why don't you use a safety razor, Sup Forums?
>gives a closer shave
>not buying the cartridge jew
inb4 unshaven numales
why don't you use a safety razor, Sup Forums?
>gives a closer shave
>not buying the cartridge jew
inb4 unshaven numales
Other urls found in this thread:
or just don't shave
I do use safety razers faggot. Anyone who doesn't doesn't know what it feels to get a close shave.
Because of how my hair grows, I'll get bumps if I use a non-electric razor.
Because it takes twice as long as a mach13 razor and only gives mildly better results, and will absolutely slice your face of you're in a hurry.
It is a good shave when you have time to shave though.
Straight razors are the best you fucking pussy
Only women can fall for that "3/4/5 blade, fusion, gel, vibration" etc marketing bullshit.
Ideally change the blade after every shave,twice is totally fine, even three shaves if you're cheap.
Best shaving ever.
Because I'm 28 and still don't have facial hair.
>shaving my neckbeard
I'm pretty sure neckbeards are how you refer to fat people.
what do you do when it gets dull/how do you keep it sharp?
>American education
I use a beard and hair trimmer
I got one of them electric shavers
feels good man
>Bought one cheap electric razzor a decade ago
>Still working.
So you're black. Why are you beating around the bush?
I use russian safety razors, astra, cheap as fuck
I wanna get a straight razor. I don't shave often and prep for shave with a straight razor has come to be relaxing. Almost look forward to shaving.
>not being a slovenly mess
Wrong website kiddo.
If you've got tremors maybe.
It takes less time for me because the blades aren't shit, and I've cut myself once in the years I've used it.
I just use the shite I get for presents, don't shave everyday.
>all that beard dandruff
HA! Joke's on you!
My work provides disposables in the gym.
I have one. It's a huge meme. Sure, they look elite, but you get a much easier and cleaner/closer shave with a disposable.
$276 in double edge blades? A 100 pack is only $10. So if you only use each side once, that means you get 400 uses for $20, more than a year's supply. So 5 years would only be $100.
I wish, its the shirt.
Because Sup Forums is super mean to black people :(
Though to be honest, not everyone who has their hair grow in curls is black. He could also be a jew. Though I don't know, or care, how Jews actually grow their hair.
I'm black and I've used a razor before, but I won't get bumps if I'm not a lazy shit about putting alcohol on my face afterwards. Yes I know it dries out your skin but dry skin is better then the entire bottom of your neck looking like you've got herpes
You stupid bitch. Men have been shaving for thousands of years. Your hair isn't special, but maybe your brain is (as in you're fucking retarded).
Because I don't live in the 3rd world and have electricity, I use an electric shaver like a civilized human being.
Cost $110, negligible electricity costs over the years.
Sharpen it with the belt
>white hair
Get out grandpa
I bet you wear one of those spic beard chin straps. Amigo.
>not using a straight razor
do you also not have testicles?
Because I use a disposable cutthroat instead.
My beard hair is really coarse and I shave irregularly, so I need the single blade action for fast and effective shaves. Only straight razors don't clog up after like two centimetres of travel.
There's no need for a close shave. You can just use clippers to keep the beard short and only close shave the edges to keep it clean looking.
And don't buy thick rim glasses if you're a four eyed fuck.
It's not a closer shave. That's why you get less irritation from a safety razor, because you aren't shaving the same area 5 times. That whole the first blade cuts the hair and pulls it out farther for the next blade.
Straight edge for straight men, you're not a faggot are you OP? Literally a one time cost of 30 bucks and then you're set for life.
>still falling for the safety razor jew
Shaving is for fags. Just get a set of electric clippers that will last forever. Bonus points: you can just cut all your hair when it's haircutting time.
But are there people who actually cut their hair every day? I couldn't imagine doing that.
I can't shave in that both ways. The irritation is too big. I pass every 2-3-4 days a hair-cutting machine at 0.
>he doesn't use an electric razor
i hope you cut your jugular and get razor burn on your ass
I tend to nick my jawline under my earlobes, the bit of hair that grows just under my nose, and just under my chin, all the fun places where if you're not perfectly angled you slice instead of shaving.
i use the same single use shaver for 2 months
>But are there people who actually cut their hair every day?
I do use safety razor, but let's be honest here - it's shit. The only and decisive advantage is the cost.
I like this. Where can I find one?
And is it still called a shavette?
Pic related is what I've been using for as long as I can remember.
It belonged to my great-great-uncle.
>Where can I find one?
Pretty much any shaving shop. $10 for the razor and $5 for 20 blades.
i'm the opposite: electric either does nothing for me or creates dozens of small cuts. foam + razor it is then
>shaving shop
the only shaving shops we have around here are the art of shave "boutiques" that will happily charge you $400 for a $50 shave kit.
Nah, that just means you aren't prepping it properly.
You soak with a damp, hot towel, and then apply shaving soap (not cream) and let it sit a couple of minutes. Then, shave with the grain for the first round and reapply shaving soap, following with an against the grain shave.
Clean yourself up and apply a proper shave balm (not aftershave)
Minimal bumps.
If you're black, there's balm specifically for you.
