Why didn't Trump mention the 6 million on Holocaust Rememberance Day?
Why didn't Trump mention the 6 million on Holocaust Rememberance Day?
It was 9 Brazillion
Wait no it was 20 Grollinion
It was 800 Billion.
Correction it was 160 Ceptiollizion
My sources indicate it was 906835637 Googolplexes
Correction it was n, where n is how badly I need to win an argument against a conservative.
It was 66 quintillion you anti semite
>denying the over 9 billion googplex of jews atomized by Nazi mechanical oven robot killers of minorities
The only way to counteract this level of jewery is to summon the Spirit of Auschwitz, a great avatar of genocide that takes the form of a purple glowing Hitler
you facist, it was 20 trillion googloplex of jews who hitler nazi kkk wizard Donald Trump killed
He waits till he is more successful than Adolf and can boast about it.
the only person more successful than Hitler is Stalin, who achived the ultimate high score with his brilliant use of Zerg rushes
Who gives a shit about the holocaust anymore?
Jews/Hitler/Modern Jewmany
it was 6000 bogrillian
take the bog pill see how far the truth goes
>not the 6 goyzillion!
the amount of murdered jews just got higher!
Because 60 million non Jews died to free them
>muh 60 million non jews
He can ask his son-in-law how he likes his gas chambers best.
I suppose the day 60 gazillion pests got wrecked is worth remembering, yes.
Compound interest on 6 gorrilion lampshades.
he's a racist anti-semite white supremacist and he must be destroyed