Sup Forums will try to defend this

>Sup Forums will try to defend this


defend this Waffle Maker.

kill yourself, Ahmed.

You're right. I can't. His ass is literally perfect

You defend it first

Wrong. He'd say "Lügenpresse"

No, it's a badly drawn cartoon, why would we defend it? whoever drew this should be ashamed of themselves.

Why would you do that to a kitty?


that kid isn't actually lying though
unlike CNN
which does lie

can somebody shoop some clothes on him? would make this a whole lot more accurate

Typical Drumpf

what did he mean by this?

the metaphor is much more relevant to when Obongo was in office. keep crying and being useless like every other liberal retard

Naked Trump cartoon = further evidence that leftists are perverts projecting their own golden shower fantasies onto everyone else

A bit of projection. The real "emperor with no clothes" is in fact the media's precious progressive open borders narrative, which is a large part of why Trump won.

would bang

Trump would call the sky green if he thought blue was problematic.

Thise bastards deserve brutal torture for their crimes against feline kind

Are there people in Germany that actually have the surname Drumpf that are feeling the weight of this meme?

Poor kitty
Dirty smelly shitskins

Kek is here and confirms!

Filthy sandniggers

Leftists care about his hands because all that matters is the cock

>the media is a child
>trump supporters beat children


>>in the leftist mind people get beaten instead of pubicly praised for criticizing Trump
Litteraly devoid of higher brain function

Who are these sand chimps?