Almost everything you interact with on a daily basis is 'imaginary', that is to say, its a joint-psychic construct layered on top of the existing phenomenal world, as opposed to the phenomenal world itself.
All that 'exists', is phenomena, the actual buildings, tables, chairs, people, food, drink, cups, guns, suns, trees, etc. All of these things blur one into the other, Platonism is a myth.
Human beings, using language, cut up the cosmos into discrete pieces for digestion, calling this seemingly discrete piece of matter a 'bowl' and this piece a 'dog', and so on.
This extends even to our meta-systems, where we formalize agreements and give birth to institutions, calling this land a 'state', and that land a 'house' and so on, inventing concepts like laws and property rights that properly speaking do not exist in the same way phenomena does but is instead as said, a psychic construction that only exists because the majority of people believes it does.
What you don't realize is that the line of thinking you're using to dismiss the concepts of the State [or gender, or race, or any of the ideas these liberals apply this deconstruction to] if followed through to its logical conclusion is the death of language and all attempts to render the world abstractly, as well as any notion of law and order at all. And while its true that many foolish persons who don't understand this truth act as though their favorite ideas were actually REAL, its no less stupid then to dismiss the abstract in favor of new abstract, without being honest that that is what you're doing.
Don't say the State doesn't 'exist', but whatever anarchist commune you think of does, instead say "My idea is more useful" and then argue that.