Pt 3 of the "attacking the holy symbols of the left" threads

Memes and symbols are very important things in our culture.

Our memeing skills have exponentially increased in the last year, however our greatest challenge is still ahead of us. What sacred symbols/cultural items that the left predominantly likes? Harry Potter? Glee?

Making pro-Trump memes out of things such as this will amount to a direct tactical nuclear strike in their safe-space bubble.

This front will trigger like we've never seen triggering before. What are some other relics of the left that need to be weaponized against them?


This is the third thread in the series of this conversation, the last two were getting long and I didn't want to see them get archived out of nowhere.

Crap last one archived before I could link over. Bumping once or twice.

I haven't watched TV in years and lefty memes are still in the advice animal stage
how do you get good material?


Once or twice. If everyone can bump once or twice joining us, that would be good.

Also, there is a LOT of great conversation in the past 2 threads. Ideally, it needs to be collected and summarized. This is a POWERFUL weapon against the left, and will be a huge nutshot to their psyche.

great start.

From their favorite shows. Potter, Dr. Who, Rick and Morty. Hijack their cherished symbols and turn them against them.

Some of us might need to watch some of these shows, to get a much more calibrated feel for this.

One final bump.


OP this is a great fucking idea. I'd say Harry Potter is probably the knockout punch, literally every liberal female I've ever met fucking LOVES Harry Potter. Also it came out right around the time 20somethings were kids so it'll fuck with their nostalgia as well.


The idea is to give them no "safe space" to hide in and take comfort in. :)

Cuck Wars is mostly liked by early to late middle-aged nu-male. For maximum damage go with Game of Thrones or The Hunger Games.


like this shit?

Using old Disney movies like the little mermaid and shit will also trigger the fuck out of females, and adventure time

I don't watch the show so I don't get any references, someone else will need to comment.

needs to be something normie republicans would share




How about joe bidden may mays?

feeling kinda low energy today maybe this can be a starting point

so dont use the word shill?

>Some of us might need to watch some of these shows, to get a much more calibrated feel for this.
Careful. That's how the Brony thing started.

That's actually pretty damn good. That would definitely trigger some people.

Or how about making fightclub memes with pro arguments about capitalism?

Oh jeez lol. I like to think you have to be particularly weak minded to get pulled into something like that though. If you go into it with a neutral mind with the objective in hand, I'd imagine the risk of getting pulled into that crap becomes practically zero.

It might not hit as close to home as Harry Potter and the like, but that's definitely in the same vein of this all.


I've watched rick and morty and bojack mememan

We should reach a higher level:


You're playing with dangerous things. Don't stare into the abyss for too long.

Never take your eyes off a Leftist
Not for one moment

"mid-century modern" is really popular right now, and not just in furniture.
Old movies/musicals and images of ~50-60's representations like Mad Men bring back memories of a culture the collective masses really seems to miss right now, even if they don't explicitly say it.

From my observations at Penn State's main campus, the biggest entertainment of the left are:
>Harry Potter
>Star Wars
>Hunger Games (a bit dated)
>Rick and Morty
>Steven Universe
>Adventure Time
>Most popular old cartoons (Avatar, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Spongebob, etc.)
Dr. Who picked up some steam for a while, but it never really got anywhere and has since died down.

We need to establish a list of the "sacred cows" to maximise/optimise triggering and redpills.
-Rick and Morty
-Star wars
-Harry Potter
-Steven Universe
Also to ease Meme creation, we need specialized anons to describe the shows for those who don't follow some of this garbage.

>bojack mememan
This has a lot of good single lines calling out people for stupid leftist stuff, but also leans kinda left...

We are the abyss

>Hunger Games
Pic related
"When the strong female lead joins a terrorist group and they blow up her sister"

Wait are the Jedi Republicans,and thus the sith are Democrats with a facist leader?

