Once upon a time

>once upon a time

>there was nothing

>which evolved into space jizz

>which evolved into this blob with teeth

>which evolved into people

>atheists actually believe this

Other urls found in this thread:


>once upon a time
>OP was born a fag

space jizz is redpilled af

Yeah, why not?

Why are christcucks so obsessed with atheists?


>Everything originates from a big bang that happened out of nothing, because there was nothing before the big bang

Retards believe it mate

Those aren't teeth, you phillistine

yeah bro, you're right, adding an extra step called magic-make-believe-friend makes that series of events more believable.

how could atheists be so stupid?

thanks for the overly generalized process of evolution and biology to help support theism OP

your dose of red pill was extra heavy

Why do people think the Big Bang and Atheism are the same thing?

The only thing that doesn't add up is how the Big Bang came out of nothing. Atheists are just as clueless about how the universe was born as theists are. But stop acting like evolution doesn't make sense. It's obvious and we can see it every day.

If you're going to argue against it at least figure out what the theory actually states you fucking mongoloid
I thought young-earth creationists were too stupid to exist outside of the us

That thing got to the moon
And You still haven't got a gf
Sad frog.png

Nothing doesn't exist.

>We dont know
>Therefore god
Why are theists so disqusting?

Why is it so hard to believe that humans evolved from a worm that only consumes resources and turns them into feces?

>Once upon a time
>there was a human
>the end

pick one

You don't have to be not an atheist to be a fucking idiot.

>I know more than scientists! Case dismissed.


reminder, even this ugly thing got laid. what's your excuse?

>simulation is turned on


>dont know
>literally written in the bible how it happened

How does it feel to be so stupid?

Once upon a time there was electricity, which evolved into wires, which evolved into magnetism, which evolved into bits, which evolved into chips, which evolved into computers, in just 50 years. Religiousfags don't believe that human evolved in billion years.

t. believes the earth is 6000 years old and made by a magical skydaddy

Lol atheists are so ridiculous. Pic related is truth.

Imagine actually falling for the (((science))) meme unironically.

>happened out of nothing
The timer we know started as the Big Bang happened. We just don't know what was before.

If you take creationism literally then you are a retard.

The bible is meant to be interpreted metaphorically.

How does life begin? Does it just begin when elements are mixed together and heated over billions of years?

I'm studying physics, some of my professors have discussed this.
There is no consensus in cosmology about literally anything before the Big Bang. The way relativity warps time and space makes it so that in our current understanding the notion of "before" the Big Bang is flawed in itself because time didn't exist as a metric at that point. It's like when people who don't understand physics say "What if I get in a spaceship moving faster than light?" That's physically not something that can happen, not even in your imagination, and "time before t=0" is mostly viewed the same way.
This leaves the origins of the universe completely open-ended, open to God, open to nothing, open to anything. Anyone claiming they have some super new theory to describe what started the Big Bang is either a journalist misinterpreting research or someone trying to sell pop-sci books.

>once upon a time

>there was nothing

>then there was a magic fairy man

>he created people magically

>then the devil came with a shovel and planted some bones to lead mankind astray

>don't touch your dick or you go to hell k?

>you're supposed to believe all this without any proof


we cum in peace

>t.believes in unfalsiable equations that are 98% incomplete as a working model of the universe just because he doesn't want Bill Nye to point and laugh at him



How do we know the Big Bang happened?

pretty spooky looking thing, innit?

Humans evolved into frogs in 1 year, next year they will rule the world.


>humans are deuterostomae, meaning the first thing that forms after conception is anus

Everyone know ayylmaos terraformed earth and seeded plant and amimal life. Then let the ecosystem even itself out and evolve over millions of years. Then came back to splice their DNA with an earthly creature similar to today's monkeys about 300k years ago. This is the most plausible explaination for our species higher intelligence.

Inflationary spacetimes are incomplete in past directions.

>once upon a time

>I learned an entire religion from a standup comedy routine

lol just lol if you haven't taken pelastration pill





pic related

low energy

>98% incomplete as a working model of the universe
Lmao, ok my friend
If you can disprove the quantum mechanics behind the transistors in your computer allowing your stupid ass to spew shit all over the internet you'll win a Nobel Prize

Someone prove to me that evolution is real. I'll be waiting

If the universe was empty, there would be no universe.
There had to be SOMETHING for it to exist.

Perhaps the universe was at first very tiny, with a few heavy molecules bouncing around, gaining speed over trillions upon trillions of millennia until they happened to line up perfectly enough to smash together and create the chain reaction that birthed the universe.

But believing in a semetic religion is super redpilled right?

Really stuck it to the jews there, Hitler

They doubt their religion so they attack atheist to make themselves feel better

Big Bang is unimportant, we don't even know for sure if 70 years ago Hitler gassed the Jews or not.

Universe is expanding and all stationary solutions are unstable.

According to what?

Evolution is changes in allele frequency over time. If you have a mix of DNA from your parents then it is proven.


