Other urls found in this thread:


here is a therapy cat to help you fell better.

please come out from the corner and undo your fetal position.


>Risk killing someone for having a dissenting opinion

SJWs and mudslimes are literally the same thing at this point.

oh boy another sucker punch

>black bloc
>aka antifa
>aka jews

David Brock sodomizes children

and yet whole Sup Forums cheered at that webm where sean bean knocked out that leftist

Isn't it also a crime to disable somebody for using their civil liberates? Isn't this what the KKK gets constantly done for?

I'm just waiting for them to attack some innocent person that doesn't even support Trump.

fucking nazi street preachers

David Brock sodomized children

why can't the left ever make good memes? is it an inherent consequence of the leftist mind?

>webm of swedish flag snatcher getting btfo
>webm of old glasses wearing guy getting ktfo
>webm of police brutality compilation

All those are ok, but this faggot getting btfo is somehow bad now?

Pol really has gone to shit since Trump started running for pres.

I didn't. Violence has no place in a civilized society.

>Lefties whine about fascism
>Are becoming increasingly fascistic every day

I honestly think so.



That is a very strong redpill

>inb4 police brutality thread
>cheering niggers getting beat and shot for being insubordinate

Pol you fucking idiots


Do you know that there are people out there who will kill you if you sucker punch them like that? For your own safety, dont do this, what if the guy you do it to got a gun? Do you lefties not ever think about the consequences of your actions?

If things devolve to the state of an actual civil war, the Right will absolutely win.

For one, they're WAY more armed than the Left. What's more, it's the Left doing all of these assaults lately. They're alienating the moderates/normies bigly.

Bring it on you limp-wristed fuck. I can't wait to crack your ill-bred skulls.

doesn`t look very hurt to me.


You're wrong if you don't think the moderates and normies are celebrating everytime a nazi gets punched the fuck out

Not a nazi, but I'm considering becoming one of these "nazi street preachers" just so I can milk the shit out of the inevitable lawsuits and use the money to fund a 10 year long drug fueled sex rampage through southeast asia.

lefties dont think ahead past their own pink-haired starbucks-sipping tantrum



>le concern troll

Because he didn't get a running start like that shit-eating weirdo, he just pulled back and let it slip. And knocked dude on his ass.

PDX is not a civilized society. It's full of dirty cunts and beta blockers.

>insubordinate = breaking the law and resisting arrest
Play nigger games, win nigger prizes

They're just like litte children winning their first playground fight, posting the picture and even getting public approval for it, also nobody seems to question if this guy was guilty of anything. It looked more graceful and effective when Sean Bean did it, the faggy leftist was directly provoking them and got finished quicky, the end.

Socialists taking control of their country. You could call them, National Socialists.

Pic related, what happens when antifa gets punched back

Well i'll be a monkey's uncle.

>street preacher
Yeah, totally not making yourself seem like some marxist's useful idiot

Fascists are faggots anyways

Organised right wing attack squads when?

I'm fucking tired of them being allowed to get away with this.

We need to fight back anyway.

What the fuck is this

it's a meme you dip

>If things devolve to the state of an actual civil war, the Right will absolutely win.

this totally

lefties are just whiney little shits

righties have not even started fighting back yet

How many more hours till the word nazi loses all meaning?

>They're just like litte children winning their first playground fight, posting the picture and even getting public approval for it
Remember that because this is how your life is, it does not mean that you can just apply this to everyone else krautcuck

If I didn't hate muslims enough. I do now



i have seen that guy. really fucking annoying. Most people tell him to shut the fuck up either because no one cares or they are one of the crazy evangelist who thinks Jesus wants people having shouting matches about the good word of god

Didn't the black bloc end up shooting a Bernie supporter at one of Milo's speeches a couple of weeks ago?

Y'know up until the point that the left started calling me a Nazi I actually hated them as well. Most of their ideology didn't seem that great.
Do they realize that the more you call the opposition Nazis the more they're going to sympathize with them?