Don't forget Supernatural
>pic related: famous bisexual cuck Misha Collins and his hotwife (who is actually incredibly fucking ugly)





I've watched Doctor Who. The revival of it is pretty much revolving around a war that had a Dark Souls type build up on the story. Could spin that in our favor

The Jedi and the rebels did live in the outer systems and cling to blasters and religion.


Shitty attempt I know, but according to my sister (who watches the show) this is one of the more popular characters

I would recommend game of thrones. It seems like every liberal fuck loves that degeneracy with its save the refugees and stronk female characters.

I personally know this will cause some autistic screeching

or the TV show Friends. make a redpilled-chandler meme or some shit

Doctor Who is perfect. BBC, historical revisionism, strong wimmen, 50 years of exploitable material, who rhymes with jew etc.

How the hell do you think we ended up here?

kek wills that we meme it

A couple serious questions:

- Is continuing this indefinitely in Sup Forums threads the best? Is there any static place we can use to list targets/tactics?

- How and where will these get released?

- How do we get more people to join in? I get the feeling there are tons of awesome artists who would jump at this if they knew.

Somewhat related


>conservative SU
>Steven Universe is possibly the most degenerate tv show ever aimed at our kids by the kikes
good luck with that

from the old thread


Good but do enough lefties know who Soros is? It might be better suited to someone universally known by them.

Good one

That is a really good start

Next you're going to say Nazis were right wing.

thats a great one
I kek'd

Stuff leftists like:
>Harry Potter
>Game of Thrones
>Steven Universe
>probably other Western cartoons

Not very good artistry.
Also, change "shill for the status quo" to something that makes sense like "cry about nothing" or something

I like it


Some mountainjew made it. I'd like donate him a goldtooth

>not putting an NSDAP button on his jacket

Is Rick and Morty really a left show? I don't know shit about it, other than it has a grumpy old man. Is he a conservative strawman or something?

Greg literally species-mixed tho

he's atheist\Jewish nihilism

Swap the HP logo with an SS one and it's golden

trump overwatch memes would probably get some salt
steven universe maybe too

Rick is an anarcho terrorist drug addict delinquent father who's portrayed as cool, edgy and fun. Morty, the Jew, is the voice of sanity and reason.
I don't think it's supposed to be political but that's how it is. Pretty good show desu 10/10 would recommend

Does someone know where we can find left meme pages? So we could easy change them and know where should aim. Like fb pages or something

I got you senpai

Homestuck not only ended but took a nosedive in popularity years ago.


Someone who can now make it in proper font and Aesthetic

How's this? Took that old jimmy neutron format

Apparently Strike Back and Black Sails trigger sjws


I think this template has lots of potential


atleast it was white

A bit on the nose; brevity is the soul of wit. Think persuasion, it needs to tell its message in 5 seconds

game of thrones

MCM is associated with things lefties hate though - traditionalism was in. I also don't want to soil exotica pls

kek. thanks boss

Star Wars is social engineering.

Pretty good idea. Anti jew stuff will totally trigger them


Overwatch is a leftist hellhole. The forums are a complete circlejerk on the level of r/politics.

Be more subtle. This is too obvious and not normie-friendly at all.

This is funny but desu I think this format:

will be more effective, it's more natural it feels more like something a fan of the show might actually make as opposed to an obvious troll job.

I thought the purpose was to trigger them?

Checked and kek'd

It would be a good one to spin leafbro. Problem is the difficulty of doing so because of how Voldemort and his people are portrayed. Left could really use that material against us if anything.

"When you search for my image on google but can only find me standing or talking to whites" *double meaning because jews hate being called white.

>1.We need to highlight EVERY instance of celebs and niggers supporting Trump

>2) Also, we should create memes out of the things they use to feel superior.

For example, liberals love taking about how great Sweden and other nordcuck countries are. We need to start highlighting/praising these countries but only for the super right-wing stuff they do

This will infuriate liberals and prove that these countries are only nice because of how white they are

I have no idea what this fag cartoon is about but hell thats good.