Well, Sup Forums?
Objectively, Why Shouldn't Ugly People Be Sterilized?
>implying it makes any difference
Would you rather reproduce with ugly or beautiful?
Objectively, heir genes have great immunity to disease, generations of smart and successful people, tall, physically fit, ugly.
If ugly is the only fault, no reason to sterilize. You must consider multiple factors.
the hungering humanity that guides its own hand will pick only sweets.
ugly people are intelligent and rich unlike beautiful people whose only marit is looks
Pol would be deserted
>Objectively, Why Shouldn't Ugly People Be Sterilized?
Because looks don't mean everything?
You've no right to do that to people
OP wants to make a Jersey Shore Utopia where everyone is shredded. He is also retarded.
This is not necessarily true. In fact, in Academia there are many cases where really attractive people deliberately dress down and look frumpy so they are taken more seriously.
Because intelligence is a much more beneficial trait to humanity than appearance.
There is no cure for my yellow plague is there?
Who uglies the ugliers?!
Because you would have never been born, OP.
This. Also, "beauty" is a relative concept. While many physical traits are almost universally attractive amoung humans, some features (height, weight, scrotum elasticity) are a matter of personal or societal preference.
>OP unironically thinks chinks are the standard of beauty.
>die of heart attack at 35, lots of heart issues in family
>had a good jawline, so able to reproduce
>no history of heart disease in family
>perfectly healthy
>ugly as fuck so sterilised
Really makes you think.
Plus of course, we all know that this would lead to white features being defined as actually ugly, and only socially constructed to appear attractive, and so the genocide begins.
>inb4 >begins
But that's only true to a certain margin. One man's 8 could be another man's 10. But no man's 3 is another man's 10.
actually the opposite is true. More attractive people are percieved as smarter and actually in most cases are smarter
That looks really unsafe.
That's what I meant by saying that some traits are nearly universally desired/undesired.
My parents are model-tier and I'm an ugly monstrous abomination.
>in most cases
I think expectations play an enormous role in the development of intelligence. If your teachers, parents, peers, ect. expect you to be stupid because of your appearance, you will be stupid.
Becouse beuty is subjective you retard.
It is. That's why it's so interesting.
Natural selection will take care of the ugliest people. In 1000 years all human will be super model tire
Good looking people are generally healthy in every other way.
Looks are a code for others to see that you are fit, were properly nourished as a child, etc.
Of course there are exceptions...
>why shouldn't dumb/plebs be sterilized?
you're asking for more examples I take it?
that a1
I know several people who are ass-ugly but come from gorgeous families. It's more of a correlation, really. Your mommy's womb doesn't really give a shit when assembling your features.
a fucking leaf
That's much better.
Because there would be nobody to compare the beautiful people to.
Eventually even the tiniest of flaws would be ugly in an "all beautiful" society
The invisible hamd of the free market for sexy women will gradually make women sexier over time.
beauty is a different metric to intelligence and smarts.
why would you kill off ugly people if their societal contributions outside of superficial things like beauty? seems retarded.
beauty is subjective and we should kill idiots. sterilize those with diseases like me who are choosing to not have kids due to the strain it will put on me mainly i dont care about others
If you killed all the ugly people in the world and there were only beautiful people left, the least beautiful of them would be considered the new ugly.
>tfw Sup Forums's Defenders of the White Race fall under this category
Source AT ONCE
in all reality, a ugly woman who cooks and cleans to keep your love is better, typically smarter too.
Bull fucking shit.
You're telling me the average pintrest model chick is intelligent?
The vast majority of hot girls I've ever seen have been vapid fucktards. They don't NEED to develop any sort of personality or intelligence.
There are other useful genes than physical beauty.
If we have an ice age, you need people who are short and stocky and prone to high blood pressure: they circulate blood and warmth to extremities better and thus are less prone to frostbite.
If you have worldwide starvation you need people who have a 'slower metabolism' and thus store more fat and shit out less waste with every meal. It's sorta like being more 'fuel efficient'.
If you want to go to mars and beyond you need some ugly awkward brainiac autismos who can't relate to people or get laid but can build you a fucking warp drive. Einstein fucked his cousin, Isaac Newton died as a proud virgin autismo whom nobody really liked.
Can't know the future so you don't know what you might need.
Compared to other women, sure.
And also beauty standards change drastically over time.
There's no reason they should. How about you provide an argument for why they should?
