Media is here after the Quebec shooter is confirmed Sup Forumsack
Put on your normy face
#Sup Forumsackophobia
Media is here after the Quebec shooter is confirmed Sup Forumsack
Put on your normy face
#Sup Forumsackophobia
Other urls found in this thread:
I want the media to know I love my daughter, Ebrietas very much! I think she's cute and everyone should call her cute and make her feel special!
I love Muslims. I disavow the canadian.
You need to go away!
We dindu nuthin.
ask me if I give a fuck
Are we supposed to act normal now? Fuck. I forgot how.
There are 62 genders, being pro-life is sexist, we should let muslims come into our country and rape whoever they want.
We should open our borders so third worlders can get free housing, not work, and get welfare to keep natives from getting it. CNN never lies and is a beacon of honest transparency.
Milo Yiannopolous is a Nazi and anyone who disagrees with this post is literally Hitler.
Drumpf is a fascist. White people are evil and need to pay reparations to black people. Barack Obama is the greatest president ever and Drumpf is a Russian puppet.
Bernie endorsed Hillary and only sexist Bernie supporters kept her from winning the election. She broke no laws and the rightwing media's fake news lying about her emails and James comey is why she lost.
Am I doing it right pol? I know this sounds like a shitpost.....but seriously. That's literally what they say. How does one disguise himself as a normie after you have a Sup Forums tier power level?
best meme
Sup Forums B T F O
kek gives and kek takes
Post peaceful memes.
I'll start.
don't look at me, I'm just here for the pizza
Guys this might be my last post. The rake is comming soon. What do I do?
Fuck Sup Forums
If you're all such cucks that you feel threatened by this then you were never truly based in the first place.
we're a board of peace as seen in the HWNDU stream, don't mind the leafs
>yfw someone says something racist in 2017
They just make threads on their own, and then report on their threads. Vice and salon have done it for years. Slow news day? Just wrote how much you hate the world on an user message board, and write an article on your own post and how shocked you are that such godless places exist.
As you can see new people. Sup Forums is a very diverse board. Just look at the demographics of their favorite threads. No sane white person would spam and bump these threads all day long.
Hop the border and marry one of us in a sham wedding. As long as you say "I do" before the Fuhrer puts in the new supreme court justice to repeal gay marriage, it's smooth sailing for leafs who faggot larp.
David Brock likes nigger cream in his ass to feed the superaids.
>62 genders
Only the Brain can handle these kinds of mental acrobatics
I don't hate all Muslims, because I think they should all be forced to convert to Christianity.
We are a fucking minority! The shooter wrongfully interpreted the words of the Lord KEK. We are a board of peace. Now fuck off CNN.
Fuck all of you kike (((journalists))).
I think I recognize this anime.
We are just a peaceful board on a mangamese basket weaving forum. We never did anything wrong!
>Put on your normy face
I identify as a non-binary traingendered transhuman but i'm stuck in the body of an anime faced bodybuilder.
Pretty normal, huh?
Sup Forums has nothing to do with violence
banning Sup Forumsacks promotes violence
this is literally my mom
i wish i were kidding
I am a Muslim and can confirm pol dindu nuffin. Pol is a board of peace. Reddit however, seems like a very unsavory site that attracts dangerous fascists. The Feds should probably look into it!
>they look into it
>Decides to take one less bullet as a proud Sup Forumsack
>He confesses he was from /r/TheDonald/
We a good Bois
We dindu noting
SAY NO TO Sup Forumsackophobia
Radicalization of the White Male
>Radicalization of the White Male
The Trump Effect
>The Trump Effect
Radicalization of the White Male
>Radicalization of the White Male
The Trump Effect
>The Trump Effect
Radicalization of the White Male
>Radicalization of the White Male
The Trump Effect
>The Trump Effect
I know. Pretending to be a normie is serious business. I feel like I'm trolling but it's what they actually say.
Maybe I should join a local anti fa chapter and recite that shit word for word and see if they get suspicious.
Sorry to hear about your mom though, if kek wills it she will take the red pill one day.
this one is funny!
this pictures makes me laugh everytime. what a dumb woman
Sad lack of libertarian message on that
Dear media, as anyone here can attest, leafs are not true Sup Forumss.
lamed and alef in first word (far right) are in wrong position, not sure if intentional or not
We actually didn't though.
This is literally every parent, every woman and anyone interested in politics.
The rest are uninformed boobs who think that THIS is the smart stance.
We are the 0.99%