Border, Guth and Vilenkin

Well you can pick "thinking people"/"people thinking" apparently


once there was nothing, then magical skydaddy thought it was a good idea to make earth, but not in an instant but 7 days, cause he totally is all powerful but it needs to be done in 7 days because reasons. also he had to rest on the final day, he didnt have to cause he all powerful but he wanted to. also his creatures he made in his image was kinda shitty but it was totally not his fault, despite him being all powerful. i could go on and on, but religion defies logic.

read a book

we really arent that much smarter than other apes.

Naw, Im sayin' we wuz product of pic related 4life.

>Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing.
>And before there was nothing, there were monsters...

>not knowing who really created the human race

>Why are atheists so obsessed with christcucks?
atheists attack christianity the most because they know that if they attack the 2nd biggest one they'd die

I agree. Humans aren't as informed as we think.

>universe is expanding
How do we know this though? How do we know that dark matter isn't obscuring the universe's light? We don't even know what 98% of the universe is made of. How do we know that the math is right? It's completely unfalsifiable.

Higher collective conscious my good friend

>Mass contradictions and errors in your holy book
>I-I-I-It's just a Aesop, just a metaphor it didn't actually happen
>>Litteraly written in the bible how it happened
Make up your stupid fucking minds.

We're able to see the universe's expansion radiometrically.

cut out the memes, how many people on here believe that god or some other higher entity was actively involved in the creation of life on earth?


They think atheists wear fedoras and say m'lady and "I am become euphoric".
All just a meme though.

>Border, Guth and Vilenkin
These guys don't know what 98% of the universe even consists of. How can they make accurate mathematical formulas?

How did humans evolve into black, brown, white, and Asian? Why are Asians slant-eyed while whites are tall and slim? Why do blacks have the biggest dicks? How come people can generally differentiate the natives of each country from one another?

>How do we know this though?
Redshift of almost all galaxies except a small number very close to us? We now have data that the expansion is accelerating too

>changing the goal posts

>not an argument

Wew are all evolutionists this stupid?

Looks like your average Trump protester...

>i learned about atheism from christcucks on Sup Forums

I get that you all hate antichristfags. That makes sense. But how can you shit on actual athiests?

>This whole thing is so amazing, so wonderful, so great. It's magical. I can't even begin to comprehend how it could be.
It's because a dude in robes made it be nerd, lol. How stupid can you be? XD

>mfw he actually believes we descend form a brother and a sister that fucked eachother and descended from a rib.

Do microscopical bacteria have to worry with desiases of their own?

See my previous post. Ayylmaos are the man in the sky javascript:quote('110086748');

The Christian creation story is just as retarded though. Frankly I truly unironically think the most likely explanation is Alien engineering. Although I will grant that possibility that the Genesis creation story could be a rudimentary metaphorical interpretation of ancient alien engineers.

Big bang is a theory, biological/genetic findings is evidence. Even if big bang is a theory, it's still a better more scientific theory than god, but still did Hitler gas the Jews? Gassing the Jews isn't biological evidence, it's written down evidence, the corpses are suppose to be burned, nobody counted 6 million corpses.

That isn't the point of the research, that's misdirection.

They're able to see where matter began based on it's expansionary trends among other things.

That is not a change in goal posts. That is what evolution is, precisely.

write me a rapid explanation of who created the human race

black skin works really well if you leave in a place with a very harsh sun, and white skin works well where its less harsh sun. white people got their white skin so they could more easily absorb vitamin d. thats why white people more frequently get cancer also, the white skin

Rather look like that than your average trump supporter.

They don't need to know what dark matter is, just that is has a mass (which is verifiable by observation data of how galaxies rotate due to having virialised dark matter halos and so on), to put it into equations. You need general relativity to do it.


>The only thing that doesn't add up is how the Big Bang came out of nothing.
This is why atheists make fun of brain dead theists instead of just feeling sorry for them.

First, being a non-believer in obviously made-up gods does NOT mean that an atheist ascribes to any other thoughts or ideas.

Second, no scientist ever says that the Cosmological Expansion came from nothing.

Third, our brains are designed to be rational. They are only meant to engage in brief flights of fantasy, like day dreams, hypothesizing and other creative endeavors.

Theists force their minds to believe things they know cannot possibly be true and the result is cognitive dissonance. After believing for decades, the long-term stress of cognitive dissonance causes the brain to no longer care what is real or imaginary. They eschew logic and quite literally train themselves to hold mutually exclusive ideas without any scrutiny.

That's why they make the claim that the Big Bang came from "nothing". Not only do they have zero scientific education, but their critical thinking skills are always shit-tier.

>Atheists are just as clueless about how the universe was born as theists are.
Then the massive difference is that the atheists don't claim they do, and they don't go around lying to everyone about it.



Theoretical physics is different from actual physics, my friend. I don't know what a simple semi-conductor has to do with the fact that 98% of the universe is made up of dark matter.

>Atheists are just as clueless about how the universe was born as theists are.
Then the massive difference is that the atheists don't claim they do, and they don't go around lying to everyone about it.


What about Asians? And why are there so many Asians compared to everyone else, 1 billion in China and 1 billion in India alone.

White skin (and lighter east asian skin, which evolved separately) are because the further north you go the lighter you need to be to get enough vitamin D and sunburn/skin cancer becomes less of a problem.