Apparently he posted on Sup Forums a day before shooting up that mosque
Anyone have a screenshot?
Apparently he posted on Sup Forums a day before shooting up that mosque
Anyone have a screenshot?
hes a big goy
it was something about his name starting with "Antwan" and ending with "Kumiya"
/r9k/ has their sperglord
Now we have ours, and lo and behold, he's a fucking leaf
Face it Sup Forums, we're Kek's chosen people
For jew.
I contacted TVA Nouvelles about Sup Forums ... I'm pushing you faggots under the bus. Enjoy your new influx of normies and journalists.
a fucking leaf
>double doubles
fug :D:D braise kek
Actually hiro is talking about banning all leafs soon so go ahead and tell them. Normies dont know how to tech anyway so good luck with that
There's a special leaf blower reserved for you, my dried, crunchy friend.
Why he got such a lesbian haircut tho?
Imbecile. The first thing Trudeau will do will be cutting access to Sup Forums for you cucks.
... that might be a very good thing actually.
is pol actually a board of hate? its at least the second time this happens
mk ultra
> Bissonette
> one post by this user
> of course that means the terror attack is Sup Forums's fault
A-a-re we f-famous now guys?
tfw you will be banned tomorrow hahahah
welcome to the western equivalent of whatever equivalent board closet-jihadists use
Next level shitposting
is it confirmed that he was the one who actually posted that?
where are the pics of the other guy?
Finally. The day of the rake will be made real.
Look at that.Sup Forums is producing degenerates. You faggots have no shame. You're ruining this country and the world. Kys
>a FUCKING leaf
>right before a terror attack
Next level shitposting
The media has basically removed him from the narrative now
he looks like rick james
Are we a hundred percent sure?
fake and gay.
some retard posted that thread 20 minutes after the news broke about the attack.
>implying the newfags aren't already here making garbage threads like this one
that was something that i guess didnt happen
The night of the terror attack he made a post. The image name will lead you to the leaf. Basically he didn't do it.
fug D: this makes me so sad
It's always a fucking leaf
This is what happens when you have severe autism and fail to realize Sup Forums is satire.
no it's all satire. please don't arrest me Sup Forums is a board of peace
>un forum de discussion à caractère haineux
>a message board with hateful content
Seriously, if the guy really isn't a Sup Forumslack then we need to clear our names fast
guess it's time for me to leave this place
i don't want CSEC collecting my data
About time someone posted the full cap. It's missing his banana post though.
Yes, permaban all leaf IPs
it has a post ID. I dont know how to search the archives by ID.
someone do it for me and conform or debunk that
Sup Forums is a board of peace and its hateful and bigoted to blame all of Sup Forums for the actions of one misguided and mentally ill individual
This is the guy that did it?
ok leaf, Im actually starting to believe you are all retarded.
so was this /ourguy/ ?
So after all that and he still only got 5 killed?
Sup Forums is a board of kek
Chaos is funny. Especially when muslims die.
NOT ALL Sup Forums
This is what happens when your Queen won't allow Quebec to be free. If they all want to be poor and starve you should let them. Fucking Canada. Keep your commonwealth in check britbro.
Fuck guys if the left catches on to this we are finished
What you think will happen
>"omg, we can not let Sup Forums to exist!!"
>Sup Forums closes down
What will happen is this story becomes huge:
>Trudeau bans Sup Forums from Canada
>Day of rake is real, Sup Forums is finally free of leaf posters
What will likely happen:
I don't get it, how does having the same image with the same file name in any way prove it's the same poster, the ID is even different.
Am I missing something here?
I'm glad he shot Canadians sick of you shitposters
The ID is different across different threads, retard. It's circumstantial evidence but it raises the likelihood that the media is getting the facts wrong(er).
Woooooow another white male commuted a mass shooting.
I'm soooooo surprised /s
hm, thread got deleted on Sup Forums?
No Canadian has the balls to do it willingly. Guy is an autist or being payed as an excuse to pressure monitors to begin censoring and removing free speech sites like Sup Forums by making them culpable for inciting violence by the use of "hate speech" which is a nasty little word meant to label and discourage any sensible argument counter too the liberal media's hidden agenda.
Mook should sign an executive order banning leafs from this site.
heres a screenshot an user pulled up
Oh for fucks sake.
Good job faggot now Trudeau is going to ban Sup Forums in your country, have fun faggot at least we won't see you here again.
Oh right and I thought that screen cap might actually mean anything. Nice salt in that post there btw faggot, hopefully weedman will block Sup Forums from your gay country and we won't have to deal with your faggy shitposts anymore.
>todays date
You're gonna have to do better than that.
This. Republicans are done
Another episode of Sup Forums distancing itself from someone who had the balls to do what Sup Forums posts about all day.
Let's be real, most of you are just white boys role playing because you're angry society sees your demographic as the losers of the west.
As soon as shit goes down you cower away just like with Roof. You guys do nothing but make whites look bad while also being giant cowards. What a joke
Deus vult?
desu desu vult
look at my flag, do you see a fucking leaf?
he studied political science xD im dead
Get in here faggots
the only person to make anyone look bad is one that walks into a place of worship and kills others
Is there actual proof that Sup Forumsack was behind this? Also I heard that it was a Moroccan or was that just a meme?
You're fucking retarded. Trump beating Hillary didn't need terrorist attacks. Brexit didn't need terrorist attacks. Europe's potential unjusting doesn't need terrorist attacks.
All that's needed is getting the silent majority to have their voice heard. Of course Sup Forums distances itself from a mass shooter, we're not edgy teens. If you're immature enough to think this was some method of backing up what Sup Forums says into action, you're completely delusional and should be locked up yourself
Looks like that guy from The Core with a nosejob.
Mais non mon papillon. Nous aimons les uns les autres et surtout tu.
All I see is the flag of a shameful country with a literal dictator ruining anything good about it. Now fuck off rethuglican
You fucking leafs trying to leech off our fame.
>he fell for the deus vult meme
We need to cleanse the neets off this board.
Mandatory Iron Pill.
Weak b8
libs are embarrassingly bad at bantz, just shameful
Remember that time Sup Forums called a Russian airstrike in Syria?