How many millions in a billion?

There's a viral video in Greece where some guy with a microphone asks random people in the center of Athens how many millions are in a billion and nobody knows the answer

The worst part is, when the video went viral people talked about it, and realized even normal people I know did not fucking know how many million are in a billion. It wasn't just the video being edited, people literally don't know.

How can we be so dumb? Do you people all know how many million are in a billion? Don't fucking google it Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:,000,000,000


>How many millions in a billion?
1000, unless you are retarded

1000 million is one billion


Yes. A thousand.

Also, those videos are fucking stupid as they likley filter the shit out of the interviews and only pout the stupid responses.

Obviously there are a billion millions in a billion.

y-yeah, stupid people

>Expecting Greece to know basic math

>Also, those videos are fucking stupid as they likley filter the shit out of the interviews and only pout the stupid responses.
Yes, that's what I thought too.
Until some friend brought it up and then I realized these people actually exist and most of my female friends did not know the answer

So that's why your financial industry crashed.

a million millions is a billion, amerisharts can sod off

you did good, here take a cookie.

>billion (n.) Look up billion at
1680s, from French billion (originally byllion in Chuquet's unpublished "Le Triparty en la Science des Nombres," 1484; copied by De la Roche, 1520); see bi- "two" + million. A million million in Britain and Germany (numeration by groups of sixes), which was the original sense; subsequently altered in French to "a thousand million" (numeration by groups of threes) and picked up in that form in U.S., "due in part to French influence after the Revolutionary War" [David E. Smith, "History of Mathematics," 1925]. France then reverted to the original meaning in 1948. British usage is truer to the etymology, but U.S. sense is said to be increasingly common there in technical writing.

this isn't surprising. a billion of anything isn't relevant to most people. they have no context for that number

but be real.

how many ordinary people deal with a million or a billion of anything?

our leaders do.

are we expected to understand all that the leader is expected to.

There are 100 because a million has 7 numbers but a billion has three more so 100 times more. Basic shit.

What the fuck was even the point of educating the whole population? They did just all forget? Or never learned it?

There's a million millions in a billion for UK measurement.

US measurement is considerably smaller at just a thousand millions to a billion.

All these debt, you couldn't even afford to go to school...

If your doctor said you only have a billion sperm and that's why you couldn't reproduce then you would have context and understanding about a billion.


>how many ordinary people deal with a million or a billion of anything?
data on a hard drive

If your billion is a million millions (equal to the US trillion) how do you call a thousand million in the UK then?

Oh right. Could be some long/short scale confusions. Dunno if this affects Greece? I know they use the long scale in Quebec.

t. Martin Schulz


No it's pretty straightforward like the US system here.

It's just a thousand million, one thousand millions isn't a significant numerical step so it doesn't warrant its own identifier.

If you think normies know what a terabyte means you're in for disappointment.

Not in Spanish.
A billion is a million millions so
A thousand millions is a milliard or millardo.

a thousand

Dunno about the UK, but in French they have alternative names like "milliard".

It goes million, milliard, billion, billiard, trillion, trilliard, etc, for each 1000 multiplier.

And there's often confusion during translations.

A thousand million.

People know gigabytes because of the iPhone
16 gigabytes is low
64 gigabytes is alright
128 gigabytes is more than they'll ever need
But if you tell them how many megabytes is an iPhone picture they don't know. And if you ask them how many megabytes are in a gigabyte they don't know. And if you ask them how many pictures they can store in an iPhone's gigabyte they also do not know.

>mexican education

How many millions in denbts?

If the government officially and legally declares a new backing to their currency. Let's say it was a crypto-currency with state sanctioned exchanges.

Let's say, Bitcoin, for example has a max of 21 million coins. Reciprocate the value of each coin the national deficit and we could be looking at digital gold priced at each coin being worth nearly a million dollars.

That won't happen, but what could happen is each state sanctions there own currency backed by their capital resources and having a fed-to-state sanctioned exchange to appease at the very least property and energy taxes but at the most could be currencies that bail out the lower class working citizens.

Wtf did I just write? I think I just went full retard.

>american lack of it,000,000,000

Now please, buy a burger and choke on it.

A thousand, used to be a million in the old system

I'd expect more from the country that gave us Archimedes

1 000 000 - Million
1 000 000 000 - Milliarde
1 000 000 000 000 - Billion
1 000 000 000 000 000 - Billiarde
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 - Trillion
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 - Trilliarde
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 - Quadrillion

That doesn't indicate any knowledge of a gigabyte being 1024 megabytes which is 1024 kilobytes which is 1024 bytes

Apple could rebrand gigabyte units as "creation space" and normies would think 64 creation spaces is better than 16 creation spaces.

>American English always uses the short scale definition but British English has employed both versions. Historically, the United Kingdom used the long scale billion but since 1974 official UK statistics have used the short scale. Since the 1950s the short scale has been increasingly used in technical writing and journalism, although the long scale definition still enjoys common usage


>american education

The bigger question:

how many billions in a trillion?

