What is the most pol approved state? And most redpilled state?
What is the most Sup Forums approved state?
West Virginia
>99% white
>best gun laws in the country
>voted hillary
>home of Bernie
Maybe it's the most nu male approved state
Educated and rich
Anywhere in southeast?
That's because they haven't been redpilled by multiculturalism yet.
Michigan. Just disregard Detroit/Dearborn. The north and west are forests, lots of hunting, fishing, camping etc.
>literally chock full o' nigs
The south is complete shit, the "people" there should fucking kill themselves.
texas or tennessee
screw oklahoma, the only thing there is indians, mexican illegals, a minor amount of oil, and empty space
How's New Hampshire?
t. Louisiana
I'm from Texas and the people here can be pretty redpilled (even in the area I'm in that's a purple/blue region). The amount of illegals is a drawback though
>Has consistently voted Republican since statehood except in 1964
>Religiosity level close to blue states; fewer christfags
>Not filled with shitskins or cucks either, cities are white and vote Republican
>Beautiful landscapes, pristine air, perfect place to live if you're not a warm climate fag
Why haven't you moved to Alaska, Sup Forums?
nothing but alcoholics, ugly women, and polar bears
beautiful land however
volvo driving lesbians and extreme conservatives that live out in the woods. it's an odd place
Was thinking of moving to North Idaho for the /out/ and /k/ life. Anyone have any first or even second hand info on the area?
how are you going to support yourself? there's literally nothing there. how are you going to have a job?
it's really beautiful but honestly if you want the /out/ life, pick a place that's at least within 45 minutes of some kind of civilization.
Coeur d'Alene is a decent sized town, was thinking of living outside of that. I'm a nurse so i'm fairly sure I can find work anywhere. I'm in Philly now but fucking hate it. Want to get as rural as possible but still be able to get a job and high speed internet.
Idaho has BLM land and great gun laws.
Wyoming. Prove me wrong faggots
>inb4 empty
That's the whole point m8
rural healthcare is actually pretty lucrative, that's the one job that really makes country living possible. it's very hard to get doctors and nurses out in the sticks.
Was looking into raw land and wyoming pops up a low. Hows the water/weather there? I would like to sustain my own electricity with water power(seems the best option since i need abundant water to live), wind or solar. Perhaps a combination of two..
Its the main reason I switched to nursing from brick laying (that and blowing out my back working like a Mexican). I'm just looking for a state to go to thats /out/ as fuck but also has good gun laws. Utah is high on my list but it seems like a lot of Desert. I want dense forests and fall colors to enjoy. Wife is currently in nursing school as well and I can't move till she's done so I got some time to think about it and save up for cash
>no Florida
Gunshine State checking in. Florida Man is the embodiment of kek and pol: an agent of chaos
Only state where 100% of it's counties voted for Trump.
too many old people.
pennsylvania apparently.
The weather is great if you don't mind 6 feet of snow in the winter.
Water is abundant, depends what you want to do with it. If you want to irrigate with groundwater you need permits out the ass and it can get tough - a private well permit is easy enough to get however.
If you want to fuck around with a little stream on your property 99% of the time nobody will ever find out and you'll be fine.
Florida is great, but
is a shithole. Google liberty city if you want proof
I live in Montana. All our towns used to have their own culture. People from California, Texas, Colorado, and Washington noticed how awesome it was here. Then after they purchased land (which was cheap before those faggots came) they started to get on boards and positions of power within the towns, counties, and state in order to change things to be more forward thinking like the shitty liberal places they came from. The smaller towns in MT are safe but Missoula, Bozeman, and Kalispell are full of liberal faggots. The same idiots that moved here raised a huge stink and got asylum seekers (who had already been granted asylum in another county) from Somalia places in Missoula. Montana is a beautiful place and most of the people here are nice (besides some of the transplants) but most Montana natives will keep you at some what of a distance until we know you're interested in Montana for what it is instead of what you want it to be.
>How to explain mansplaining?
live in WV currently, Interested in buying property in MT. Id love to build a house out there and enjoy the mountains, hunt, fish, all that jazz
>How to get out of Florida?
Colorado obviously you fucking morons. Just not cuck boulder I hate that town
>how to google something?
Are these fucking made up, or is Indiana on a different level of irony from the rest of the states?
Jackson Hole is the one blue asylum in the state. It's hard to enjoy the Tetons without taking a trip down to libtown.
I call bullshit. No way the most common phrase for California is "how to spot a narcissist." Half their population doesn't even speak English.
i hate living in jew york
>voted for Hillary
>15 round magazine limit
>dude weed
Colorado is definitely not Sup Forums approved
Vermont's a split.
