because you let this happen
>projected kills
>communist leaders either heavily disputed or unverifiable
Who woyld even share this kind bullshit
Fucking brain dead syrup-nigger
Say it with me Sup Forums...
... A
You mean we'll be #1 best killer? fuck yeah.
Also... it's pretty funny that they put "unverified" under all the communist fucks, ahahaha
Because we are fucking tired of your jewish leftist hippy shit.
since when was Roosevelt a tyrant...?
This type of shit is going to get him elected a 2nd term 100%. It's just too much
Trump is an intrinsic product of capitalism and the epitome of how it effects humanistic ethics in exchange to perpetuate an otherwise unsustainable society based on materialistic values, which ultimately lead to fascism. I personally idealize the idea of a global community for multiple reasons so it's sad to see separatist attitudes that avoid looking at the bigger picture of any situation. The power is in the people and I hope we see it through so that everything works out. It's important to me to try and stay educated and not fall to either side of the political spetrum to the point of forming dogmatic opinions, in which people on both sides of the spetrum do. I'd rather try and seek what truth and perspective I can find in these situations so I don't blindly follow anything because otherwise you'll just end up recycling hate in your own voice. The divide between us as people is a conditioned illusion and if people are too shitty to realize that, that's pretty stupid but, idk, I have faith we're smart enough to come to a collective conclusion on such a thing and move in a direction that's more beneficial for all of us instead of fabricating fictional divisions, because we're all on the same level and we're only human.
>no proof
>commies are worse than capitalists
The Holocaust on Muslims will NOT happen... r-right, guys?
>only commie genocides are unverifiable and heavily disputed
>lgbt included in calc
There are many reasons why no one takes you fuckers seriously anymore. Thinking Trump wants to kill teh gheys is one of them.
What's Obama's score?
A... satirical post?
A stupid fucking burger?
Well is better than Hillary's nuclear war with that other tyrant which would have killed ~7 billion.
I wonder how many Hillary timelines are left?
KEK these stats sure are accurate leaf. David Brock likes nigger cream in his ass to feed the super aids.
God, I hope so
>not 35 million
>unsustainable society
What society has ever been sustainable kike?
250 million dead mexicans?
Wow, the future never looked so white
why is this on Sup Forums
this place really is garbage now
>Winston Churchill
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Lol k
I hope Trump becomes everything these people fear he is, Im getting pretty tired of hearing him be called a fascist or a tyrant when hes done literally nothing to warrant those labels but say words. Fuck lgbtqia+ whatever it is now. Fuck "M- M- MUH ISLAMAPHOBIA" muslims and fuck illegal immigrants, mexicans or otherwise. AND YES MOST IMPORTANTLY FUCK NIGGERS
>Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Gee, I knew dead people could vote, but never knew they could order a nuclear bombing.
CTR is back
he started ww2 because he couldn't get moneis from Germany.
Probably about as many peaceful muslims there are
Maybe we do need day of the leaf after all
>(Heavily Disputed)
This image is fucking brilliant
>all communist deaths are unverifiable
Marxist pls kys
What "bigger picture"?
I agree when it comes to dogmatism but have you considered it dogmatic to not believe in dogmatism. Equally have you considered you are "conditioned" to believe this way?
I wouldn't have faith in humanity's collective intelligence. We tend toward our own destruction more so than our own benefit.
>23 million
Lol damn right that's heavily disputed, Stalin's death count is more around 60 million
Also Churchill didn't do Hiroshima, he did pic related and an indian famine but he didn't nuke the nip
Churchill started WWII
>Winston Churchill
>All the marxist/communist/socialist/left wing tyrants have their kill counts marks as disputed or unvarifiable.
All canadian IP's should be automaticlly banned from posting on Sup Forums.
where obama?
how exactly is Churchill responsible for the famine? I'm nor negating it I just want to know how he's tethered to it
i think you meant Day of the Rake
He diverted rations from the British Raj to feed the homeland, which killed a few million people or so, the Poo in the Loos weren't happy about it and it made Gandhi a lot more popular
tfw you'll never hold a spot at the top of the global tyrant kills leaderboard
if Georgie only killed 250 thousand, that means obama killed over 2 million
its frustrating that this infographic doesn't list the atrocities of the communists. Mao's famine made Churchill's look like nothing
>occupy democrats
Thats because marxists couldn't possibly ever do anything wrong, because they are on the left and anyone on the left cares about people whereas people on the right just want to be nasty to poor people for no reason....
that was truman who laid the bomb on Japan not FDR, FDR was dead at the time
this is how I know this chart was made by a leftist
such ignorance
You are not trying hard enough user,
I remember first noticing that Communism was not condemned and in many cases even celebrated. Then I wondered why a hammer and sickle was acceptable and a swastika was completely unacceptable. Then one thing led to another and...