How do you deal with happening addiction, Sup Forums?
How do you deal with happening addiction, Sup Forums?
Get a life outside of this board and current news.
OK, Im a meme war veteran. How do I deal with happening addiction WHILE browsing this board and site for hours every day.
Don't have to. KEK provides.
this happening doesnt feel as good as some of the others though
take harder drugs
which exactly?
You simply stop doing it.
>How do you deal with happening addiction, Sup Forums?
By imagining how everyone around me will react in the happening they helped create.
For example, I am sitting in a philosophy class right now and the teacher is stuck in wheel chair preaching to us that every human life has its own value and that we should take from the rich to give to the poor because they have as much right to a good life as the rich. I like to imagine that she dies of starvation after TEOTWAWKI because no one will waste their food on a useless cripple.
I haven't been here very long and have already dug a hole for myself.
I would kek if that happened. But most likely years will go by with a few shooters a year and a politicians being rude and saber rattling. I feel like it has peeked
You realize that Western civilization is doomed to fail, and it is all going to be 'Happening' every day that goes by until total collapse.
You don't.
You can't stop it, it hasn't even begun.
You could have prevented this. Why didn't you listen?
It's happening.
Life outside this board is normies chatting about what other normies did, so, to answer OP, you don't
I can't deal with it, i sit hunched over my computer sceen in my underwear 16 hours a day clicking refresh. No happening is big enough for me I think i will only be satisfied by WW3, ayy lmaos invading or some other kind of doomsday scenario.
drink es :DDDdd
you ever decide to buy a newspaper from outside and see how many shootings are happening everyday actually? Kind of scary
stop waiting for the happening
make it happen instead
There will be tons of bloodshed but trump will bring us on the right path.
It's instinct. Chad and Stacy can't see through the maze that their own minds have created. We're all damaged, in one way or another. The damage makes it harder for us to fall for the illusion.
Without the illusion we are but primal beasts, we feed off of chaos, we find it interesting. Just seeing all of the possible outcomes makes us happy. Seeing something happen that isn't normal reminds us that we are real. That life isn't what so many people think it is.
i dont want to get in trouble