Why should I accept the concept of a "country"?

Places like Spain, the USA, Brazil, China, Norway, Congo...Why should I accept that places like these exists? They do not exist in objective reality. We only have nations because a lot of people agree that we do.

There is no such thing as countries or states, they are a human construct.

Memes are real, dummy.

If you're trying to live in 'objective' reality, posting here only means you're doing it wrong.

> they are a human construct.
The most retarded fucking argument ever. Every human construct is made to prevent collapring and to help keeping things together and under control. Without it you'll just end up like a tumblrina with 500000000 genders.

America exists, therefore Spain exists.

>There is no such thing as countries or states, they are a human construct.
So? Falling back to "it's not natural or real!" is just for weaklings who lack the will to define their reality.

They are real because we, as humans, say they are. That is all that is necessary.

>they are a human construct.
So is your house, but i dont see you sleeping outside

Don't. Move to Canada and shitpost from there. Stop ruining our flag.


Oh to be 16 again.....



Also, those with a concept of statehood always annihilate those without it.

Chrono Trigger is such a great game.

They are a construct because otherwise those Negroes from the Congo would have your faggot ass as a slave once they establish their war-party in whatever state you live in. Borders exist for a reason; countries exist for a reason; constitutions exist for a reason; people are separated for a reason. That reason is because people are tribal by nature. Take away civilization, and you're going to be looking at some shit from The Road. And I can guarantee you the liberals would die out first.

How do you feel about Mexican drug cartels having the freedom to go wherever they want?

You are incorrect, my house exists because it's a structure made of wood and concrete. Even if everyone on earth denied its existence, it would still be a structure of wood and concrete.

The same cannot be said for countries, they exist only because people agree that they do.

Would you say that mathematics or economies are obsolete because they're not made of wood?

Your country is made of dirt and mountains and shit you idiot

>it's another "left libertarian thinks he's smart when he's a dumbass" thread

No that is the land. Part of God's great Earth. A country is totally made up to control people.

Nobody said anything was obsolete.







bc people with guns say so. do you have more guns?

Depends how you define mathematics and economics.

Two rocks and two rocks makes four rocks. This is true whether anyone accepts it or not.

No, that's the earth. I could go into the middle of the country, claim that the 50 square miles around me is a country called "Pizza Land", and its existence would be just as legitimate as the USA, Canada or Singapore.

If you truly believe that OP then move. Far away from any civilization with a population no larger than 20 ppl. Cause if there are people in a group, they WILL form laws and regulations and WILL elect a leader. Have fun surviving on your own with no dependable sources of food and clean water, just a few things you might miss.


Might as well say bird nests are just a social construct, and bird's can poop out eggs on the dirt without being eaten by snakes.

Nations are organic outgrowth of extended human family groups formed as a result of evolved psychology.



You are on path to red pill, race = nation = truth, states = manmade.

Your right to live is a human construct, it doesn't exist in objective reality. Why should a nigger accept that you have a right to live?

>Nobody said anything was obsolete.
True, though I think our definition of 'exist' is being abused. The power structures currently in place are there because they lost to every other structure thus far. To dismiss this on the grounds that "it doesn't technically exist" doesn't make the actual, real life effect of those structures disappear.

>Two rocks and two rocks makes four rocks. This is true whether anyone accepts it or not.
I would argue that they 'exist' in the same sense that states exist. If all living things disappeared, so would the utility of ALL abstract reasoning and categorization.

You are a human construct and don't objectively exist, so might as well have no opinions. They aren't "yours" anyway.

Race exists without mans choice, man chooses to craft a state for the race to protect this objective reality, the tribe and race.

>The power structures currently in place are there because they lost to every other structure thus far.
Everyone knows what I mean by this

>why should i accept the concept of a "family" its just a social construct so wat if my wife fucks other guys

t. OP

>The same cannot be said for countries, they exist only because people agree that they do.

People also agree to put 12m high razor wire fences three layers deep with armed guards that beat anyone who tries to climb over them too.

Wonder why they agree to do that.

When you finally make your first step onto EU soil and demand your rights and 4 guards toss you straight back over... We all know it happens and you'd be surprised how many silently agree by simply not investigating.

Wonder why they agree to do that.

What happens if you start defining a country as any place which exists between borders, which are sometimes man made, ie. fences, and sometimes natural, water mass, where cultures naturally divide.

Do countries start becoming real then? Or is it just a figment of imagination.

So we can go to war and kill each other over a piece of land

Your purpose is to defend your race and dna, therefore war exists for this purpose.

My only purpose is to defend my family. Why would I defend other people?

>babby's first philosophy
"Country" is a word that refers to a political entity, which is very real and has very real effects on our daily lives.

You don't have to accept anything. Just realize that you're still going to be subject the a country's laws and regulations if you're in it regardless of whether you recognize it as a country or not.

