>Be racist and kill 6 people in a mosque
>Deny islamphobia
Stay classy Sup Forums
Be racist and kill 6 people in a mosque
Other urls found in this thread:
>be muslim and kill 6 people in a mosque
>deny religious propensity for violence.
>Be Muslim
>Be racist
>Be sexist
>Tell people every day that you want to kill all Jews, gas the fags, and behead those that insult Allah
>Everyone accepts you anyways
>Explode alone in the basement
fuck off mohammed
nobody deports christians because of WBC
>unironically saying islamphobia on Sup Forums
>Phobia implies irrational fear
Wew lad
>Be racist and kill 6 people in a mosque
>went for women and children
>inb4 false flag
WBC isn't violent, they're a bunch of tryhard IRL trolls with stupid signs.
>What's the difference between a man that blows himself up, shoots himself in the head, points a gun at the police, and a man that walks out with his hands up?
Hmmm... really makes me think!
Sometimes you just want to kill people. Only a bigot would care about their ethnicity :3 No hate only love. He will not divide us.
Well that's just great. Truedue probably set this up so he can Islamify the rest of Canada and sabotage Trump.
GG. We lose. It's been fun. Canada needs to be purged.
Islamo"phobia" would imply that you have an irrational fear of Islam and its followers.
The guy did that because he knew about islam.
If he's islamaphobic wouldn't he be too scared to even go near a mosque?
rem best girl
fuck off leaf cuck
>run into mosque screaming Allahu ackbar
Does it count as islamiphobia if a Muslim did it.
The worst wbc do is hold signs saying "God hates fags"
The average thing that Islam does to gays is throw them off roofs of tall buildings.
Why don't whites in Canada work anymore?
They're just really pissed off pacifists.
They're less of a threat than your average liberal college student protestor.
>Muslim killing muslims for not being radical enough
Oh no french-lite, no, islamophobia will come later.
Cause all the jobs are oil rigs
Did we all already forget about the Puerto Rican Muslim that shot up and airport and killed 5 people?
Oh boy, Dylan Roof 2.0 while dominate the news cycle for the next year every time a shitskin does something
Fuck off anigay poster
Maybe cause he wasn't a white male?
Canada is a shit hole. Really isn't our problem here in beautiful usa.
You haven't read the news lately user?
A fucking white "mail" did it, the muslim boy was just a witness who happens to be a lover of the white boy, but he's not involved-
Why are you even here? Did you get bored of fucking your dog or something?
They are so pathetic that they will even claim they are the victim in all this. There's no point in trying to reason with these psychopaths; they are trying to push an agenda
>read the (((news)))
i can't fucking believe Sup Forums is being duped by TVA news. wait until the police give a statement ffs they haven't confirmed anything except that there's 1 suspect now. they haven't even told us which suspect they released, contrary to what sensationalist outlets like TVA say.
Yeah nah actually learn that Islam is a religion not a race, you can't be racist towards a belief
>explode alone in basement
nah, brah.
Compare mosque massacres over the last 10 years, tell me what percentage were done by non Muslims
>fake news
white boi only suspect.
>TVA Nouvelles
the same news channel that claimed that ISIS managed to take down a plane with some Sony exec just because some skids on twitter said so