Why should I support a #NoMuslim ban? I'm neutral. I don't hate refugees or muslims and I don't think they are terrorists.
Why should I support a #NoMuslim ban? I'm neutral...
muh dick
There is no Muslim ban, you are a retarded MSM sheep/shill
look out your window.
Is anything about her even real?
Maybe you should actually see one in person.
Fucking Paki OP
Don't you get tired of posting this same subject/female?
Its not a muslim ban
Also it has no affect on the UK
Where the fuck were you during the last 50 terror attacks by them?
Well then take them into your own fucking country. Let america decide who can enter our own country.
Because we tried it Obama's way for 8 years and it lead to terrorist attack after terrorist attack. Maybe strong arming these cunts into being civilized is the best way to go about things. It sends a strong and clear message that the reputation of muslims is that of a murderer and thug. Maybe this will make them have some self reflection as to why the world fucking hates them (I doubt it).
Is anyone actually concerned that they're going to die in a terrorist attack? That shit isn't on my radar
Well then, you're a loser without a team. You have no tribe, and that makes you a dangerous risk to those who have something to lose.
Best to kill yourself before the winning team does it for you.
Just wait until the Muslims start forming political parties :^)
But why should Americans support this?
>OP's pic
>women reading
>Islamic Republic
>Two of the worst systems mashed together into one to replace our beautiful Parliamentary Monarchy
Please God no. Anything but that.
I'm more concerned with migration tipping points. London now has a muzzie mayor. That affects more people than a terror attack.
>implying that parliamentary shithole is better than an Islamic theocracy.
Says the sheep. Stay with your heard like a good goy
There is no Muslim ban.
The executive order places temporary (90-day) restrictions on immigration from a list of war-torn shitholes with poor background checks. More specifically, the list of war-torn shitholes with poor background checks was put together by Obama.
She has ascended beyond the need to be real. She is well on her way to taking the bogpill.
>being ruled by some closet faggot who kills open faggots is better than some literally who party member
They're both shit, but one is better than the other solely for the fact it's not Islamic.
Why don't you go live in a Muslim country then?
Stop oppressing Muslims you dirty racist satanist.
no but just because its not real doesn't mean it won't feel good
even though the media focus about the extremist aspect of islamism, the truth is that it's ideology is spreading like a cancer over the western world, having the arrogance of considering itself superior for what christianity and secularism has to offer even though most of their countries are a bunch of dsynfunctional shitholes.
Besides, there's the hypocrisy that western, christian values are persecuted in middle east, while having almost nobody talking about that. You as a britbong should have know above everyone one else what it's like to have a bunch of pakis going fiki-fiki with british underage girls and boys. It's a disgrace, it's humiliating, and that stuff isn't condemned as it should be by the islamic religious authority. They actually praise that, the defiling of western whores, their ideology has no place in our communities, even though it may mean sacrificing the opportunities of some good people that inevitably would be unlucky enough to be born in that cult of death.
>Why should I support a #NoMuslim ban? I'm neutral.
History tell you that.
>I don't hate refugees or muslims and I don't think they are terrorists.
Because you're stupid.
One more thing you should probably know: your opinion doesn't matter, this isn't your country.
This cunt is plastic.
They have such wide-set vaginas.
When is she gonna fuck a groid on camera like her sister?
You are a stupid redneck though. Refugees aren't terrorists, neither are muslims.
I find it bizarre that every time I see a picture of her I have to image search it to realise that it is her. She never looks the same twice. I bet they have a live-in plastic surgeon, so they can get some tweaks in between meals.
You can't say that without making absolutely sure and that takes time to reorganize and profile a terrorist.
The ban is 3 months for god sakes, Ahmed.
Idk, muslim substitute teacher had my dick hard for an hour straight today and i had the biggest cumshot in weeks.
don't support it.
we need the US so that we don't turn into some 3rd world poo in loo shithole.
alienating the us president isnt going to help that. also stop being such a cuck.
>tfw no high test shitskin gf
>Nine predominantly Muslim countries
>Rhetoric is entirely based on Muslim terrorism
>"lol it's not a muslim ban"
>muh ancestor
Naming my son Vlad after this hero.
There are over 40 countries that have a Muslim majority.
He wants to ban seven.
Its not a Muslim ban.
Considering that your a Britbong, look at it this way. Muzzies buy up lots of property which are turned into isolated or no go sections. They adopt globalist culture when it suits or can be tailored to them, but refuse to adopt british culture or embrace being british meanwhile looking down at native Brits and excommunicating Muzzies that do go secular in the British sense of things.
Nevermind Rotherham, the gangs, trying to implement sharia, and the general leeching of welfare services and forcing other social services to bend over backwards to suit their needs.
So OP, care to explain Brexit.
I voted to stay in.
My 3 reasons.
