Is it possible to be a white nationalist and still love (white) tgirls?
Is it possible to be a white nationalist and still love (white) tgirls?
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wtf i hate vagina now
Yeah, theres no rules against being gay or being a ladyboy desu
I guess,
Absolutely. Little known fact is that Trump used to be a Sup Forumstard before he graduated to Sup Forums (like most of us).
you can if you take the bog pill
Yeah white nationalists can be in the closet don't worry
We should just take all the femboys and turn them into legal concubines to be sold and used desu.
I mean, that's what they did in ancient times for men who couldn't be men.
yes, user. it's fine. we all love traps. alot of these people will tell you it's degenerate, but who gives a shit.
who is this fluid druid
How new
is it race mixing if you fuck a nonwhite tgirl?
chelsea manning
No, race mixing is procreation. It's still coal-burning though
>is it race mixing if you fuck a nonwhite tgirl?
Spread your seed. Fucking nonwhites is what conquerors do. Breed them.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with making love to a white girl(male)
jesus said on /hwndu/ stream traps were not gay, so you have full permission
Fucking hawt. Sometimes I wish I was a useless betaboy so I can become a fuckslave. Unfortunately, I have a job and aspirations though.
>feminine penis is gay
White males can and should spreed seed to any sow. If a white woman takes black then we cast the cunt out. It's how it works.
You know, I honestly wish there was an alternative to Sup Forums where anti-cuck culture was actually enforced and mentally ill crossdressing men who want to bring their masochism fantasies to life and the faggots who support them were put up against the fucking wall and shot.
Jailhouse faggotry.
>Spread your seed. Fucking nonwhites is what conquerors do. Breed them.
So racemixing is okay after all?
Only with your seed.
Sorry bro. This is what we get for siding against Hitler 80 years ago.
Dam nigga u mad? Lol
Sauce please?
it's not ok for women, because getting pregnant by a shitskin is a downgrade for the child.
getting shitskin women pregnant is overall an upgrade for them, but then there's the question of caring for the kid
would you still like tgirls if regular girls cleaned up their act and became submissive and feminine again?
you love benis
you love femininity and are seeking wherever you can find it
Jamie French
fun fact: tgirls and tboys post on Sup Forums
Femboys are degenerate faggots.
>neet logic
Yes but you're still a degenerate.
Arigatou, user-san.
It's the true red pill. Women are only for making men, and even this will be replaced by artificial wombs.
The Age of Boipussy is upon us brethren!
Yes, a white nationalist is not somehow exempt from degeneracy and indecency
But.....isn't this is favor of femboys since Rorschach got BTFO'd in the end?
Praise kek
There's too many faggots on Sup Forums we should deport back to their board
>Muh Artificial wombs
You really need to stop watching science fiction movies it rots your brain.
thai ladyboys are the true redpill
no, rorschach was right in both the meme and original work
Tgirls, the end result of Liberal Numales puberty.
pick one
This man speaks the Truth
Nah m8, I'm against shit like this but I'm against restrictions of speech, fuck it, let them degenerate shitpost. Restrict this by being better and fostering an environment where people like that don't come.
This is my thoughts on the issue - still against it, but I kinda understand it being as I'm a heterosexual and I've dealt with women. Can't get over a chick having a dick though, I don't care how femme "she" is or how good it looks, I don't need that shit slapping my leg, but I get it.
Then he'd have run under the dems and lost to El Rato or Rubi-OS.
>nu-Sup Forumsacks think science fiction shit is going to happen while being massive queers at the same time
Thats a cute, feminine penis.
why do so many faggots want to identify with us?
I have been right wing my whole life and i have never seen 'white nationalist' faggots.
Only here on pol... which leads me to believe that they are just jew LARPERS and role players and shills... trying to make the right look bad.
Go to the democrats where you fags belong.
Praise it!
>cute, feminine penis
The best kind of penis
They're newfags from r/the_cuckold who give donald a bad name, but are also massive faggots who love sucking cock. They call their tranny qts "Redpilled" when homos are anything but.
They're like those minorities who want to be white nationalists but even more gay.
Sup Forums have been flooded by Sup Forumstards and redditors and they are not assimilating.
Fucking immigration, we are not safe from it even here.
Agreed, you have excellent taste in shemales,my friend
Women are evil by nature, they can't change it.
The answer is ladyboy:beautiful, pleasing to the eye, without disgusting vagina, logical, capable of BOTH holding intelligent conversation and sucking cock like no woman can.
They're getting half of the message correct, they want to be strong and virtuous, but they do not believe homosexuality is degenerate.
Gays have existed since the dawn of time, it is a thing that happens in nature. But it is degenerate, and it is their duty to resist it. It's a hard burden, but it's one they must take up.
We're backing off the brainwashing, but it'll be a difficult pill for them to swallow (hue hue gays swallow hue hue). I, for one, welcome them as allies, but we do have to curb this shit eventually.
>that being said, homolust for tgirls and stuff is far from being a priority problem in my mind, and with how women have been transformed and turned into a negative and how men and masculinity have faced a constant assault... I understand their proclivities and being pushed towards it, but you have to fight back
I don't really like cuck shit, but the total domination of a race through such extreme emasculation and feminization that the men become the women is so fucking hot and gets me hard.
>be abomination of science transgender
>some guy actually thinks that's hot
then suicide at 25
Sex without reproduction is masturbation.
my nigga
Is liking redpilled traps gay, Sup Forums?
I like my tgirls post-op
Your post is the definition of newfaggotry.
only western trans are like this
Asian and South American trans are fine with guys liking the for what they are.
But I like ladyboys for their cute tight buttholes not their penis
no. GTFO degenerate faggot
*clicks over to Sup Forums*
*furiously masturbates to trap porn*
puta de nojo, sóce
Yes traps are trannies and transgenders are bluepilled.
You're a faggot go back to r/the_cuckold
I been here since years. Here, enjoy my posts from 2015
Yes, the future belongs to men and transgirls.
Once we will have artificial wombs, our society will be made anew, and without influence of women, it will be based on brotherhood, science, progress, peace.
Matriarchy will end and Homocracy will reign supreme.
We shall reach stars and more.
only if xhe looks like kalindrachan
No ladyboys are women they just have a penis
Conclusion : not gay