>Starbucks to hire 10,000 refugees
How does it feel to have your next Frappuccino be served by a shitskin?
Starbucks to hire 10,000 refugees
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who goes to those places? 5 dollar cups of coffee?
>going to Starcucks to being with
>going to starcucks ever
here in mexico it's $70 pesos which is like 4 dollarinos (which is still expensive as fuck)
Sounds like Dunkin with a higher tab.
I will no longer get my Double Frippy Frappy Double Squeeze Pump Upsidedown Skinny Fat Pumpkin Jihad Lattes from there.
Never going to Starbucks again. Will donate holiday gift cards to bums. Absolutely degenerate.
Life continues as usual
A medium coffee here is 2.50 CAD. So like 2 bucks American. Stop shitposting
>$70 pesos
Won't know cuz I won't be gong there.
Starbucks is sewage tier.
Vienna has a strong Italian diaspora which managed to keep Starbucks out of here.
Too bad the Serbs are not doing such a good job regarding shitskins.
I buy starbucks 3-6 times a week.
Guess I'll be taking my money somewhere else now.
All the people supporting this who need minimum wages, good luck not getting a job and being discriminated against so capitalism can make patsies out of a political issue and try and gain more money.
Costa Coffee is better anyway.
any "refugees" who arrive in USA and get jobs at Starbucks will probably have to suck dick after work and get paid 2 dollars an hour.
from a company with a mermaid giving us a vag flash as it's logo what do you expect?
>I buy starbucks 3-6 times a week
I own a $4000 superauto expresso machine. All coffee tastes like shit in comparison, so i only drink at home
4000$ for a coffee machine? Is that honestly worth it?
Both are shit
Nero is the only passable chain
Still stuck on that Starbucks meme? Home brewed only bitch, only shit skin I'm seeing is my own. Don't lift that ban Trump!
lol i was at starbucks yesterday and there was a brown girl in training and I thought of this exactly
time to get coffee at the local donut bakery instead
im a barista at starbucks AMA
>Will donate holiday gift cards to bums.
Fucking genius. Absolutely fucking genius. I'm stealing this. Ty CyprusBro
Why would I buy a 5$ cup at starbucks when I can brew a cup at home for 35 cents.
Haven't been there in years and now I won't go ever again.
My town doesn't even have a Starbucks
>going to starcucks, to try out the new cuckffee, now with extra enrichment
I just spent $600 on a nice espresso machine last month.
I never have to see these liberal faggots ever again.
>Nobody can get work done because refugees will be raping the baristas
>Bosses fire them for tempting the poor helpless mudslimes
>Store gets renames Sharia Bucks
>They only sell kebabs
>buying (((starbucks))) coffee
>200mg of caffine, $0.125 each.
Just drink water, it's healthier than literally drinking ash.
Why would I buy anything at Starbucks?
>paying 3 dollars for 20¢ worth of coffee beans, hot water, and some sugar
Nah, I'm good. I was at McDonald's yesterday, noticed that all the employees were black, turned 720° and walked away.
>going to starbucks
I'm not a faggot
>go to Starbucks
>Get a coffee
>Is a shitskin serving?
>Demand to talk to manager about the shitskin being rude
Why hasn't anyone posted the REFUGEE WALL in the SBUX stock price?
Fucking gibsmedats!
Good thing all those skilled doctors and engineers can be of some use finally.
Take away all the young student jobs as well, now young people will rack up even more debt.
Just fuck this world up
>still drinking caffeine milkshakes
drink it black, faggot
>go to starbucks sometimes
>not a faggot so i'm friendly to the insufferable liberal trash
>walk in on T-Day with MAGA hat and trump collage shirt
>scowls; qt liberal girl overfills my latte with no sleeve
haha fuck, supporting trump in canada has been great, people are spineless so they're just really passive aggressive
Probably. Ours was around 700€, and it could be better.
>paying for hot water over beans
>Americans think starbucks is coffee
I actually feel bad for you faggots
I don't drink coffee and I have in fact never been inside a Starbuck's.
If you think coffee scented sugar solution was bad try what they market as "yoghurt".
American food is shit tier.
don't drink that shit
what the fuck
The most unhealthy version of a coffee I'll ever indulge in is a Mocha
>implying i drink plebian crappuccino's
>not drinking water
>not saving money
2k17 Make America Healthy Again, it's cool to pass stool
I drink Dunkin Donuts, faggot.
I hope they collapse.
Because he's fat.
Also their coffee tastes burnt. Fuckers can't even do coffee right.
my fucking sides
You rock, Cyprus
At least they practice what they preachy.
Better than average the liberal.
Honest and truthful
>Starbucks voluntarily invoking the curse.
Yeah, this will work out well.
>turned 720°
wait, 360 is a full circle, double 360 and that's 720, so you're trying to say you walked in TWO circles, only to continue to go INSIDE the store considering you'd be walking in, do the retarded move, and continue yourself into the establishment? I mean, i admire your desire to use angles in a cool way amidst conversation but, this one feel short of the mark junior.
>t. I'm new
It's a meme called moonwalk.
>Starbucks to hire 10,000 refugees
more like
>Starbuck decide to jump on the pro-refugee band wagon for PR (BAD: as a company never pick a side for PR purpose, it will come bite you up the ass asap!)
