You're Looking at the Next Chancellor of Germany
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Why are German women so fucking ugly?
kit's easier to be a nazi when you're a woman
kato suomalaisii naisii politiikas :D ei mitää herkkuja
He can't be worse than Merkel, let's give him a chance.
she had to breed it all on her own.
4 kids and she is pregnant with the fifth.
Don't blame her for white demography.
What is it?
She is starting to curdle and she isn't wearing makeup.
She looks good for her age if anything
Feels good man.
I've never jacked off to a German Chancellor... yet. I wish there was a way beyond meme-ing that I could help the AFD MGGA
Her husband called her a "demonic beauty" a year ago.
Petry and HC are going to make Germany Reich again.
whats the diffrence between her and geert wilders' party?
genuinely curious, she seems like a decent person though
Are her eyes too big for you?
Is this true?
Berner :D
She needs our high energy, begin transmissions!
her hairdryer didn't explode
I think this one fits that description better.
I like Schulz's new haircut
Are the German mass producing dikes?
Chanceless you mean?
she looks very low energy
How often do we see this flag?
she looks surprisingly good for a kraut with a bulldyke haircut
lul I wish
rolling 4 digits just in case tho
You joke lizardman, but when they return to power you are going to the fucking chamber and we won't be there to save you.
Too often to call it rare.
You accidentally the wrong pic there, lad. Let me help you.
What are the chances if things go really bad for the federation to collapse? Could Bavarians or some Eastern states demand bigger autonomy if Berlin goes full cuck?
>Shorter hair than Merkel
He will bend her over and fuck her before using affirmative action to give her a high paying job at the cost of someone that is actually qualified.
Is that Manfred?
That's actually a 8.5/10 in Germany.
there soviet rape baby's my mongolian friend
did someone just call the schulz train?
scheiße meine hämorrhoiden melden sich
kek, mir gefallen die memes mit martin schulz ganz gut, kamerad.
shills shulz is quite literarly the eeuwege jude trope personified
Even tho my question hasn't been answered I want you all to shut the fuck up and post more Petry for my Petry folder
kraut you forgot to put greece on the tracks
>are you the new ctr?
we're trying to beat the US with an even bigger kike r-right?
you got some good pics?
im going to make some spicy oc memes
It's a really long train and fast train, impossible to see all countries at once
The train should include our greatest ally colgate
They won't even know who's jewing whom anymore. Gonna be ebin :D:DD:D
kraut at-least trump can hide his jewish features
shulz is not even hiding the fact he's a massive kike
this is so awesome!
This is my wallpaper
I've also been furiously masturbating to this
i mean put greece on the tracks you basically raped their economy into bankruptcy
>eu= 4reich how do you krauts keep getting away with it?
i want old germany back
>masturbating to two dykes while some indonesian-dutch kike is watching
The fuck is wrong with you, dude?
she's fine but she has retarded merkel hair
not bad for a kraut got some le pen pics?
i only got memes
You cucks. You filthy fucking cucks, don't you get that there is no such thing as a based Jew, be it "diaspora assimilated meme" or "Israeli nationalist based meme". It's all the fucking same, it just depends when and where you talk to them.
Sup Forums sadly, doesn't get it. They support anyone being supportive of Trump, being a majorly American (see "mongrels roleplaying as white" for more explanation) board.
Jews got to go. We in Europe had more time to get to know them. And if it takes waiting longer, and going across other dead white bodies, the gassing day will come. There's 1 Jew fighting for a good cause on every 100 that are corrupted and looking out for each other. Sure, I'd spare that 1 out of 100. Some of them are my favorite novelists/ musicians/ wall street rebels, etc. But the day of the reckoning will come, and you will not be spared even if I don't live to see it.
I have no affinity toward Hitler, Trump or similar retards. Trump was a question mark, now is a proven kike slave.The Obama's decision to stop Israel from illegally expanding, that UN agreed on and everyone clapped, is now overrode by Trump.
Obama was less pro-kike than Trump, and no1 gets it because he's a nigger.
Hillary was a proven kike slave too, but Trump at least presented a chance, until proven otherwise. Now he's proven otherwise.
And Jews financed both of them, just in case. So why do you think you deserve to be spared?
> Sarah Wagenknecht
She was called "my little stalinist" in bed by her former husband/boyfriend. She used to be a hardcore communist and he a successfull entrepreneur.
Now she is boringly married to some other socialist politician.
geert le pen and frauke
kebab removal when?
why are geerts teeth yellow is he an anglo?
A female with a three fingered old mans fist.
Fucked worse
>eu= 4reich how do you krauts keep getting away with it?
We finally learned from the masters of the universe. It's all about the shekels in the end.
hans why do all you're "women" have dyke haircuts i went to germany last month all i saw where burka durkas bulldykes and niggers
She looks like a dude.
>why are geerts teeth yellow is he an anglo?
heavy smoker. Like Farage. It's not easy when you have to hide all the time, cause the religion of peace is after you.
This time you are framing poor Belgium for your horrible crimes against humanity, last time some poor art student.
Germany can't keep getting away with it!
you have an impressively autistic dedication to rule all of kraut europe i impressed 3times the charm heh?
why do you think i like trump? did you read my posts?
I know, right. No idea why though.
Is there like a German CTR that's pushing this globalist faggot or something? I always thought that Petry was /ourgal/.
did they already say who will be their candidate?
Petry or Meuthen?
Belgium literally dindu nuffin why hans why?
I love how the German (((media))) are slobbering on Martin Schulz's cock ever since he announced his candidacy. They mention Merkel as well, but they go out of their way to pretend AfD doesn't even exist. Man I hope they win.
Wagenknecht is pretty redpilled though.
Her own party is saying that she is not a leftie.
I think i even saw a video of her in which she said positive things about Trump (what is rare in germany)
Is this bitch preggers or what?
You don't need to frame Belgium for anything. They are rotten to the core all the same.
thanks leaf include farage uk leaving the train as it speeds of a clif
What are you talking about? As it stands now, Schulz has easily the best chances to become PM, as he's got a very wide backing within the population. It's obviously just a snapshot, but the trend is there.
Petry's got sod all.
isn't that the guy that shot up the mosque in quebec?
she is. fifth time.
Interesting. I didn't know she existed until someone threw a cake or a pie in her face because she said something about the unsustainability of your immigration policy. Can we assume that that type of shit is also rare?
says the warhungry kraut
the enternal kraut does he ever stop?
what are we going to do today Hans like we do every day Fredric take over EUROPE
I dunno, I thought we were memeing Petry in not Schulz.
Schulz will be forgotten on day one after the election. Like the last 10 SPD MP-Candidates with the exemption of Gerhard Schröder.
>5 kids
I wish it was mine.
isnt her husband a priest who betrayed her?
How's he gonna win after he just shot up that mosque in Canada?
Don't get me wrong. I like Belgium and most of the citizens. But it is hard to find any country outside africa that is more corrupt and filthy.
BTW: No one was ever called Fredric in Germany. Would be Fritz or Friedrich or literarily Frederick.
take that back
Eh, CDU/CSU just barely won the 2005 elections, and in 2009 the FDP served as stepstone.
Will the CDU/CSU have a majority in Germany if there'd be an election tomorrow?
>Can we assume that that type of shit is also rare?
Do you mean cake throwers? That happens now and then.
she is a 5/10
as I said: don't blame white demography on her. She is living to her idiology.
not anymore
I love this woman.. shes beautiful 80
German women are like the best you can get. Aryan race and all that.
godamit hans well we are home to the eu Brussels Parliament so what you are saying is true
>we might even be a a german puppet state