What did she mean by this Sup Forums?
What did she mean by this Sup Forums?
Nobody's alone when you've got Sup Forums :^)
reverse slut shaming.
She's degrading virgins. So much fir being a "progressive" huh?
she's shaming disabled people, what a bigot
She meant that she can't come up with a better comeback than "virgin" but what else would somebody expect from the writer of one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Total non sequitur
Tell her she stole her ideas. She hates that.
>/lit/tv/pol/ cross-shitposting
lel I wish I had a twitter account
Why put Lotr in shit tier? Lotr fans are usually pretty decent.
Why would she insult the key demographic of the Harry Potter series?? Are Jews literally this retarded.
Is calling someone a virgin not discriminatory?
Her demographic change what they identify as with their mood
>types out a sigh
my biggest fucking pet peeve
>gatsby, monte cristo, and it's totally okay to be a cunt
>on the same level as anything written by Dostoevsky
pick 1
Aww thanks user
You should stop writing like anything you have to say is important, you self-entitled faggot. I bet you're a female.
>being this new
That Pepe has had more real world impact that anything she's written.
I question your lists, but your synopsis of Harry Potter is spot on. I'm reading it for the first time and I keep wondering what the fuss is about.
>JK is a hack, LOTR is where it's at.
This might be the worst book tier chart in the history of the world
That's pretty unprofessional of her.
>unironically using "virgin" as an insult
I thought writers were supposed to have the gift of gab.
>Globalist cunt gets BTFO by sex-symbol
Looks good to me, OP
>adults using *sigh*
top fucking cringe, holy shit
jokes on her, I'm conservative gay fuck boy who hates Muslims, loves pepe, and has probably scored more than she has. Also checkem
Dude it's bait
confirmed as bait with this copy past which un-rustles a couple of jimmies
its meant to be bait
I imagine this hits close to home for most of you far right edgelords
>nobody is alone when you got Sup Forums
>never gets any (You)s
Sure feels alone user
you will be shot on DotR faggot degenerate
Why do women always shame virgins?
What's wrong with being a fucking virgin
Here (You) go, bro.
She's a literal racist, now she's making fun of frogender people and shaming them for their sexuality, disgusting.
You don't know howta lay dat pipe, son, an dats important my nigguh
>What's wrong with being a fucking virgin
Yeah just use "virgin" because you certainly aren't doing any fucking.
Get in here
She just gave Trump a complement.
Is she, dare I say it, /ourgal/?
Nobody cared who she was until she put on the pen and wrote the books.
She was a degenerate single mother. She has her own issues which will stay with her for the rest of her life. She has more than 99 problems, but money aint one.
literally nothing
virgins are adored by God
virginity should be exalted by society not shamed
T- thanks Sup Forums
I'm saving myself for marriage to make a family instead of participating in hedonistic degenerate sex that doesn't improve society in any way.
Still better reincarnation than being alcoholic drunk writer who uses Twitter as a therapeutic mean to overcome her crippling depression from being sexually molested in the young age.
Isn't virgin shaming unprogressive?
> Angry that a dank meme is bigger than her shitty fictional characters.
Wew laddy
That you should have the courage to use your own face and name and make a real change in the world
isn't Rowling just a name for a bunch a writers of the Harry Potter Saga? i still can believe she wrote all that shit.
Stop, stop, your take-down is too brutal.
I'd imagine a lot of those leftist betas were a little hurt by it as well.
Although they probably saw the "cartoon frog," part and thought the lonely virgin thing didn't apply to them.
We need to start pumping out pro trump harry potter memes.
I don't see what's wrong with being a virgin until marriage.
Na, you're prob just an ugly aspie. Saving yourself for marriage sounds like a fucking dirty mudslime practice, you cuck.
You're a real goober
Enjoy it buddy.
The Left role playing with insults like the Right
haha they're becoming us
This, I found hentai with a better story than Harry Pooter shit.
>Clifford for President
Seeing how my niece is going to be reading children books in a year, what's the deal with that book?
Here is a (you) brother
Just be sure to never abandon us
Actually jk just styled on pepe.
Well done. I respect good banter when I see it.
Has anyone ever sent this copypasta to her and gotten a response? I'd like to imagine she gets it on the daily.
>typing out a sigh
It means she's totally more intellectual than drumpf supporters and is also being a condescending bitch
Pointing out liberal hypocrisy is fun
Too bad they just let it roll off their backs, much unlike Achmed or Hussein Obama's semen
>Monte Cristo, Don Quixote, and Ayn Rand Wish Fulfillment anywhere near high tier
>Brave New World not higher than 1984
>Catch-22 low
>Tolkien, the god of fantasy, not low
>Faulkner and Steinbeck not Shit
I get this is bait but I'm still mad.
The "virgin" insult is so fucking unoriginal, try harder next time JK. Also apparently it's okay to virgin shame but if you call out a slut for being slutty you're an asshole. Leftist logic everyone.
do liberals have a monopoly on hypocrisy
are a massive faggot
Love you no homo
>respectful acknowledgement
Get the FUCK back to The Donald right now. You cunts stick out like sore thumbs. Go white knight that used up whore on Reddit, not here, CUNT
>Using the term virgin as a pejorative
wow triggered, that's not very tolerant of her is it?
Idiots of the Internet, oh snap! You've been had.
Not having her saggy old cunt doesn't make someone a virgin.
>Yer a wizards sleeve, Rowling
>wuthering heights in shit tier
fuck lit
>I was incredulous
To be fair fat gay dudes will fuck anything, that's why I'm amazed there's so many lonely gays on this site.
That's so accurate it's hilarious
literally a nobody soccer mom who started writing 3rd grade tier stories that the media went apeshit for
#rainoffrogs Sup Forums
This is why we need to bring slut shaming back.
And also doing the same pose and expression of a certain cartoon frog.
Who else remembers this on Brexit night?
stone cold doesn't car about funny book knowledge.
>like that applies to evil right wingers
Shes attacking Muslim women, who must remain virgin until marriage.
that if you aren't raping women like the Muslims you are doing it wrong, it is fucking 2017
>this is probably the most famous living author
>lol u r a virgin
the human race was a mistake
she means that when she loses an argument she resorts to insulting their character rather than trying to refute it
This I trued to convince libtards that Islam is against women's rights and lgbt. I then tell them I am LGBT and they flip out and call me a bigot
It is the second most overrated franchise ever.
>Mudblood sympathizer
>Current year
Amen Brother! Fuck that retarted bitch!
the only power women have is their vagina