1. Muslims negatively impact my life (increased security measures, lowering the quality of life and living standards in my city and increased crime) and provide zero benefits that Chinese or other non Islamic Asians can't provide.
2. Islam is a retarded ideology.
3. Marxists annoy me.
I have to say, she looks pretty good for having been born a man.
You should.
That explains alot OP. Here you go, the reason why you voted to stay wasssss?????google.com
I support globalism and I like Europe. Personally, I would prefer some kind of stronger Commonwealth than the EU but I like Europe.
it's not a muslim ban you stupid antifa chav
>Hi, I'm somebody who has fallen into the all too common hole of thinking ignorance is in fact high mindedness
>I don't want to come out of this headspace.
At the very least, you would ban them just to be sure. Wait a while and then see if it's really a good idea, before changing your country in a way you will never be able to undo. But it's too late for that in Bongistan...
What you are really asking is if this particular ban is any good. I'm not sure it is, because you're just drawing attention to yourself for attacks. In this case, just match the canadian visa system, then the libs will leave you alone and you can bar entry of the scumbags.
At this point I shouldn't have to warn you about their amazing reproductive rate Britbong...
Yes. I was also inconvenienced by a terrorist attack because the tactical police units stopped my train to set up snipers and a command center and search us.
I'd be less concerned if it was economically viable for me to live in an area not filled with Muslims.
I'm currently working on that.
Britain is overwhelmingly white.They will never outbreed us. Muslims just stay in one area.
You sound smart for arrive the discriminatory policies trump is forcing through. I wish I could say the same of my countrymen who love hating things that are new and different to them. Maybe someday those idiots can pull their heads out of the sand.
You are very cool because you post this picture in every thread. Such a cool person.
Cool and edgy
This order that Trump issued doesn't really address terrorism, it addresses Muslims. It's mostly just testing the water for an eventual ban. Refugees generally don't commit terrorist acts, but their native born offspring do. Young Muslim kids get radicalized due to bullying and ISIS propaganda vids. So banning Muslims would be sort of like cutting off the problem at the literal source, even if the source exists as a result of US fuckups.
The only way to avoid a Muslim ban and Islamist terror in general is for the US to stop engaging in imperialism in the Middle East and most crucially stop the unconditional support of Israel. But that's hard as fuck so I guess we're going for the Muslim ban.
>for seeing the discriminatory policies trump is forcing through*
Oh you poor, damn fool.
if it's a muslim ban, how come the country with most muslims (indonesia) is not listed?
Nigger, you ever hear of the british empire?
>Talking in English
Abdul, arrange the execution
Make them deal with the terrorist vs just running away from them
Walk trough london, a diversity shithole with sharia police, how low will you bow
ffs leaf...
All of our terror attacks were committed by refugees.
And Muslims.
Well...and one Fenian.
It's just like... your opinion, man...
>in school
>speaking in english
Jesus it'd be more accurate if they'd be speaking Polish.
If you can differentiate between the KKK/Westboro and Christians then you can differentiate between terrorist and muslim.
It's mostly white and falling. They are outbreeding you right now, and when they can gather in greater concentrations they will outbreed you by more as they go back to their normal way of life
t. Abdul
Most refugees are 20 something men looking for free money and white pussy.
How is the KKK relevant compared to Islamic terrorism?
10/10 would impregnate
Let's see now.
>US is supporting a rebel faction fighting against the government in Syria.
>The Syrian government has the best records on its people.
Why should the Syrian government help the US vet the refugees? If anything, they'd want to send people that would attack the US for interfering.
Besides, If those records were any good, they would know who the rebels are, where they live and have killed them years ago.
So if you can't trust Syria's government, that leaves third-party records that are obviously shit. Which means that Obama was lying out his ass that these people were being properly vetted before being let into the US.
Don't let it happen to your country too.
KKK and Westboro have never attacked anyone here.
Muslims have and do.
That's not the analogy I was making, obviously.
>yfw we might have taken the bog pill without our knowledge
>They will never outbreed us
Wasn't there something about Mohammed being the most popular name?
Black Rod's cool. That Wool Sack's gotta go though.
>Nine predominant shitholes
Gee I wonder if theres a pattern somewhere
>I don't think they are terrorists
Then you are stupid
1b people are not terrorists.
The restriction isn't on 1 billion people
>Why should I support a #NoMuslim ban? I
You don't have to worry about it. There is no such thing as a "muslim ban" Saged. Tell David Brock we said hello.
Do you have a door on your house because you "hate" everyone else?
Ok mohammed. Your churches turn to mosques and your whites turn to brown. Keep it up. Soon whites will be gone.
How many then, sweetheart.
so what happens when an ISIS member puts on civy clothes and come to you country under refugee status and kill a bunch of people
Not me personally but for white Americans as a whole yes. Even if terrorism's unlikely god knows we don't need more minorities. We need to send back the ones we already have