How long until Sup Forums is targeted by corporations?
So the new FCC chairman is anti-net neutrality
Net Neutrality is communist bullshit. Let the market dictate what sites you can pay for.
LOL! Can't wait till you eat your words corporatist faggot.
Your model is anarchist bullshit. When you're being throttled you'll be bitching and moaning like anyone else.
Funny that all of the financially successful websites everyone uses were made with net neutrality in place
Without that net neutrality wouldnt it be easier for anyone to become a provider? Here you can rent an apartment and become an ISP so I guess regulations arent a problem and no one is charging you per website or per amount of data used
first post best post
People don't understand how bad it's going to get with net neutrality out of the window. That's not what net neutrality is about.
The first post either doesn't understand what net neutrality is or is a troll who knows they are talking bullshit.
Since when is being anti-net neutrality controversial?
The majority of people are anti-net neutrality.
Major companies own all the infrastructure to access the internet. There is no competition if the people running the business prevent people from entering the market.
Wait, I take that back.
What's net neutrality?
What is it about then? Someone posted in a thread before that if net neutrality is "removed" or whatever, it would become way easier for anyone to become an ISP and that now it takes something like 5 years to cover all regulations so it's practically impossible.
I am anti NN but only for americans.
Never because it was never targeted before Net neutrality because only a retard like OP operates in a manner that assume net neutrality existed before 2013.
good. nobody cares about you commie shit, faggot.
>How long until Sup Forums is targeted by corporations?
Like 6 hours
Net Netrality keeps ISPs from making you pay more to access certain websites and it also keeps them from throttling your internet.
What is something that never happened before net neutrality
honestly, net neutrality is fine. the problem is if they dont have a high base speed. also if they are gonna do that, might as well cut back on OUR bill on the consumer end
>Let the market dictate what sites you can pay for.
Can't wait for att to offer me the exclusive internet troll package for 29.99 with access to Sup Forums, funnyjunk and so on.
if it kills tumblr and all these sjw sites I'm all for it
I wish we could just go back to the pre internet days
It just means service providers cannot discriminate between websites. It can lead to different internet tiers. The problem is "free market" faggots don't acknowledge that there isn't that much competition between internet providers.
Which wasn't happening to begin with.
Enjoy your newspeak shit nigger face.
There is competition. The problem is faggots like you assume only two providers exist when that's not the case at all.
Yes it was. Comcast throttled netflix.
What is it with the first post,,,there is always something either brutally irritating or extremely agreeable with it..
So they actually didn't do it? The only throttling that happened was with illegal torrent sites. Keep bitching about things that never happened.
It is the case in a lot of places.
>there is competition
He's trolling. Anti-net neutrality is a view fucking nobody would have. It would turn the internet into something similar to american cable tv packages. Net neutrality is meant to uphold it so every site is free.
You're posting in a shill thread. Sage and report.
>inb4 having 10 different options of sub 10Mbps speeds is "choice"
They did do it. Comcast admitted to throttling netflix because they owned competing television and streaming services.
Why am I unable to comprehend what you mean?
What do you mean "pay for websites" and "discriminate between websites"?
If there was no net neutrality, we'd be paying 50c/month to access facebook, 35c/month to access youtube, etc.?
The fuck is that bullshit lmao.
net0neutrality is the greatest jew meme ive seen in years
they have convinced everyone from libertarians to socialists that the only way the internet will survive, despite it doing fine on its own for decades, is to give more and more control over it to the unelected government officials.
I don't spend enough time on the internet to care. Perhaps you should find something to do that doesn't involve sitting on your ass gaming and jacking off to trannies.
Since when is not making every site free even a valid logic? That's like making people pay to open their fridge. Literally no logic whatsoever.
Yfw Sup Forums is the corporation of corporatiobs and they shilled themselves in to obvious spots to promote indirect martyrdom
Imagine how cable works. That is a possibility if Net Neutraility is removed, and see we don't have many choices if our providers want a tiered system.
or when the government steps back and allows competitors to build infrastructure I can drop my government created monopoly cable company.
Yep you've got it right. The internet would not be one place anymore. You'd have to pay for certain packages with certain websites.
The funny thing is that there's literally no issues whatsoever with the internet business models.
I've yet to see one complaint about how the internet works.
What's their argument for being anti-net neutrality?
