the best drug.
Liberals hate it, that's why they can only drink their coffee when it's 90% diluted with sugar and milk.
Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake?
I'm off the shit
It's the second hardest mineral.
sugar is essential
might as well call water and air drugs you tard
But you're not talking about caffeine
You're talking about sugar
And you cannot compare coffee to heroin
Refined sugar isn't essential though, you can get all your essential carbohydrates from normal plant foods without any refined sugar added
>tfw I want to be a big boy and drink black coffee but I like just a bit of milk in my coffee to smoothen the taste
Sugar in coffee is sickening though so at least I'm halfway there.
Alcohol is more harmful than most other drugs, though.
Have you tried, I dunno, getting used to the taste?
Liberals love coffee have you seen the average barista/ coffee shops in liberal states.
I think it's all about familiarity, if you get used to coffee with milk (and sugar) you might find the taste of Black coffee to be harsh, but if you just make a point to drink it black and stick with it, eventually adding sugar seems disgusting and adding milk seems unnecessary
Well obviously I can force myself to think "this is normal" by drinking it black every day but I feel like even after that it would still taste better with some milk to me.
Might as well at least give it a try though.
Is this irony or genuine retardation ?
>tfw I've consumed nothing but stevia for the last 9 months and it's tripled my gains, doubled my penis size and leveled out all the acidity in my body from drinking the evil pasteurized milk
People managed to get plenty before the refined saccharine semite became available though.
>that's why they can only drink their coffee when it's 90% diluted with sugar and milk
What did he mean by this?
Most foods contain natural amounts of sugar, eating isn't really the equivalent of getting drunk or high with intention of wanting to get drunk or high.
That being said, I'd say things like the drug culture surrounding pot as well as drug addiction in general is degenerate, but the use of those said substances in moderation is completely fine. Some people smoke a pack a day, some might just want to smoke a cigarette on their break. Some people are raging alcoholics, some people just want a beer after work.
Drugs are an essential tool for humanity, we have had the same brain size for the past 100k years but most of our progress can be attributed to the last 10k years around the same time we consumed magic mushrooms, we evolved from stoned apes
Your talking about a select majority who visit Starbucks like women. There are alot who are purists and batshit crazy communist
Eh, you certainly get used to it. I drink most of my coffee at work, so it's always black. By this point I only actually chose to put some milk if I can and my stomach doesn't feel too well.
I didn't suggest any quantities?
sugar is a legit drug though. I remember when I got a jerb at fedex and i was flying up and down stairs with packages all day... id feel completely exhausted... I'd pop open a coke and take a couple of sips and it was like instant energy... i felt it coursing through my fucking veins and I'd start sweating like crazy and be amped the fuck up for like 20 minutes.
I tried the new Big Mac today. Was breddy gud. Has Sup Forums had the chance to experience this new delight? Also I got unsweetened iced tea so you are wrong about excessive sugar :^)
OP was referring to refined sugar judging by his picture though, of which the ideal quantity is zero.
Have you tried drinking a high quality coffee that doesn't need anything added to it?
>inb4 muh kurrig
I make my coffee strong as shit and put ~2 tablespoons of milk in a large mug. I like it black too, but it tends to upset my stomach.
i drink expresso all the time, and its good but still needs extra sugar
seriously, drink like 300 different beans
eventually you find one that is amazing
coffee is the hard-working civilian's choice of drug.
You could try bullet coffee.
If freshly ground and prepared in a french press I definitely drink it black.
know what else is an essential tool? toilets
No, iron is a metal
you die without water in just a few days
the only reason people drink water is because of the horrific withdrawal symptoms and certainty of death
These digits of truth right here.
Also Turkish coffee is qutie delightful as well.
good enough for the führer, good enough for me
>Gets an upset stomach from coffee.
Just off yourself, you are not meant to be alive with such a weak body
or maybe he's drinking sucralose
Whic one of those guys is Trumps rabbi?
You spelled Field wrong Pajeet
LOO, Mehmet. We have told you several times to poo in the loo.
>chocolate stimulates brains
>tryptophan in milk & turkey make you sleepy
People just don't realize it all eh
The Jewish man stole your foreskin, let's stay on the point :^)
Never had turkish style coffee but I'd like to try some. Is it bitter compared to normal coffee due to the (I assume) longer period of high heat?
I drink 8+ mugs of industrial solvent strength coffee a day, gimme a break
Honey, maple syrup, cane molasses, etc ftw
High quality duplicate digits.
100% on point, recognize it and cut it out of your life. This shit is ruining countless lives.
I decided that I get enough sugar from other sources and that I don't need to add to it by putting stuff in my coffee every day. I drank it black for a while, despite hating the taste, and after about a couple of weeks, I really started to like it. Now I only drink my coffee black and the thought of drinking it with creamer/milk/sugar is disgusting.
It's an acquired taste- you just gotta drink it black for a while and you'll get used to it.
I do love spoonfuls of meth.
It's like drinking gravel
>implying anything but genuine retardation occurs on this board
Nah, worst one is oxygen. Every human in past and present is 100% dependent on it and abstinence causes painful death.
>no sugar master race here
Feels good.
>Black coffee.
>Whole foods.
>Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs.
Also, OP is a faggot. Pic related
If you weren't such a weak willed low energy faggot you could give it up easy
>love alcohol
>love nicotine
>hate sugar
I blame my mom, she but brown sugar in fucking everything like it would somehow make it better. You haven't been disgusted until you've had brown sugar burgers with sweet pickles, sweet bbq sauce, sweet ketchup, and a fucking Hawaiian roll bun. The sugar was enough to make you gag.
On a side note, mom now has diabetes, who would have guessed.
>muh sugar conspiracy!
Actually, hfcs, aspartame, and any other artificial sugar are worse than real sugar.
Coffee Jew is strong indeed. And I'm also a weakfag
The first is my hard cock
>not just stepping your game up and drinking tea