What does these cucks used to produce that we can salvage? Am I scavenging from the dead? Should they be dumped in the toilets of history?
Sweden is DEAD. We all know it. But what can be salvaged?
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I fucking love Muslims
Bevisa det
All those beautiful blonde aryan women up there. Are their no Viking white men to protect them or are they all cucks compared to Muhammad?
Uh, some ikea shelves, probably.
then burn churches and show ur burzums idiot
you can salvage my dick when they find it inside ur nans pussy
Norway should build a wall!
>we can salvage
our women!! Come get them while their cheap, we swedes actually get our government supplied sex robot to make us stay away from white women
no its not!
maybe sweden will be better off as muslim, at the very least they'll stop accepting refugees
>Sweden is DEAD
If Sweden was a US state it would be among the whitest ones.
It will be interesting to see what happens to Sweden during the next 40 years. Will the immigrants eventually adopt the liberal SJW culture and Sweden will become like institutionalised radical feminist tumblr? Or will immigration and birth rates get so high that they actually elect and Islamist party like in Houllebecq's 'Soumission'? Which is preferable?
The latter. Look at London, they already elected the khan.
>Will the immigrants eventually adopt the liberal SJW culture and Sweden will become like institutionalised radical feminist tumblr?
lol nope
>Or will immigration and birth rates get so high that they actually elect and Islamist party like in Houllebecq's 'Soumission'?
At least the main character in Soumission ends up happy and with four teenaged wives.
Lol, sad but true. That makes their diminution hurt all the more. :(
Lol! THIS!
Me and two friends had road trip thru USA two years ago. Have never seen so much mestizos, naggers and mixed couples in my life!
Plus, all interracialporn that porntube/xvideos etc. wants to shuv down our throats are produced in the US.
Why are US whites so cucked?
Yes but Khan is a left wing pro gay marriage Muslim (he got death threats from other Muslims for voting in favour of gay marriage).
In 'Soumission' an openly pro-sharia Islamist party wins.
Lol! Look, Anglo cuck are already trying to relativize their own cuckness!
they sell lots of weapons to dictators.
so they've got that going for them
That's because they aren't 99% of Londonistaners. Yet.
Sweeden = interracialporn, nothing to save
>Will the immigrants eventually adopt the liberal SJW culture
the immigrant ghettos are already basically muslim shitholes where they adhere to islamic culture. people will simply continue on segregating until it's no longer possible to do so and then one side has to give.
Lumber I guess.
Will prob look something like Libanon or former Yugoslavia with different racial tribes competing against each other for limited resources. Prob civil war in the long run.
Sweden is doing fine....
Still really white and right wing will be in control next election 100% fungi shit is already dropped really hard...
My germanic brothers doing just fine trust me
EVERY nigger has a "muuh fuck whitey" gene... this is a fact...
Some tribe niggers are suing germanyr many times because we germans stopped slavery there... and now they want monies.... hahahahah niggers will NEVER learn trust me
US and Anglo cucks feel better with their on racial countries demise if they forever meme: *Sweden = worst cucks*. In reality, Swedes stiffnes and inherent racism makes our culture non applicable to mooslem culture. Much more so than British and US culture.
>It will be interesting to see what happens to Sweden during the next 40 years.
You miss the most important thing, look at Sweden population and birthrate, your answer is here.
The biggest cucks are leafs, USA and anglos.....
All this shit is new to us and we need some time to react to this...
If you went to major cities its pretty much like that. They've always been the immigrant havens. Rural America is clean and white.
The more whites flee to suburbs the less iinfluence they have.
Wtf are you talking about
We're fine, dude