We are ten days in and he's done more damage to America and our image in the world than any person in US history. Impeachment when?
Is Trump the worst president ever?
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Fock off
He's the BEST. America first. MAGA
Did he actually have a Q&A on reddit?
Obama is a stupid nigger
Yeah he answered like 8 questions
You won't have it that easy now, dude.
Prepare to get burned.
>More damage
You are literally being dragged into the warm light of prosperity and safety by your hair while you whine and cry like hysterical children.
I legitimately put $100s on Trumps impeachment. Can't wait to make some sweet cash off the destruction of our nation.
Yes. reddit.com
He answered every question in classic Trump Style. Poorly.
In the last 10 days he has sped up the deconstruction of Global Media.
One of the top news sites ran some long ass piece about an interview with an ex-diplomat about Trump being a meanie..
All top comments are people calling their shit out
By damage do you mean the first time we are getting taken seriously since the early 90s. Libs always want everyone as cucked as them.
Oh, definately. Has done more irreversible damage to Murica in a couple of days than Hillary could have ever hoped for.
aye because nothing says democracy like ousting a legitimately elected leader because one group doesn't like him, toddler mentality.
politics is not a bar fight
>I legitimately put $100s on Trumps impeachment. Can't wait to make some sweet cash off the destruction of our nation.
lel i remember a faggot like you who put like 30k on hillary winning. good thing you only put 100
Except he committed high treason
Sorry you can't get a job with your African Sports degree.
If by your definition of "worst president" is a president who actually "does something", then yes.
Launching salvos of executive orders is not how US president is supposed to work.
His role is insuring smooth functioning of state and being a mediator with panic button in case something autistic passes through congress.
Maybe Congress should make a law banning EO's, but they wont. I like Trump's EO's and none of them have been unconstitutional. I hope he signs EOs everyday for four years
Washington GOP love Pence. He hates the gays and loves being a yes man. Check this shit out.
David Brock fucks children.
The good news is his executive orders mostly mean jack shit. Its only the travel ban that has had an actual effect. And even that appears to be headed for further legal challenge. This shit is mostly smoke and mirrors so he can say he stood by campaign promises. But he actually has to work with congress to fulfill most of those promises.
Everyone pay close attention to this. This is a textbook example of a shill. They are poorly attempting to use our memes to appear as if they are one of us. DO NOT reply to this shit unless you sage.
God, how many of this exact same thread have we seen in the last week?
The best in recent years
O, and fuck off Brock. James is going to jail, that sick pedo fuck.
These dumb faggots believe everything in the media.
Have you seen any Islamic attack in the USA since Trump won the election?
Ok, so when people say "he's already done enough damage", what the fuck do they actually mean by that?
I swear to god y'all got electra complexes. This strongman "daddy" stuff is too much. Wipe your own ass. Drag your own hair.
I don't follow American politics, what has Trump done that has caused so much damage?
>Finally, I want to highlight a story that many people haven’t noticed. On Wednesday, Reuters reported (in great detail) how 19.5% of Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, has been sold to parties unknown. This was done through a dizzying array of shell companies, so that the most that can be said with certainty now is that the money “paying” for it was originally loaned out to the shell layers by VTB (the government’s official bank), even though it’s highly unclear who, if anyone, would be paying that loan back; and the recipients have been traced as far as some Cayman Islands shell companies.
>Why is this interesting? Because the much-maligned Steele Dossier (the one with the golden showers in it) included the statement that Putin had offered Trump 19% of Rosneft if he became president and removed sanctions. The reason this is so interesting is that the dossier said this in July, and the sale didn’t happen until early December. And 19.5% sounds an awful lot like “19% plus a brokerage commission.”
here you go. The article covers some other stuff too, but thats the main one
It means that the concept of american exceptionalism which survived 8 years of Obama was annihilated within a week of Trump's presidency.
>legitimately elected leader
Pff. Downing red pills with the koolaid doesn't work
As Trump supporters like to point out, we aren't a democracy, we're a constitutional republic.
suck a dick faggots you're going to lose again. I hope it's some of the same people because I still have your names and addresses on record desu.
>Likes Trump
>Hates jews
Won't you be in for a surprise when Florida is annexed by Israel?
When you leftist's are brought up on sedition, treason, insurrection, and genocide charges.
stay mad , liberals
he has more support worldwide than people against him.
he's keeping his promises, and has been more efficient in 10 days than obama was in 8.
he people chose him, and you are childish for being a pussy about it.
trump is so far the greatest president of the united states.
Time to stop Trump, time to join the Resistance!
>59% approval rating
Impeachment never, so you should fucking kill yourself, faggot.
hi ShareBluePill
Insurrection isn't a crime and sedition laws have been rendered impotent by the supreme court back in the 20th century. Genocide would be fine, but that hinges on the Geneva convention which Trump has been an advent opponent of. Treason doesn't make sense because the foreign power played for your team.
Grow up.
>libtards and 3rd-world niggers are kvetching
Naw, duh. That was expected.
I don't give a fuck if they're butthurt.
I'll take my chances, AIDS SKRILLEX
Sure completely normal user. Keep trying ;)
EOs are literally how the president does his job. They can be abused but they're hardly inherently unconstitutional.
kill yourself CTR zombie
saged and gay
He's the biggest failure and threat to america and the world. Let's hope he gets removed before he does even more damage.
>lying to himself
You mean disapproval lol
Lowest in history so close to the inauguration.
Dictators are very efficient, but unfortunately this is America and we're not supposed to be as efficient as dictators.
>he people chose him
The people didn't choose him.. the states did.
>childish for being a pussy about it.
Calling others childish and a pussy in the same sentence. Classy.
Worldwide support from Russia? Yeah sure. Since not a single head of state has complemented his muslim ban, and several have condemned it. Britain flipped their shit, but whatever. Live in your bubble.
Swedish leftists are a threat to Sweden.
he's actually right about that faggot Snowden
Trump is a puppet. Bannon is the guy running the show. Pence was suggested to Trump by Republicans in order to have one of /their guys/ in there once they impeach Trump.
???? Do you know what treason is you fucking retard. Try again.
These digits...