Sucks to be you then. This is where I got mine but you probably don't have it in the states.
Kek, what?
Brave a beauty supply store, they usually keep them behind glass at the counter.
I've been using the same blade for 2 years. Just sharpen it on your jeans.
Shaving daily is the greatest secret to success I've ever discovered. I went through my early 20s with varying amounts of shitfuzz on my face at any given time. Thought I was too cool and laid back to shave every morning like a lame grown up. Now my life has completely turned around for the better. The sky's the limit boys, and it's all thanks to not looking like a loser manchild who can't groom himself properly.
>not making your own shaving soap & aftershave too
Because I h-have a fat face...
Dollar Shave Club
How the fuck do you spend $276 on a safety razor over 5 years?
>$30 safety razor at most
>$20 shaving cream once a year
>$15 box of 200 safety razors will last 3 years, so get 2
That's $80 kek, do people use a new safety razor each time? I shave twice a week and get 1 month out of mine
I shave with a safety razor. It's the best. Also I have the facial genetics of Apollo, so whenever I see some nu-male round-faced faggot with a shitty beard it makes me chuckle for how poor his jawline must be underneath.
Beards are for trendy, ugly faggots. Shaven faced lads are master race.
These places are scattered in malls throughout the country and they pander to nu-male hipsters with disposable incomes.
>shaving your beard
top kek
I disagree. Multi-bladed razors give me burn and can't cut more than a day's growth.
everyone knows you're hiding shit-tier facial structure genetics under your patchy beard, homo. You're not fooling anyone.
>I shave twice a week
There is your problem. I shave every day.
Because I buy generic supermarket brand cartridges.
Which are even cheaper.
So they both get the job done?
You don't need any of that bullshit.
It's called a strop you uneducated, abandoned grave yard tooth faggot.
Question: I also shave my pubic hair because those aesthetics, but I'm really timid about getting the ball region, for obvious reasons. How exactly are you supposed to shave that without having to worry about slicing open a testicle?
I use a straight razor.
Stop shaving
I got a cheap little Norelco for a Christmas present like 10 years ago and it still works fine. Charging cord's starting to go, but the blades still give me a clean cut.
A straight razor is the best option, but electric is the second best.
this guy gets it
if you're careful and lucky sometimes you may end up not getting horribly deformed for life after shaving. On the topic of shaving, they really won't help if it's more than a stubble and even then it'd be a shit shave.
If I shaved every day I'd look even younger than I already look and that wouldn't do shit for me
My scruffy whiskery 'beard' gets me more respect and attention from girls than my smooth baby face ever does
>not just trimming with an electric razor
I have this covered - I just fuck up some work and the shiftmaster will slap me so hard that my facial hair will fall off.
I'll save money for the razors.
I just buy a pack of fair quality disposable razors. You get like five for one fiddy. I usualy reuse mine like 3 times, so it lasts me forever, since I only shave once a week.
Pull it nice and tight, like a freshly made blanket
Or I can just use an electric razor that allows me to shave just as effectively, but with more speed and while I do other things
just groom your fucking beard properly unless you're one of those plebs who can't grow a proper beard.
I do use a safety razor. Honestly it's not much cheaper than using those cheap ass disposable razors you can buy 10 for £1.
I get 100 blades for just under £10. For £10 I can buy 100 cheap ass bic razors. They both last about the same amount of time, which is to say about 2-3 shaves.
Safety razor feels better to use though.
Nigger, I use the basic disposable Gillettes, and they get close enough to make no difference. The cost is negligible.
holy shit every single fucking poster heere is a shill FUCK YOUUUUUU
>shaving with a cartridge razor lowers your testosterone
I shave with a katana
folded 1000 times, nippon steel is infinitely better than gaijin's metal
Just go slow.
It also helps to have a raging boner, but it's not strictly necessary.
>tfw haven't shaved in over 10 years
Because safety razors are for women's legs. Straight razors are for men's faces.
Everyone here is too young to shave.
Son of a crap.
I have that exact shirt.
It really comes down to personal taste and whether you can pull off different looks or not.
Some guys like having beards, some don't. Some guys look good with a beard, or a mustache, or a full beard, some look better clean shaven.
But I do. Don't even have particularly heavy facial hair but cartridge razors always seemed fucking awful to use by comparison. Never close enough and just shredded my face up more often than not.
OP is right. Over the past week and a half I let my beard grow. Shaved this morning with a screw-top double edged safety razor: about two or three minutes to perfect smoothness from temples through neck. The key is the lack of a wall on the side (seen on disposables) which traps hair and skin particles.
I have a safety razor that I bought for 5 bucks from the Chinese brand Ri-Mei and I order blades from Hong Kong. I've paid a total of less than $20 the last 5 years. I've paid about the same amount for shaving cream.
Those are fucking terrible. If you haven't shaved in >3 days you'll either go through a whole pack of them to shave or spend half an hour cleaning it after each stroke. With a safety razor you don't even need to trim before shaving. You can just remove the bottom part and you can shave a month of beard growth if you so desire.
Yeah James Bond larping faggots
>straight razors
>literally the shaving equivalent of wearing a fedora