Because there are many ugly people that are economically productive, some are CEOs of successful companies, which pretty much means they are evolutionarily well fit.
sterilize poor people not ugly people
Sterilize everyone who is below 100 IQ and everyone who is 2/10 in terms of looks.
Sterilized people can still adopt smart beautiful babies which will be provided by high IQ, attractive breeders
I would never be able to find a good multiplayer lobby
It's not necessary. Natural selection will run its course and their gene pool will run out, leaving only beautiful and strong people left.
>all these mental gymnastics
Physical beauty is a direct representation of good genes developing well during youth.
Ugly people have bad health and bad genes usually.
Because their looks are inconsequential often in comparison with many other traits and abilites far more important for the community and valuable than winning a genetic lottery (which winnings from will turn to crap anyway once they live long enough). And that with not even going into "taste is subjective" area.
This should have happened a long time ago, if that was the case.
Actually, that thing won't kill anyone because the gas dissipates immiediately due to the lack of barrels.
Search in Youtube videos of people firing the shotgun shells alone (no gun) and the pellets only bruise people AT MOST.
Ugly people give birth to pretty children. There is no beautiful gene and the best looking people can give birth to genetic freaks.
who is that
>Physical beauty is a direct representation of good genes developing well during youth.
Intelligence and social skills are a sign of good genes as well. There are many ugly people who have a lot of those two.
>Ugly people have bad health and bad genes usually.
Not always.
quads confirm that op is a fgtt.
You should be smart enough to change your ugliness and hygiene.
Ask yourself who has the most influence on the perception of ugliness/beauty from a societal standpoint. It's a dangerous game to play.
Factually wrong. Ugliness may stem from some abnormalities which would be symptom of whole slew of issues but great majority of people considered ugly are ugly because of the raising, chosen lifestyle or injury sustained during their lives. Genes have little to do in their case as often not only they're the healthiest and most intelligent but ugly only because of wasted potential, not genetic predispostion.
>Natural selection
*tips fedora*
Come home white man
Physical attractiveness is aesthetic and no moral value can be derived from it. To sterilize ugly people would be to potentially and recklessly sterilize great mental performance as well.
Because the state shouldn't have that power.
>2 posts by this ID
How's the English teacher life over there Daniel? Meet any azn qts? Or are you just a jarhead with too much free time?
You know you can do it voluntarily. Go on be a role model.
Fuck user, you should be asking that about people who are sick, ill, deformed and diseased. We're saving the weak to reproduce instead of eliminating them from the gene pool.
>phenotype is the same as gene
Mein neger
My God, she's almost perfect
Beauty isn't only a relative concept, you stupid wanabe aesthetician.
nice camouflage hair lol.. blends very well with background
>Physical attractiveness is aesthetic and no moral value can be derived from it.
This is almost inevitably not true. Think before you talk.
I won't argue against it because I agree with it.
Also to be sterilized:
>anyone under 110 IQ
>violent criminals
>lying politicians
>lying journalists/television personalities
>new age pagans/wiccans/witches (most of these will be taken care of by the IQ cut off though)
>replace 'sterilize' with 'execute with extreme prejudice'
There's room for both in the gas chamber.
Just stand in line and wait your turn scum.
Because they don't reproduce anyway.
Acceptable tastes in sterilization, but kind of pleb.
my spawn will continue mankind b/c multiple advanced degrees both sides for generations, average+ looks, calm/stubborn demeanor. the stuff civilized humanity depends on.
of course i have to find that missus to spawn with........
T.ugly mapuche. Go to start some fires Lautaro
I want you to experience Fatherhood, user.
>Make a law about sterilizing ugly people
Ok define "ugly" for me and make it universal to all people
Because ugliness has nothing to do with what you can offer to mankind.
still ogling this
I'm genetically successful because of my brain and big penis. I don't need to be handsome. Leave me alone or I will fuck you up.
Yes. A hot piece of lead.
disregarding total curl bros most intelligent successful men are also decently attractive. I don't have sources on hand (can dig if really needed) but I've seen studies where attractiveness, intelligence, and success are all linked
What does it matter how people look?
Or even how smart they are?
Both can be gained easily.
The only thing that really matters when it comes to genes are genes that are healthy and resistant to disease. These are not so easily (and sometimes impossable) to change.
And big tits of course.
It's not like I was planning on having children.
But I'm more interested in sterilizing the low-skilled black laborers and replacing them with monkey-human hybrids.
Bump for asian cuckolding
>not understanding the difference between fluid and crystal intelligence
>intelligence is all tabula rasa
wew lad