Starcucks announced they're going to hire 50,000 reffugees. Can things can any worse for libshits?

Starcucks announced they're going to hire 50,000 reffugees. Can things can any worse for libshits?

It was their ONE job opportunity once they completed their useless degree.

Now rapefugees are LITERALLY taking their jerbs, and theres nothing they can say about it, lest they be branded as racists.


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Their "coffee" for fat white whores and faggots was shitty anyway

Sudden surge in accidental orders of double hot ratatouille strychnine mocha lattes.

Star bucks iced coffee is some of the worst iced coffee I've ever tasted in my entire life, 711 iced and McDonald's iced is a light year away, and at a 1/3 of a price, the day I drank that coffee is the day I took my redpill

I got a job don't worry about me

wut? thought it was only 10k jobs and across the globe/ not in the US only. stop tryin to bs facts.

>and theres nothing they can say about it
>implying they want to say anything about it

SELL THOSE STOCKS BOYS. Diversity hires means it's only downhill from here.

Good let them higher refugees then lefty's are out of their golden job and will soon turn on them.

Funny how the libs never talk about how many black Clinton supporters have college degrees...

What am I looking at? Is that shopped or did someone really dive a presentation on this?

Starbucks is shit. I feel bad for anyone living on the east coast to never have tried true redpilled coffee.


I brew my own coffee or I buy exclusively from small business mom & pop type places

Fuck Starcucks

There's a special kind of pleb that unironically drinks shit from that place.

Cool, now more white liberal whores get more refugee dick.
Fucking nightmare really. Just kill starcucks

Isn't caffeine considered haram?


> art / liberal degrees working for starbucks.

I don't get this trend.

I usually go at starbucks if I want leech on their electricity for 5 hours working and it's an annoying place to stay if you don't have any earphones on because of how fucking loud people are.


Let them eat themselves. They deserve this. It's what happens when you're a spiteful fuckass.

>inb4 it doesn't have an effect on them because they're stay at home welfare queens anyways

So Trump just made 50,000 new jobs. why didn't Obama do this?

*mansplains loudly

Same reason you endure the screeching in Sup Forums, friendo. Like-minded people.

>college degree

oy vey these goys weren't liberally indoctrinated

sounds like you know it well

Yeah they're not allowed to drink coffee,
They will probably do it anyway, at least they got paid. Then again, some Muslims complain and say they shouldn't have to serve alcohol. Imagine Starbucks caves to their complaints that it's against their religion to serve coffee?

That's because a degree only makes a difference if the person is able to use it.

Whatever. Everyone knows America runs on Dunkin'.

If some other cafe doesn't charge for using their electricity here, I'll be happy to ditch starbucks. but then again I only do it once or twice a month when deadline's getthing there.

Actually I just googled it. Coffee might not be haram.

simple way to make money off this (the jewish way):

apply to starbucks
get rejected for whatever reason
sue because you're white and they said they're hiring only refugees, a violation of the Civil Rights act of 1963
win money
starcucks gets shut down or bought by mcdonalds

50000 new underpaid workers
slavery 2.0

Are you fucking retarded?

There is Starbucks near my uni, all white dumb bitches and cucks go there, then they share photos of "drink" that they call coffee. No one will convince me that something that contains 90% of sugar and other sweet jews is coffee.

McDonald's. Always. Wins.

Is this image real?

Won't be long till one of them jerks off in someone's latte.

If it's not, what do you suppose they're burning in a ruined city? Concrete? Tiny buses?

German construction company hired 100 refugees.

Now 1 is left.

Good luck, starbucks!

I'm pretty sure this is illegal discrimination on the basis of national origin under federal civil rights statutes. Hopefully their decision will trigger a federal investigation.

coffee is not haram
civet coffee was being considered, think it got a pass because only the richest muslims drink it.

The first company to be boycotted by POL due to health concerns. I do not want them touching my cup.

It's routinely been held that you can discriminate against whites if you're promoting minorities. It's the whole legal basis for affirmative action.

Now that we're getting a super conservative supreme Court that shit might finally go out the window.

Webm related, the kind of people working at starbucus.

Starcucks coffee is shit anyway. About six dollars for a shit tier cup of coffee.

Search for independent coffee shack near you or just make your own, it's not hard.

what other professions can rapefugees take from the white liberal hippies.

There's one in Gold County, California.

>Webm related, the kind of people working at starbucus.

I need to start going back...

I wonder what the statistics show when you change is to any colour, no job.

Right, but this isn't discrimination on the basis of race - it's discrimination on the basis of national origin, which is another "protected class" under federal law. Thus, not only are all Americans being discriminated against (white, black, asian, etc...) but also our friendly mexican immigrants, chinese immigrants, etc...

I just bought a Vitamix so I can make my own fucking cappuccinos.

Don't want some disgusting mudslime making mine and fucking up.

I'm pretty sure basic contact, let alone sex, with non-Muslims is "haram" but that doesn't stop them from raping white women everywhere.

it's the liberal arts majors working at starbucks. People without college degrees are welders, machinists, pipe-fitters, boilermakers, etc.

> how will you reply?

How are they going to hire people after they are deported? Also, why are there at least 50,000 jobless refugees in our country to begin with?

>"I'll buy a coffee so I can get the toilet access code, then I'll go in there and suck your dick. Deal?"


What the fuck?

Pretty sure the 50k number was global hires. Learn to read dipshit.

Don't buy their shit then, simple.

hold the phone, i recognize that gay blow job!

nah senpai, why would it be


where the fuck did you get that from lol
that is literally total bullshit

I recognize that blowjob