You can't walk into someone's house and do whatever you want under the claim that you don't believe in the concept of personal property. You're either going to get shot or arrested.

You are free to not accept it, then again the moment you walk to a customes office without a passport because "you dont accept states" you are probablly just gonna get laughed at and denied permission to cross the imaginary line because the rest of the world agreed to it being real

If mans purpose was self greed then reproduction wouldn't exist, and DNA would be the exact same from everyone, there would be no difference with you breeding with someone than someone else breeding with someone else, if purpose was not the presersvation and even DOMINANCE of your genetics and dna tribe.

Fascism is accepting truth and destroying false paths that degenerate many peoples.

Almost everything you interact with on a daily basis is 'imaginary', that is to say, its a joint-psychic construct layered on top of the existing phenomenal world, as opposed to the phenomenal world itself.

All that 'exists', is phenomena, the actual buildings, tables, chairs, people, food, drink, cups, guns, suns, trees, etc. All of these things blur one into the other, Platonism is a myth.

Human beings, using language, cut up the cosmos into discrete pieces for digestion, calling this seemingly discrete piece of matter a 'bowl' and this piece a 'dog', and so on.

This extends even to our meta-systems, where we formalize agreements and give birth to institutions, calling this land a 'state', and that land a 'house' and so on, inventing concepts like laws and property rights that properly speaking do not exist in the same way phenomena does but is instead as said, a psychic construction that only exists because the majority of people believes it does.

What you don't realize is that the line of thinking you're using to dismiss the concepts of the State [or gender, or race, or any of the ideas these liberals apply this deconstruction to] if followed through to its logical conclusion is the death of language and all attempts to render the world abstractly, as well as any notion of law and order at all. And while its true that many foolish persons who don't understand this truth act as though their favorite ideas were actually REAL, its no less stupid then to dismiss the abstract in favor of new abstract, without being honest that that is what you're doing.

Don't say the State doesn't 'exist', but whatever anarchist commune you think of does, instead say "My idea is more useful" and then argue that.

No borders, no nations

Because you're a retarded mongrel otherwise you would feel more connected to those of your tribe than an African.

There are no nations either.

>my house exists because it's a structure made of wood and concrete
A nation also exists, because it's a structure made of different institutions, laws, a political system, etc.

>The same cannot be said for countries, they exist only because people agree that they do.
Just like the internet. The internet is a bunch of specifications that people agreed to follow, and guess what? It has a real and visible effect on reality.

>they are a human construct
Animals also have territories. We only gave names to ours.

wtf i h8 borders now


>There is no such thing as countries or states
than stop working and paying taxes.

Retarded post.
I enjoy the Chrono Trigger gif though.

If you believe in truth, you're a Fascist.
If you believe in lies, you're an innumerable amount of falsehoods.

Race is manmade too, every individual is genetically diverse and the result of an eternity of cellular admixtures

Nation = Race = Tribe = DNA

Okay, citizen of the world, go eat grass, looser

So you're saying in order to have a nation we need something made of concrete... maybe... a wall of some sort?

a nation is just a clusterfuck of people who worship 1% of richest people of their nation. By going to war, you are only protecting that 1%. Be my guest, do it if you like, I'll pass.

Race is not man made, race exists outside mans choice, the race is real as race means a definition of dna boundaries between populations.

Literally critical theory. Kys.

why does money exist. its just paper with numbers printed on it

why do we understand language. its just sound

Nation = Race
State = Political entity organizing people
Nation State = State for the Racial Tribe

pack is a wolf construct ...what is your point?

This DNA is African, this DNA is European etc.. there is nothing chosen there, it is simply the defintion of the DNA, Europeans have European DNA and it's absent in African population.

You have a red color and blue color, Europeans have red color dna and africans have blue color, this defines the races and in these red and blue color dna there are more dna's inside.

Great post, philosophy major. Before you posted this, we all thought there were giant lines between countries in real life, just like on globes.
Take another bong hit, restart your Dark Side of the Moon record, and contemplate the meaning of life. The rest of us are trying to talk about practical reality.

Things here is getting better(yeah I know, not crazy) years of left government is turning people more conservatives every day.

What if we build walls along all our borders? Are they real then or does it need a ceiling like your house to count?


USA as it currently stands is quite arbituary and serves only individual greed and thus is not a nation, in the past it served the white race.

Racial DNA in reality is fluid, not a fixed rigid abstraction as you would like to think it is. Even in isolation there is diversity, however humanity is moving towards a global race and world.

>Racial DNA in reality is fluid,
It is not fluid, it is solid as stone, you have iron and you have stone, one race is iron the other is stone.

The property rights you have that make your home YOURS are just a human construct.

Therefore you don't own your house (and I can take it from you by force).

Sovereignty of any kind is only upheld by assumed or eventual threat of force.

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.