> Loosest gun laws in the nation while also having the least crime
> Great nature, hunting, skiing, the whole 9 yards
> Next to the most business friendly state in the US
> Librul as fuck
> High taxes
>Not much to do
586 up in hurrrrrrr
PA for most well rounded Sup Forumsadice.
The northern part is great
>How to get rid of cockroaches?
That's so fucking true, there's roaches everywhere here in South Carolina
kek agrees, PA is a great state
What's the general consensus about Wisconsin on Sup Forums?
What about South Carolina?
>hates OK because of Mexican illegals
>thinks TX is the most Sup Forums state
my vote goes here. love texas.
second goes to ohio or nevada.
PA is a nexus of North and South. East and Mid West.
It is Rual, it is Urban and it has it's own culture that hates every state that surrounds it.
There is a reason it is the Keystone State.
Also, it's racist as fuck.
>How to crab
We are doomed
What's the consensus on Indiana? I never hear anything about it.
I'm thinking a little north of there...Hayden, Athol, etc. Can still buy like 40 acres for $100K, build a compound, walk around naked w/your shotgun, etc.
I fucking hate Washington. Can't wait until our dick eating governor dies of AIDS.
Also 586... This place sucks dick
I was soaking in a hot spring recently and some multicultural brown types from Missoula showed up and skunkweeded the whole joint. The hippy-dippy chicks didn't get naked either...just sat there, getting high and fat. RIP Jerry Johnson.
>build a compound, walk around naked w/your shotgun, etc.
Thats the fucking plan, just need a reasonable drive to work. I willing to switch to fucking dial up again to get out of this fucking city. I'm about to go all Falling Down one day while sitting in traffic just trying to get home.
>and it has it's own culture that hates every state that surrounds it.
We mostly just hate New Jersey.
South dakota is the only correct answer
is north dakota redpilled? I heard taxes were very favourable there
Washington sux. I wouldn't mind terrorists nuking the I-5 corridor; Bellingham is fagcity, Seattle is fucked, Olympia is grabbing its ankles. The only places w/some semblance of testosterone are Tacoma (dump) and Longview (dump).
It's not 99% anymore sweetie.its around 93-94% now
Yeah, but those Maryland and New York fucks are also shitty.
Alabama. We have the hottest women, beautiful outdoors, low cost of living, and all the degernates flock together in one or two areas in the whole state.
came here to post a reply to your question:
North Dakota, will dump my collection
that's a great image. really shows how fucked NY and CA are
this was at the height of their oil boom, their rank is still #1 or #2 though I believe
>how to sell beanie babies
midwest as fuck
You can tell which states have more diversity than others.
fuggen based.
I'm trained in biomedical engineering/neuroscience. Think I could get a job there, or do I need to get into oil?
Jesus Christ, Hawaii, get your shit together.
Sure the fuck isn't Washington. Im the only motherfucker Ive seen with a Trump bumper sticker let alone supporting him.
Drove through Alabama a few weeks ago for the first time and it was a huge dump. I'm used to seeing areas of cities look like dumps, but even the rural areas had garbage strewn about the yards or old rusted out vehicles sitting around. I will say the areas where no people at all were looked quite beautiful, but I wouldn't want to live there.
Also any state in the Southeast is exempt from being Sup Forums approved because they're filled to the brim with negros.
So you say Texas, a 45% "white" country, then rip Oklahoma for being a shitskin loving state lol.
Texas has lost based status because of it's demographics. Tennessee's in the discussion though.
Fwiw Wyoming went by the largest margin for Trump, I think West Virginia was second, and Oklahoma third
My vote goes for Oklahoma because it has 2 somewhat large metro areas that votes Republican and every county goes red. It has the absolutely shittiest weather though which probably explains why leftist faggots don't live there.
Wind power. Utah blows and Nebraska sucks, unlimited energy. Snow doesn't stick around too long unless your at altitude. Dry climate so cold doesn't feel too cold and hot doesn't feel too hot. On the other hand, fuck off, we're full. (but seriously, fuckin great place to be if conservative)
Ohio people are okay, and I haven't seen enough people from Delaware to form an opinion.
It's usually New York and New Jersey tourists that are assholes. They shit up the Hershey area constantly.
No, it's a dump.
Source: Anniston. It's like Pripyat, w/out the carnival rides.
You're trained in neuroscience but you can't find a job search engine?
I'm in a border country with NJ. We need a wall. Or a sign that says "Get your shit and leave."
Fuck Oklahoma. Texas is where it's at. Oklahoma has strict ass drug laws man, and there are a bunch of sister fuckers up there
well then you're pretty much out of luck anywhere you live :\
You're all wrong and should feel ashamed. Indiana was the only correct answer.
Florida holds the most powerful electoral volts known to man.
Electrical volts or electoral votes? There's a slight difference.