Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
with a human ban nobody would have ever died
really made me think
you look hurt.
here is a therapy cat for you.
Without mudslimes, jews and niggers, we would be in space by now.
kill yourself, faggot
>Implying the Native Americans didn't fight tooth and nail and torture people as a form of terrorism.
>with a white ban, you'd be living naked in a jungle eating monkeys
As a native American it pisses me off that these dumb Fucks don't realize 90% of out fucking race was wiped out by small pox! That's like blaming China for killing Europeans or Middle east for killing Europeans.
Except during the Middle Ages the Middle East was the intellectual center of the world... also 50 percent of nobelprize winners for science and math are Jewish... fucking retarded Drumpfkin...
Without mudslimes the Barbary slave trade wouldn't have enslaved more Africans than America ever did
With a #whiteban that nigger would still be in Western Africa throwing spears and catching aids instead of posting on twitter with his iPhone
Ungrateful apes
As opposed to what exactly?
The liberal knows nothing more than what a Jew tells them. They are forbidden from seeking knowledge that does not come from a Jewish celebrity approved source.
Here's the thing.....Trump is an intrinsic product of capitalism and the epitome of how it effects humanistic ethics in exchange to perpetuate an otherwise unsustainable society based on materialistic values, which ultimately lead to fascism. I personally idealize the idea of a global community for multiple reasons so it's sad to see separatist attitudes that avoid looking at the bigger picture of any situation. The power is in the people and I hope we see it through so that everything works out. It's important to me to try and stay educated and not fall to either side of the political spetrum to the point of forming dogmatic opinions, in which people on both sides of the spetrum do. I'd rather try and seek what truth and perspective I can find in these situations so I don't blindly follow anything because otherwise you'll just end up recycling hate in your own voice. The divide between us as people is a conditioned illusion and if people are too shitty to realize that, that's pretty stupid but, idk, I have faith we're smart enough to come to a collective conclusion on such a thing and move in a direction that's more beneficial for all of us instead of fabricating fictional divisions, because we're all on the same level and we're only human.
We'll the slaves would be slaves regardless. The natives dying was just incidental, and even then they were more than happy to ally themselves with whites to help kill their enemy tribes
Retard. Learn politics faggot.
>lets rewrite history with twitter hashtags!
>White people are evil right guys!
those slaves would have just been shipped somewhere else. Who do they think were enslaving the Africans in the slave trade?
Here's a glimpse of how blacks from different countries treat each other.
Do you really fucking believe that xenophobia will go away with the evil white race?
>Whining about whites in a white country using white technology
Kek. Doesn't she realize that she is helping to prove his point. Many Native Americans actively resisted the white people and for good reason. We came over and conquered their shit. We even forced them to assimilate. Now guess who is coming over and trying to force the now occupants of America to assimilate and conquer?
This time it ain't the whites. We just have to fight to preserve our culture.
With a #JewBan, both world wars would have never happened
Let's get #WhiteBan trending on twitter.
Native Americans are objectively less useful to the survival of our species. If we don't become a space faring civilisation our species is doomed. If the Native Americans were left in peace they would still be wasting resources on making shiny beads and braiding each others hair. I'm am glad they got conquered, for humanities sake.
Still beats being enslaved by jews
What is unsustainable about a capitalist society?
We're on the verge of being a post scarcity type 1 civilization and you're splitting hairs over chump change and condemning the economic system that brought us this far.
The notion that there is any actual scarcity of resources in the universe is laughable. There are more resources than we could use in a trillion life times.
Its luddites like you that cant see the bigger picture or think past your own nose that are holding us back. Not even you can stop the tidal wave of progress of humanity.
It's crazy how liberals think only white people can be racist. Any time a non-white is racist towards anyone else (it doesn't even have to be a white person), they downplay or ignore it.
>100 million
O-Oy Vey?
>Native Americans
because of course keeping a civilisation that had yet to invent the fucking wheel alive is a perfectly reasonable use of time.
but he's absolutely right
>indians suffered because they let in white immigrants
>now those white immigrants will suffer because they let in muslims
I have a law degree and a PhD in symbolic logic.
What the actual fuck did I just read. Are you trying to say the two sides are hopelessly entrenched in their positions? Did you need the 300 words to do that. Brevity is the soul of wit.
Is it to late to send back 12.5 million niggers?
Remember: don't reply to shill threads
>With a white ban, about 4 billion niggers would never have been born and alive today.
Fixed that for him.
It wasn't even them: fucking disease wiped a majority of natives and aztecs and incas. Sure there was some abuse but it was a majority disease killing them.
Sorry dude I was trying to imply that even without a white ban they already living naked in a jungle eating monkeys.
Yeah, those 12.5 million slaves would have been kept in Africa and treated infinitely worse.
They are literally being brainwashed at university, I talked to some sociology faggot here are some quotes
"According to the dictionary and pretty much every major academic institution, racism requires both prejudice and power."
Obviously he didn't even read the dictionary definition, I pointed out that he was applying the concept of institutional racism to individual people, he responded with:
"Institutional racism is the colloquial term for racisim"
They are being spoonfed this bullshit by communist "professors" it's pretty fucking worrying that this level of delusion is normal in universities.
this. It would have been unreasonable to just let them continue their culture in the americas. Somebody would have eventually moved in for the resources anyway
Im sure being sold to Portugal or the Arabian states would have been just peachy.
>implying the slaves werent owned by blacks whites and jews and muslims probably too L M A O
This is poor logic.
No one was able to institute a white ban
They're both right.
When will this meme die already? Where did it even come from in the first place? There weren't even that many in both of the Americas, let alone with the boundaries of the future continental US.
>Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
Fuck you and the Nigger you rode in on.
>>implying the slaves werent owned by blacks whites and jews and muslims probably too L M A O
There was no concerted effort by American slave owners to go to Africa and "round up some niggers". Slave trade was in full force by Dutch, English and Arab ship owners. In other words there was already a market for them and Southern plantation owners just purchased them. Just like you or I would go to best buy and get a computer.