Red Pilled books that every Sup Forumsack should have read

Red Pilled books that every Sup Forumsack should have read

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>tfw you will never become Yukios bottom?

why live?

>gorilla mindset

found the cernovich shill

>implying anyone on Sup Forums reads books

Culture of Critique

chech again burger

Ride the Tiger

Mein Kampf


I read all the time. It's very rarely Sup Forums related though.

Take the /iron pill/ lads.

sup /lit/


the author literally planned what mass immigration will do to the west 40 years ago

forgot pic

It's a "red pilled means edgy" episode

Sup Forums's taste in books is like a Commie with nothing but Marx and Chomsky.

Truly red-pilled reading in the books that would have been read by those that made our countries great in the first place, either economically or culturally.

If you don't have an in-depth knowledge of what your forefathers knew, then there's no point "saving the white race at all."

anything by Thomas Carlyle


I already regret swallowing the red pill, don't want to go further down the rabbit hole man...!WQ1j0Q5A!BrV-uEsC2VZlhFsqJV-YHg

too bad senpai
read some shit

Socialists btfo

Ride the Tiger and For My Legionaries. Just to set the frame for a mindset, then read Might is Right.

Today OP was a pretty cool guy

Lads, whats a good handbook for survival?

Post-war/apocalypse or even just casual wilderness stuff

Pic unrelated, another good book.

David Irving's Churchill's War

I find Evola hard to read and I'm not sure if he's worth it.

Robert Anton Wilson is fucking stupid. I went through a phase back in 2012 when I was into his shit. The guy is a tard.