On the same night of the shooting. You should all feel shame. #punchanazi
On the same night of the shooting. You should all feel shame. #punchanazi
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He raises an important question
Because our leaders hate us?
something fucked in my town their is a mosque on twin tower street..
not even fucking kidding
>richard spencer official account not banned yet
>muh reddit frog
>muh edgy nazi altfag
what a shit false flag, even worse than yesterday's attack
Go and try and punch a nazi without sneaking and sucker punching him you will get your ass beat.
please tell me this isn't real
This was after the shooting in question.
I wish a faggy limp wristed antifa would go toe to toe with me. I talked shit to one in chicago on saturday and he wanted to "have a civil discussion with me"
I told him he should punch me instead and he wouldnt. Probably because i was looking at him.
because king cuck can't wait for sharia law
I literally do not care about dead muslims. They dont belong in this hemisphere
I hate this spineless cuck.
He can be
>le epic leadur of the alt-right
When he bags a fucking mosque
Until then he can fucked be a cuck elsewhere
I don't feel shame for what other people do with their twitter accounts.
That's his own god damn decision.
He's right
Why are there mosques there?
Notice how this faggot only sticks to twitter instead of practicing what he preaches and protesting infront of mosques. What a spineless cuck
Punching me isn't gonna convince me your bullshit is right. It just gives me justification to fucking kill you in self defense.
>Sup Forums autism irl
He's no better than Cher
Spencer is such a fucking false flag shill faggot.
Nothing of value wasn't lost.
How is he not controlled opposition?
>nonstop real life shitposting
>playing to cliches
>Trying to marginalize any remotely nationalistic ideals by getting everyone to paint it as racist
5 points for Sup Forums.
that's actually kind of a dick move.
spencer is such a fucking autistic fag. everything he does is bad.
Because their ideology is incompatible with the West.
Why would anyone do that irl? It would just build their victim status. Still, he's right. Those mosques don't belong in our cities.
Freedom of religion.
that's an excellent question. Why are there mosques anywhere in North America or Europe? Muslims contribute nothing positive to western society. One could contribute that muslims contribute nothing to the world.
>internet tough guys
Richard Sperglord needs to fuck off. Autismal faggot.
how is this guy not a plant?
lol, sweet cartoon juan. I dont care about acting tough on Sup Forums. I talk shit to commies in real life. Hopefully one day its you i see.
Sounds like the Labour party.
i guess bullets are better than punchs
>what is conceal carry
>implying Internet tough guy doesn't work both ways
Keep dreaming fag
that sure showed them
my my
Hhahahahahaha holy shit.
Sounds like 2017 America.
This comic is a genuine masterpiece.
>female power fantasies
really gets the noggin joggin lmao
This. I just kinda shrugged when I heard about it. If anything I'm rolling my eyes at the aftermath as Weedman strains his asshole to fit as many Somalian dicks as humanly possible
Waaaah, blame the guns
Waaaah, blame white males
I don't care.
Spencer is good man. Means well, loves his people.
kek this is the ultimate liberal wet dream! Thinking women can beat up men. my fucking sides
Muslims have no place in the West.
I do feel shame. Quebec City is absolutely not one of North Americas most beautiful cities!
Someone post the original
I want to set that raging faggot on fire.
>posting the edit
so good
two punches weren't enough
haha your country sucks
I remember when Muslims tried to build a mosque right in the area where 9/11 happened.
WTF I love Richard Spencer now.
Thanks man
I want to drone strike you and your ugly sand NIGGER country
Like in those isis videos huh?
Not suspicious at all
you misspelled nuke
Reminder that Spencer is the media's pet racist that they trot out to discredit the Right. May he be punched hard and often.
reminder that spencer is one of the only people that intimidates the left and actually has effective rhetoric to dismantle leftist thought. The mainstream right is ineffective and weak. Hail spencer
I cannot defend Richard Spencer to normies any longer. I used to explain that he is not a Nazi, and that he is a White Nationalist who advocates for peaceful segregation.
The dude is just asking for it at this point. I still believe in his message and respect him for doubling down, but he's just asking for it.
How is half of this liberal and the other half conservative?
they are with Allah now , feeding his soul to power and grow the Sharia beacon
>I still believe in his message and respect him for doubling down, but he's just asking for it.
Yeah he's a fucking retard on that aspect. You don't show your power level in public. You have to work in the shadows like the kikes.
Spencer actually scared the left. I know Antifa-tier lefties who have fucking meltdowns over this guy.
The reason is because he is smarter than they are. His ideology is backed up with solid arguments and facts. Their stupid faggy progressive ideology cannot compete, so all they can do is try to beat him into silence.
What a bunch of fucking retards. All they need to do is debunk his argument publiclly, but they can't.
>>Trying to marginalize any remotely nationalistic ideals by getting everyone to paint it as racist
You are 100% correct sir
One down
Because we are being over run. They are in fucking alberta also and they are huge. Like 100 million buck ones.
>one of North America's most beautiful cities is also without a doubt the most European one
He's right you know
How is most of this not the current left?
>Their stupid faggy progressive ideology cannot compete, so all they can do is try to beat him into silence.
Spencer is everything that the left respects.
A highly educated, well dressed, well spoken, slightly effeminate acadamia minded guy with a stylish haircut.
Seeing him argue for an ideology that completely destroys their entire platform short-circuits the liberal brain. They cannot handle it. They want him to be a retarded backwoods redneck with three teeth hosting a KKK rally.
The liberal worships college education. Spencer has a fucking masters degree from The University of Chicago. He is smarter than all lefty faggots, by their standards.
People who claim Spencer is a shill should research his entire life. He is not a shill. He is the real deal. Lefties know it, and we should too.
now if we could get jared taylor to stop being so cucky when it comes to the jews we'd be in a lot better shape
Im hearing now the shooter wasn't the muslim. Apparently just a witness
It doesn't matter who they are, what matters is their plan
>shooter was a muslim
>Everyone sits back at laughs at the dumb media, police, and liberals trying to backpedal
>shooter wasn't Muslim
>liberals still get BFTO on the issue of gun control
The right wins either way
no one cared about them until they put on the mask
>BB Cone
You know I wanted to be edgy and say "looks good to me" but it's such a shit list I can't do that. It's just a list of "things leftists don't like."
Agreed entirely. Nazi frogs are fun as hell, but if we are to progress we need more Spencers to win over the normies.
Then why isn't he questioning the kikes and their synagogues and centers?
Terrible idea. Spencer needs to back off of Jews.
Trumpism is what is best for America, just with different demographics in play.
>he thinks Sup Forumstards are emotionally mature enough to want to "progress" if it means less fun
That's a great view, but no one here cares about the state of things enough that they'd adapt for them.
stop fishing with such terrible bait
You should hijack a bus and drive into it
We need to all band together to protect mosques
>Quebec city
>not a rural and suburban shithole
Jews hate muzzies I guess. Shocker.
There is no reason Jared Taylor needs to talk about Jews. Like 99% of everybody talks about Jews it's fine if there are a few people who don't.
Wow if only Hillary was elected she'd pass a law.
>cartoon of something that's never happened and never will happen
>this is the real world
that's fine if he doesn't talk about jews but when he says stuff like "jews look huwyte to me" and refuses to exclude them from pro white movements thats when I start to have an issue.