Don't let Trump win! Take our jobs!
What do you think Sup Forums? Should we spread this around? Starbucks is going to try and hire 50,000 refugees, let's get all the liberals to rally behind this heroic cause!
Don't let Trump win! Take our jobs!
What do you think Sup Forums? Should we spread this around? Starbucks is going to try and hire 50,000 refugees, let's get all the liberals to rally behind this heroic cause!
I'm clearly white, but maybe if I grow my beard a bit longer and shave my mustache I can pass as a Muslim refugee and get some of that sweet pumpkin elixir.
If you make a lot of them, we will spread them on twitter.
only you drumpf cucks are dumb enough to think libs would fall for this
We lied to buzzfeed about Trump having a leaked tape of a Russian prostitute pissing on him and the CIA believed it.
they would.
please do.
applause for you creating it, too.
>Paid for by David Brock
replace TakeMyBaristaJob with BeMyBarista and then i think you have something
Don't use the draft my daughter format again dummy
How do i find blanks? Ive got some ideas
This job has served its purpose and Im ready to move on and get a real adult job.
These jobs belong to the people who need them the most.
>to fucking pour some coffee
This is a good change.
You guys literally bought our lie that Trump had hookers piss on a bed the Obama slept on once. A notorious germophobe.
Y'all are not that bright.
Nails it.
Well done.
too obvious, but not a bad idea.
That format has been compromised since we used to for the DraftourDaughters shit, so we would have to use a new format before we send it out or it would get found out instantly
Libs are retarded enough to fall for something as blatant as that. That's why they're libs.
Oh wow
>we should keep muslims out because they will take all are shitty min wage jobs!
You conservicucks are so brainwashed, it's disgusting. I feel bad for your whore mothers.
This bait tastes like shit. Just like your tastes in Pornfus.
Ctr isnt even trying anymore...
They are never subtle enough.
Fuggin saved. I was kicked off Twitter but I am one of the first people to get on Gab so I will spread there.
Aren't food service jobs now worth $15 per hour?
Who would support handing these jobs to refugees?
I like it user. I'll come up with some as well.
Others are right though. We need a new format.
CTR faggots and other leftist scum can't even keep their shit straight. Now BLM is demanding reparations from Whitey. Can someone tell me who will be left to vote Dem?
I can't believe Sup Forums doesnt support Starbucks for this. Only liberal retards go to starbucks to go get their smoked nigger jizz tall queef latte. Now you have a store full of libcucks being served coffee by a platoon of disgruntled refugees. This is a win win. Libcucks get slaughtered by the rapefugees. Entire American police department full of iraq and afghanistan veterans shows up to take down starbucks workfore. What am I missing? How is this bad?
we all need to create fake liberal news accounts and start posting this stuff
kek, your stupidity is the only reason we are a thing.
I love these memes
The text color and presentation needs to be changed. Everyone associates that color scheme with subversive memes already. Need to re vamp the style