White man drinks wine. Beer is for plebs.
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Reminder, drunkards will not go to heaven
Great post OP, I learned something.
Wine is just people being pretentious about smell
>drinks alcohol
Shiggity diggity, you lost your dignity.
Only a fagguette would say this
Wine is for women.
Im no faggot.
>France showing solidarity with it's brothers Turkey and Albania
>germany drinks alot
>poland drinks alot
>finland drinks alot
>switzerland drink alot
>Russia Drinks alot
>Sweden/Norway drink a mediocre amount
>not white
No no youre right, France, Italy, Turkey and Greece, the countries that drink the least, are the white ones, oh yeeeeah suuure
How about Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece?
They go to hell, to be tortured eternally by leafs.
How the fuck do you not drink yourself to death during the winter over there?
Drinking is pretty alpha desu. The Navy's best days were when everyone was drunk
How were the gay orgies?
Incredibly disappointed in myself, we should be AT LEAST in the 80s
>unironically defending drinking the liquid jew
There probably are a lot of Canadians in Hell because we have a lot of faggot queerbeckers
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang
White man drinks wodka
Beee increases feminization in men because of hops.
>men should drink wine
>women should drink beer
Better for both anons.
>actually women shouldn't drink and in all reality neither should men. More concerned about the women though. Seen and done to much with drunk women on campus.
Wud love and protect the one on the right
Wine is for fags m8
Wine is for people who can't into distillation/brewing.
i am disappointed
said frog-eater
ah sorry, your ever dont are french, paki or nigger muhammed problay
only beer. right germanbro?
if you are an adult and cant put down a few drinks without getting sloppy or having your drinking interfere with your you should not be drinking
at the same time...
don't get huffy at men who can hold their liquor and enjoy putting down a few once in a while
Better than going to Canada
White countess drink beer because we can't grow grapes.
For us wine is an exotic import.
>drinking the liquid potatoe
Men drink beer wine and booze. Stop being a fag France
hey wuzzup whiteys.
This casual alcohol addiction is something I never liked, one of my main gripes with Austria.
I did not expect that.
Proper men makes their own mead and drink that
I'll show this map to anyone who calls me muslim. Thanks OP.
watch how people try to justify this by claiming they dont clean their asses with their barehands so it stays clean after they go to toilet unlike us.
What the fuck?
you're goddamn right
I use water only after taking a piss and soap after shit
You learned something from the Balkans, Abdul. Congrats
Wine is the cuckmans drink
Mudshit sandnogs wipe their ass with their bare hands.
Besides, the skin on your penis is regular skin. There's no reason to wash your hands every time you pee.
LOL called it
Me too pal, me too
It´s the other way round
The fags don't want the redpill. They'll find other explications
because we have a functioning society over here
great, Sup Forums shitposting. fuck flags.
>brits drink less beer than us
I don't always wash my hands every time I go to the bathroom, okay? Can you deal with that? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
You know when I wash my hands? When I shit on them!
That's the only time! That's the only... And you know how often that happens?
Tops... Tops! Two, three times a week, tops. Maybe a little more frequently over the holidays, you know what I mean?
Filthy roach. How can you justify having literal shit on your hands? Washing your hands with soap won't remove all the shit particles or the smell, especially under your filthy long sandnig fingernails. I forgot you roaches don't have foreskins which explains why you'd have to wash your hands every time you pee.
>not boosting your immune system
God bless Estonia. Hang in there, little guy.
Tt literally isn't. Go to a fancy place and ask for beer. Everyone will stare at you in disgust.
>Drinking non-lethal shit
I think you got all this drinking thing wrong...
I knew it!
cough,cough what a faggot cough,cough
is wine Nice? because the truck was
you still touch to your genitals, they are often sweaty etc.
its just common courtesy to wash your hands after any kind of visit to toilet imho.
why dont you swim in a sewer than? it would boost your immune system a lot!
Keep telling yourself that
in in civilized places like Austria
*not in
Beer is nigger tier
>functioning society
>one of the most drugged and drunkest countries in Europe
drugs make you delusional Mehmet
nice flag
>the tukish beverage
Surprisingly low considering the quality and the amount of the wine produced here.
It really activated my almonds.
yes bong?
>yellow rakı
what the fuck.
>Tfw Britain's number is actually around 50, but Nigel Farage personally brought it up to 69, the memeiest number
just asking, dont be mean
Pretty sure it is Bulgarian,since alcohol is supposed to be forbidden in Islam.
Besides i prefer vodka just wanted to leave it open for some other Slavshit.
now we are talking.
lion's milk is the best milk!
thread theme just for you:
i am not mean dont worry, what up?
Delet tis
crime rates, bad shit happening
still no dollar colapses
Raki bring us Balkanniggers together
says the genuine muslim from Bosnia. KEK
what happened to the huge empire?
death of USA imperialism when?
No Mehmmet, you aren't white and neither are Shitalians. The only real white countries are beer countries.
filthy fucking african niggers and poo in loos literaly tore it apart, like i did with their arseholes years before
rakı is literally arab alcohol but it got famous with us, turks because we drank it a lot.
its a very common and probably the favorite alcohol in turkey.
mmm i love me some rakı man.
They do.
Beer is much better than wine.
reminder that white man drinks
I still need to get my hands on a bottle of Linie
funfact france is also the1st consumer of whiskey
damn drank a bottle of rakı with my bff last friday, holy shit it was nice.
too bad hes leaving town for good, he decided to quite master's degree because he wasnt happy with it.
lost my drinking buddy :(
shit happens, we lost our empire too. we ll build another one in future again. maybe this time we can be allies like elizabeth wanted couple of centuries ago against spaniards.
>Austria less drunk than Slovakia
Fake and gay.
drink to this
whiskey and rum are goat tier
>not even in top 10
At least we beat Poland.