Because the collective of people who believe have a combined dick bigger than yours. If you weren't a shrimp dicked faggot then your version of reality would be the accepted one.

I always loved how slutty tera looked. I just want to sniff her ass

Genetically, there's more variance within the races than between them. That and the fact that almost nobody is actually racially "pure" in any practical sense means that race has much more to do with human institutions and tribalism than anything objective.

>claim that the 50 square miles around me is a country called "Pizza Land", and its existence would be just as legitimate as the USA, Canada or Singapore
It'd be legitimate in your mind, but no other country would support you and the country you claimed would consider it illegitimate occupation, and you wouldn't be able to defend yourself. You'll also be considered illegitimate by every country that has recognized the country you occupied as a real country (which is probably by nearly every other country in the world).
If you were able to defend yourself, then you'd be like the Islamic State. It's a legitimate country to its followers, but an illegitimate country to everyone opposing it.

The most important thing is whether your theoretical structure (the country) is backed by real power capable of defending it.

race means definition of population boundaries where there exists significant break off dna similarity.

Saying race doesn't exist is like saying jumping from side walk to street is same as jumping from 18 stories down and that trying to define it is a social construct.

Why should you accept that morals, ethics, justice, freedom, liberty, righteousness, mercy, love, right and wrong exist?

These are not empirical.
They cannot be objectively measured.

Prove to me that these things exist?

Prove to me that your life holds any real value that I should respect?

This is an example of the heap fallacy.

Human beings share 95% of their DNA with chimps and 50% with bananas.

The lines between the races aren't formed by 'purity' nor are they absolute lines that never blur into each other. The 'races' are based on clusters of related traits that are more frequently found in a given population, as well as the genetic distance involved.

Trying to dismiss the concept of race on these grounds is as stupid as trying to dismiss the concept of color on the grounds that you can't precisely point out where one begins and the other ends.

No there isn't, you can define a race 100% from all of the races population groups.

False analogy

All White births will fall in that dna cluster, all African births will fall under african dna cluster, africans breed Africans and Whites breed whites.

No it isn't.

Post a picture I will define its race, post your picture and I will tell you where your ancestors were in 1,500 ad.

>Trying to dismiss the concept of race on these grounds is as stupid as trying to dismiss the concept of color on the grounds that you can't precisely point out where one begins and the other ends.
Right. Color exists, individual colors and any kind of hard lines where green ends and yellow begins are a social construct. Thanks for adding to my point.

Are you saying everybody is a non-country now?

The universal human species is also a construct. There is no such thing as a "cosmopolitan"

Its almost like just because a thing is a constuct, doesnt mean it should be automatically dismissed. Rly makes u think

The point is that 'race' is a meaningless classification, because it is based on only superficial traits.
There can be more genetic variance within a race than between two people of a different race, but they are classified differently only because of their skin color.

>t. There is no such thing as a "cosmopolit
You can define if a population group is homo, you can define if it is a homoeuropean or homoafricanus also.

Everything is human construct you cuck, the law that prevents me from bludgeoning you to death and throwing the remains to the dogs is human construct.

Why is it always some rich americunt who benefits the most from the current system that always the one who shits on it the most?
You limpwristed failures would be the first ones to squeal like little piggies if were you so much as made uncomfortable for a moment.

Look at my post
Literally everything that isn't immediate sense impressions is a 'social construct', unless you're going to dismiss the entire concept of abstraction in general, and the dividing of continuous reality into discrete chunks, you have no grounds for dismissing race as a concept.

>The point is that 'race' is a meaningless classification, because it is based on only superficial traits.
Skull traits define DNA, is DNA superficial?

Can you define where these people are from?

>The universal human species is also a construct

Not really, humans can all breed with eachother and are completely set apart from all other animals.

>Look at my post
I did. You aren't making the point you think you are. Try again.

>There can be more genetic variance within a race than between two people of a different race
Yeah and if you compared the DNA of apes and humans, you'd find the same thing is true. I think we can agree, however, that there are more differences than "superficial" traits.

if you can pinpoint the geographical location of these populations, then how is it a social construct?

Except that isn't true. Race isn't based on superficial traits or mere skin color. You can tell races apart by skulls, skeletal structure, susceptibility to certain diseases, average intelligence, etc etc etc.

If you were to receive a bone marrow transplant from someone of a different race, it would likely kill you. Doctors who have tested drugs among one race have to perform SEPARATE clinical trials when moving a drug to a different race's country to make sure there are no unknown side effects.

Fuck its like you people know nothing of biology at all.

Setting the boundary at being able to breed with each other is arbitrary.

Critical theory, this is what a cultural marxist argument looks like.
Disregard and toss from helicopter.

We have nations because back when we didn't, nobody did anything great. It's about unity and working together, but if you don't have rivals you aren't going to do shit. Groups of tens to hundreds of millions are ideal, and have them compete for the advancement of technology.