Status quo warmongering.
Status quo warmongering
The child killed was the daughter of the primary target.
literal human shield.
>that makes it okay
Tell the leftist's they were post-birth abortions and they'll masturbate to the news article.
If you're born into a family of primitives that tell you to blow yourself up for god or who will literally use you as a meatshield for their cause, it's truly regrettable, but you're dying with them.
At least we will see the liberals getting upset about the US foreign policy and all the bombings again.
>You have to take out their families
Another one of his promises delivered
Nobody is saying it's okay. Guess we should just ignore opportunities to remove those that commit acts of terror because they might have their kids with them.
>when democrat does it its okay, when a republican does it its not.
will this ever stop?
Doesn't seem like Trump's changed from Obamas raids there, why are libs mad?
Those kids are probably little ISIS fucks who have already executed people before.
>>You have to take out their families
>Another one of his promises delivered
wew led
Never heard a word about the hundreds and hundreds of people killed by Obama's drones.
Fuck the left's crocodile tears.
>Just children
Only that few? Obama took out way more. Sad!
because (((reasons)))
Reported one of the kids killed was the daughter of an ISIS leader so who cares?
Yeah, it actually does.
Better she die, than her father be allowed to set off a bomb in a public place.
Better she die, than her father use her to kill another US serviceman.
Those are the ACTUAL choices here.
Doesn't pointing out women in particular make it sexist as fuck? Who can I sue? I am legit offended.
T. Wymon
>implying that killing subhumans is bad
Thanks Obama.
Still but a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what obama killed, let's see if Trump surpasses that
We got conned by Trump
the timr for right and wrong is over, what matters only is what is necessary
Also thanks Obama.
Another campaign promise fulfilled. Trump is the best!
Yes, it does. If we let babies be human shields, terrorists will start attaching live babies to all their gear and transports. You don't discourage terror tactics by letting them succeed, nor even by demanding that they be successful.
Yes it does make it okay. If we show that taking a human shield works, the practice will become more common. The only humanitarian response is to disregard the child.
I hate Trump but holy fuck Obama wins coming off of this shit.
Everyone will conveniently forget how he oked the killing of US citizens over seas or how he deported more people then any president in US history.
Democrats are the best.
Thank God we're finally getting numbers on how many enemies we're killing.
Absolutely demoralizing to only hear how many of our men get hurt or killed.
And our enemies hide behind women and children; they are vile creatures and their families must pay the price too.
>how he deported more people then any president in US history.
Just more leftist bullshit. Nobody used to call people who approached the border and ran away from agents "deported".
Not so long as the left exists.
that video made me depressed and hateful of muslims
Yup. Dogs only breed more dogs.
Well this is it, I don't see how he can recover from this.
>donald trump is keeping his campaign promises of killing terrists and their families
leftards will somehow spin this as bad
then you weren't listening
Warhawk Trump
I thought he was going to stop foreign interventions?
I'm so fucking angry I'm going to pass out. How the fuck can they be allowed to get away with this shit?
Where's the "inherited these wars" talking points you utter cunts used to free Obama from the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan?
You didn't even talk about the responsibility in killing Gaddaffi even though Hillary is on VIDEO laughing about "we came, we saw, he died". The resulting shithole is now overrun with ISIS.
NO accountability.
I was a leftist 5 years ago for fucks sake. Can't they understand their own path leads straight to ruin? You're not even good liars anymore.
>no source
Crashing this arab shithole
with no survivors
after he he annihilate isis and set up safe zones for muslim refugees in the middle east
That may be the funniest gif I ever seen
who is alladin akbart they yell?
I really dont get this. Im not defending islam or arabs or whatever shitskins
but what did yemeni do to us (or better said USA?)
why is the USA fighting for saudis, who allowed amerifats to bumb irrelevant desert kamel drivers?
why are mart sharters bombing other countries far away?
> ' '
>families of horrible murderous religious extremist terrorists are totally innocent
Former leftist myself, too. I went from lefty to fashy
How many Civilians died under Obama?
lets add em up and see if the shill still wants to post.
sage this shit
>In mid-January, the United Nations' humanitarian aid official in Yemen said the civilian death toll in the nearly two-year conflict had reached 10,000.
He still has a long way to go before he tops Obama's high score.
This is how radical Islamic terror is eradicated from the face of the earth.
I still say that total war is the only way to fight, so yes that makes it okay.
kill yourself, libtard. once a leftist, always a leftist.
Yeah who cares about those 20 men
He's so great, continuing his promises! He said we're gonna get their families, and so it begins!
>Former leftist myself, too. I went from lefty to fashy
Muslims are not human.
>but what did yemeni do to us
They house AQ and try to kill us.
Fucking eternal kraut.
nothing wrong with post-birth abortions if the father deems the child unworthy. Are you some leftist cuck who kills defenseless fetus'? I throw my unwanted children in the river like any sane person.
why did i hear nothing about this when obama was drone striking shit constantly?
yeah actually.
collateral damage.
it's spun as a joke nowadays but most people realize that a certain level of ciivilian loses are necessary.
it's only the media that crucify you.
legally civilian deaths are to be prevented whenever feasible but not mandatory.
military necessity is a thing.
but the americans bombed the houthis? who are fighting saudis, AQ, hadi
they did. constantly. you just weren't woke enough. civilian.
because he wasnt you leftist shill. Obama was a muslim traitor who actively aided the terrorists.
>Status quo warmongering.
Red Pill me on "Our" enemies tactics real quick...
>im a leftist shill
>don't fight terrorists because they have families
Nice logic Senpai. Thinking like that is how you guys lost and we won.
What is it now? Like 26,000 bombs dropped last year alone under president Obama in multiple Muslim countries?
I'm stupid and forgot the total amount dropped over his two terms. ;^)
Remember when Donald Trump said "Kill their families."?
You've got to stop seeing women and children as innocents. That's thinking for a friendly kind of war.
When the enemy's goal is population replacement, women and children are their factories.
In the war of muslims on the West, actual fighters are only the knife. Always a tiny proportion of expendable surplus males, from a polygynous culture that assigns half of their young men a non-domestic-breeding role. You can hit that knife all you want, it's never going to win the fight. Current non-combatant men are the muscle and bone, the reason they'll always be able to take up another knife. The heart and guts are the women and children, what you aim at to end it.
Kill their families.
Nobody defended Obama when he killed civilians. There are people here whose lives currently revolve entirely around supporting Trump, so they will defend anything he does unconditionally.
>its ok when obama does it
and speak to my self, what a wonderfull world
The media defended him by not reporting it
Anyone have the pasta of the army guys driving through a field of decoys?
Sometimes terrorists will plant women and children in minezones so soldiers think theyre in need of help but end up luring them into explosives. So instead of driving away from the safe path they drive through the people.
Here's an unfortunate fact of life:
War kills people. Most of the time it kills innocent bystanders. This is unfortunate, and we try to avoid it where possible, but it's still inevitable.
So you can either declare yourself a pacifist and say we should do nothing about people like ISIS, or you have to accept some casualties.
Jesus christ, they try and nitpick everything.
Yes in fact it does. It's not our problem Muslims hav zero respect for the lives of their women.
Never ending shilling.
This seems to be an article on some site. There were a bunch of those for Obama's killings.
Point being nobody cared about the deaths until someone else took office. If Hillary had won this would have either not been reported or worded in such a way as to blame the terrorists for the deaths. They control the narrative and people eat it up.
well they were terrorists, so yea, who cares about them?
It would have been reported, most likely by different sources, but it would be reported just like for Obama.
All the people complaining about our interventions in Yemen, the Horn, and western Africa.