How the hell will competitors build new infrastructure if they lack the money to do so? Your free market worship is delusional.
I literally cringed at the idea.
How literally medically retarded must someone be to think that it'd be a good idea?
That's because Net Neutrality was in place until Verizon sued to have it overturned in 2014.
let the government control the interent, and by control they really mean prop up thier bullshit artificial isp monopolies making the internet more expensive, stagnating innovation, while also giving them the tools to shut down "hate sites" (i.e. opposition) and milking more tax dollars out of online commerce.
Read this, it's rather illuminating.
I'd like to hate net neutrality, but let's be honest, every Internet giant would shut websites like this down overnight
They basically twist what net neutrality means and lie about it. All these people hating on net neutrality that aren't cable companies are convinced net neutrality is the opposite of what it is in reality. Sad world we live in where lies are spread so easily.
> despite it doing fine on its own for decades
The government owned the internet and privatized it you retard.
>Although the roots of the Internet go back 25 years, the seeds for its current growth were planted less than a decade ago with the formation of the NSF Net, devised by the National Science Foundation to allow high-speed communications among a handful of supercomputer research centers and researchers at remote academic and Government organizations. The NSF Net quickly evolved into an increasingly important conduit for tens of thousands of computer networks around the globe.
>To some extent, the NSF Net's role has already been assumed in part by purely commercial networks that bypass the backbone. Transferring the remaining NSF Net functions to private industry is in keeping with the outline for the "national information infrastructure" that is at the center of the Clinton Administration's plan for a global information web.
>Once freed from the responsibilities of supervising and supporting the backbone, the National Science Foundation plans to turn its attention to creating a separate high-speed network specifically for the original audience of scientific and academic researchers.
>The plan to phase out the science agency's role was announced in 1992, but has encountered delays. The current timetable calls for the first phase of the private-sector handoff to be completed on Oct. 31, when an assortment of important regional Internet service providers are scheduled to be disconnected from the NSF Net backbone and connected to four new commercial network hubs, in San Francisco, Chicago, Washington and Pennsauken, N.J., a suburb of Philadelphia.
They don't control the internet. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT NET NEUTRALITY IS!
> one complaint about how the internet works.
>no one complains about comcast
nigga are you high?
It's called "using your monopoly to make more money". With lobbying banned at the moment, it's difficult to predict this'll end up, however.
Yep. The ISPs are basically spreading lies and retards buy it hook line and sinker.
Weaponized Autism ALWAYS finds a way
Twitter is a good example of what happens when we let the free market decide. Remember when everyone was angry about Milo being banned? This is going to be the whole internet if we let this shit slide. Corporations are the root of ''PC' thought. Why would a corporations allow people they view as anti-Semites and racists to have a voice and possibly ruin their marketability?
follow the money pol
isps have artifical monopolies created for them by the government
tech innovation in the form of fiber shows up
if the goys get fiber they get faster cheaper internet, plus they can cancel their archaic cable subscriptions
isps lobby and get net neutrality enforced
fiber rollout slows down
isps in markets without competition itnroduce data caps, further lowering the incentive for tv watchers to cut the cord
isps no longer have to worry about competition
more bureacrats get jobs
government officials getting paid every step of the way.
Net neutrality does not affect fiber. You are spreading lies either through ignorance or intentional malice.
>Internet is run by a monopolic state ISP.
>Near full optic fiber coverage in the entire country.
>Net neutrality is a non-existant issue.
>The only service cutting offense is port scanning.
So you want state run internet? Why isn't just keeping the internet the way it is an option? Promote new competition by funding google fiber and keep ISPs from abusing power by making them treat all websites equally.
Not unless you run your own lines across the entire area you intend to cover, it would be nearly impossible to break into the market because you'd need to build your own infrastructure across the country to compete.
The internet ought to be public, just like roads, only ancaptards disagree.
It's how it is here, mobile bands are open for competition.
Still, that's my dilemma.
It works better than in neighbouring countries (except Chile) despite all the land lines being run by a single company.
And we don't have as many restrictions as in US or Europe.
It's like leftist internet... but without all the lobbying/universal concept crap.
Because the corporations have brainwashed Republicans to believe that if something is good then it's Communist, which is Evil
yes, because that sells so well
thats why google and at&t off the top of my head are BOTH coming into neighborhoods and running fiber where they are allowed to