>Suddenly realize how incredibly stupid their claim is given they sure don't need nor have the mean to pay over 10k new employee at once without getting a HUGE hit at their profit margin which mustn't be that great given that kind of PR stunt
>Forced to go along with it because its either you go all the way or you're the enemy with these kind of brain dead progressives
>Services quality take a tremendous drop because you simply can't take that many of a peoples from another culture then just transplant them into America expecting them to be just as productive as the peoples already present
>Eventually crash as share holder start to jump boat due to ever lowering profit margin and what look like the company direction acting of its own to push a agenda or the other
>Get brought out by Tim Horton, get re-branded ''Tim Horbuck'' and all the hipster eventually leaves as the elderly are attracted like flies to the AC and cheap coffee
this is now a DUNKIN DONUTS thread
fraps are the worst thing in existence, amirite?
my least favorite cuck beverage to make is vanilla bean frap with caramel drizz, shit is ignorant. if you want to taste caramel, get the fucking syrup you dumb fucks.
If Starbucks has 10,000 available positions, why not offer them to the unemployed in their respective countries and try to help solve that problem then trying to make a pointless political statement by implementing unfair and discriminatory hiring practices?
>Howard Schultz, the chairman, president, and CEO of Starbucks.Tina Fineberg/AP
>german surname
Not suprised by his cuckery.
Honestly is a miracle to see refugees working, much less working for sjws and infidels, gotta laugh when leftists avoid starbuck when they see a rapefugee
Will proper toilet use be included in their onboard training?
This is brilliant!
The morons with their gender studies degrees will be unemployed because rapefugees took their job.
>TFW leftist hipsters being involved with Starbucks isn't just a meme
I hate leftists so damn much.
>be Italian
couldn't really give any less of a shit senpai
fuck I love dunkin donuts
I worked there before I joined the military. It was a cool job. Never cared too much for donuts, but the other food there isn't half-bad and I would sip lattes all day long. My management was always cool with us giving away free stuff too. I think it's a cultural thing because I went to one recently and got 6 donuts and the guy rang it up as 3.
DD is my second favorite fast food place after Chick fil A
Such a stupid threat, they don't have 10k jobs open to hire for. What are they going to do, fire all their gender studies majors and replace them?
Can I nut in your mouth?
> drinks Frappuccino
>implying I go to Starbucks
For some fucking reason everyone assumes I love it just because I'm in college. I probably got $100 worth of gift cards for Christmas to sta
Drink tea like a gentleman, faggot
Shariabucks. Selling the finest Halal drinks.
Starbucks is overpriced shit.. Will never buy it again after this news...
>hello my name is Muhammad, how may I assist you?
This. Or with light cream
They're going to need to change that logo into a girl with a burca
the only starcucks i ever liked was in a bookstore
That's actually not that fattening. I could brew some coffee from home, put it in a HyperChiller, get some fat free chocolate syrup, and make my own.
your an asshole.
Is that a regular coffee though? No fancy cappuccino with whipped cream and shit?
Because 2 dollars for a black coffee is jew tier.
I used to love DUnkin Donuts, but after they merged with Baskin-Robins, all the DDs around here have poor-quality donuts and never enough of the good ones.
It's quite sad, there isn't a krispy kreme anywhere close either, no little good mom-and-pop shops either. Thankfully the donuts at Circle-K are acceptable.
Trump is an intrinsic product of capitalism and the epitome of how it effects humanistic ethics in exchange to perpetuate an otherwise unsustainable society based on materialistic values, which ultimately lead to fascism. I personally idealize the idea of a global community for multiple reasons so it's sad to see separatist attitudes that avoid looking at the bigger picture of any situation. The power is in the people and I hope we see it through so that everything works out. It's important to me to try and stay educated and not fall to either side of the political spetrum to the point of forming dogmatic opinions, in which people on both sides of the spetrum do. I'd rather try and seek what truth and perspective I can find in these situations so I don't blindly follow anything because otherwise you'll just end up recycling hate in your own voice. The divide between us as people is a conditioned illusion and if people are too shitty to realize that, that's pretty stupid but, idk, I have faith we're smart enough to come to a collective conclusion on such a thing and move in a direction that's more beneficial for all of us instead of fabricating fictional divisions, because we're all on the same level and we're only human.
>Muslims serving ham croissants
This will be interesting..
This is honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever seen suggested.
Why would you ever take on 10,000 (TEN THOUSAND) staff with no qualifications, no grasp of the English language, no understanding of cultural sensibilities and likely commitment issues, whilst at the same time alienating a good solid percentage of the nation?
Secondly, any economist will tell you the value of allocating resources correctly. How is this in any way the correct allocation of human capital? I know it doesn't take a genius to work there, and inner city young adults aren't exactly model employees, but clearly these roles fit their skill level and income demands, to do this at a time of high youth unemployment is ridiculous.
You know, sometimes I wonder if my occasionally racist and social views are outdated and I'm just angry or left out or something, then I see so many fucking people cheering this and it just reaffirms how right I am about everything.
My state used to have something called the Delaware Donut. Was insanely good. Hard to describe but it was basically like a white American cheese, sausage, and some puff pastry.
Legally speaking, they aren't allowed to do so. For once "anti-discrimination" laws can work in our favor
America runs on Dunkin
>drinking jewbucks
>>How does it feel to have your next Frappuccino be served by a shitskin?
>going to starbucks
>drinking coffee instead of based tea
Starbucks is for cucks.
Pic related, i make my own.
>Sharia Bucks