I didn't even go to highschool and I know it's 1000,

Thats just because you primitive fucks don't have a word for a billion.


>trillion Look up trillion at
>1680s, from French trillion, from Italian trilione; see tri- + million. In the U.S., the fourth power of a thousand (one thousand billion, 1 followed by 12 zeroes); in Great Britain, the third power of a million (one million billion, 1 followed by 18 zeroes), which is the original sense. Compare billion.

He asks that in the video to some people too, they don't know
One says "three"

When we talked about this video with my friends, none of my female friends knew the answer except one.
And then I asked her, how many millions in a trillion, and she blacked out too.

Common Core math everyone.

He did say it was different if you were retarded.

The earth is only 6000 years old so any number larger than that is irrelevant

Vendors often make them 1000-based to make the suffixed number bigger. I think they even used to use 1024 bytes kilobytes, but 1000 kB megabytes for HDDs for some reason.
You just can't know nowadays. The kibi/mibi/gibi/etc (and kebi/mebi/gebi/etc) thing didn't really catch on.

This explains the debt.

How come the Brit media calls Richard Branson a "billionaire"?

That's a lot of seconds though.

xaxaxa ekfylismenis

There is 2 systems the long and short one, short being 1000 millions to a billion and the long being a million.

american billion = 1/1000th german billion

burgers btfo


Have you seen Greece's debt/gdp ratio? Of course they don't understand math.

You didn't get my joke.

I hate you now.

Its the BIGGER question.

No there is not. It's 1000x1,000,000 is 1 billion

t. Brit abroad

Yeah, because the latin used in the prefix was invented by mooses like you.
We didn't have bipeds before 'murica.

Because using the language apropiately is retarded.
Also american billion is compensation. Big words for tiny numbers. You are always like this.

Really who gives shit? how is knowing how many millions are in a billion supposed to help with anything in my life? Unless I am going to a gaming show to win 1 million dollars if I answer stupid question correctly like when was the great wall of china build I don't give a damn about this question nor do I feel stupid by not knowing them they have no impact in my life and neither on the lives of probably 99% of the population. I'm not saying you shouldn't learn but if your gonna learn learn something that will help you live better.


That would be the number of trillions in a billion.

Are you female?

(Also, use periods! Commas are meaningless!),000,000,000
>In the South Asian numbering system, it is known as 100 crore or 1 Arab.

This is a Syrian girl with "two degrees" who came up in my kikebook feed with propaganda. She deleted my response and messaged me. I can understand not speaking good English as a second language but bad math should be automatic fail in college.

Because he's full of shit. Short form is commonly used worldwide.

>spaniards this mad

>just pretending

>hurr durr i can't read IDs

Americans don't know it either.

>implying you are not the same shit


>damage control

some glorious beards in that video

It's called a "milliard" and it rhymes with "retard".

twice the amount of zeroes there are in a million you dumb faggots
6 zeroes in a million, 12 zeroes in a billion
1 000 000 million
1 000 000 000 000 billion

without googling, I think it's a thousand millions in a billion, isn't it?

I don't know the answer, I don't need to know the answer.

>these people unironically claim to be white

it's different between languages
in norwegian milion is million, milliard is billion, and billion is trillion

For us it's

1 Millionen 106
1 Milliarde 109
1 Billionen 1012
1 Trillionen 1015

So if I got that right, we use short scale but semanticly made use of long scale for million to billion

Americans count billions a 1000 million

Latino-intellectuals define a billion as a million millions.

I would be so pissed off if someone raped my language like that.

Luckily only a handful of countries speak Dutch officially, and we're the most important of them so we're pretty safe.

it actually makes more sense given our language, here let me put it this way:

>mil = 1000
>mil millones = millardo (milliard)
>millon de millones = billon (billion)

your billions if off by a magnitude of 4

Thanks Germany, don't forget to work hard and keep giving a thousand millions of cookies to Greece.

Depends. In old British standard a billion was a million million and some government spokesman got mocked a few years ago for mixing it up with the modern/international billion, which is 1000 million.

When people started talking about trillion dollar debts, the BBC had to explain what a trillion was (1000 billion) in the middle of their news broadcast for days.

I never had trouble with it, I always understood you just add 3 more zeros and the names just progressively use latin or greek numbering: bi, tri, quad, quint, etc.

4 to 5 dozen ounces.

And do not give me this metric bullcrap.


How do you find the population of mexico?

Roll a quarter down the street.

How do you find the richest person in mexico?

Find the person who got the quarter

That's what I said before all the idiots answered.
"Not in Spanish."

But the burgers want to impose their faggotry, so there we are.

It does for us.

Ignore other britfags in this thread they're just trolling. One billion = 1,000 million unless you are a retard. Literally nobody says 'a thousand million'.

A billion is ten one hundred thousands.

You really think there are so many people on planet? Lets think deep.

I am fairly sure you have that wrong.
Why would anyone mix two systems?

no such thing retardo

A million million is a billion.
>Thousand million is an Anglo degeneracy