Wait, so they attacked a random street-preacher because what, he was saying good things about Trump? Or was he actually spouting neo-nazi rethoric?

Are commies going full-retarded and showing their anti-religion aspect of their cult too soon?

Post vid now.

Loud mouth preachers are harmless. Annoying, but harmless. What is happening here is a normalization of politically motivated violence prodded onwards by their insistence that everyone who disagrees with them is a literal Nazi.

This Benjamin Kerensa fellow has a website. He has unwisely left some registry info publicly available through a whois query. Previous pic related.

Is it ironic?


Anyone that fat deserves to get knocked out. If you're going to reveal your power level then BE PHYSICALLY FIT! Otherwise, fuck off. We don't need worthless fat pieces of shit in the white nationalist movement.

>muh projection
Only because this argument seems to work most of the time, it actually isn't one, danish pedophile.



it's making fun of "modernists" and traditionalists at the same time

The strange thing is lefties fight just like commies did with their Zerg rush and large group assault capabilities. Can't underestimate them.


Get a real job you cuck bastard

>hit someone
>get shot

One Punch Man is real.

Is there video of this?
How do I know this isnt a staged photo?


I saw a link to the video of this, anyone have it?

Haha you ruined your causes reputation in the eyes of the non voter and Donald trump gets the supreme court pick.

to anybody on the left with some sense reading this. we are not angry because he was a nazi. we are just angry that you guys are attacking people.

chill the fuck out. You are being children.

He's awesome.

>knocks some rando out
>Please assume this guy is a nazi

LOL, should probably stick to larpers like Spencer.

Sup Forums aren't the ones spewing make love not war though. It's the hypocrisy of the SJWs we hate, not violence per se.

t:the new spokesman of Sup Forums


they don't seem to realise that this will back fire on them, they'll either get declared domestic terrorists and locked up, or they'll get a taste of their own medicine, or both

Trump's gonna bomb them all.

Wtf I love violence now

Chose your side Fagstria.

Mine is starting mudslims baning and fag tazing.

>tfw live in some quiet mostly white town
>tfw never even run into a group of protesters in my life
>tfw some limp wristed antifa cuckboy will never give me an excuse to rip his arm off with my bear hands

I know that feel, lad. I live in Nebraska.

>When you're so thin skinned a single punch kills you.

By all that is good in this world please let there be video.


Is there any evidence that the knocked out guy is a Nazi? I didnt see anything in the vid that seems to insinuate any political view...

How do I know they mob just didnt attack some rando and call him a nazi retroactively?
This seems shady as hell...

The best they have to offer is amy schumer, that should tell you something


Wrong, because the Left actually fight. Right does nothing but sit on their arses fantasising about The Day of the Rope and RWDS. Things that will never come.

Every day we see more Leftist violence and the Right responds with "Just wait, we'll fight back soon. Not today or tomorrow though."

Every time some Right Winger talks about fighting back he gets told to sit down and keep turning the other cheek, while speaking like Trudeau and saying shit like "If our enemies beat us they lose".

The Right has no fight left in it. Only memes.

>we ain't vie'lent, and we's gone keep punching strangers the fuck out 'til y'all believes it
>smacks lips

>bleach all of southeast asia
You're doing kek's work user

Did you make this? You did a very good job! I'm very proud! I'm going to hang it right on the refrigerator so everyone can see.

The fact that he was knocked out means he was a nazi. Do you really think that masked anarchists would physically attack someone without absolute proof and unreasonable doubt?

Actual Nazi or mere Trump supporter?

Anyone that isn't them is a nazi nowadays.

I have never even heard of where you are until just now friend, rare.

People are trying to trigger a civil war, the left have become insane.

Cuck blocked me.

Someone edit a swastika onto his head? One punch man confirmed skinhead.

He said "I disagree with you"

That's something Hitler would say.

Nobody cares. Sup Forums doesnt even "hit the streets", let alone hitting SJW's.

Good the left is finally ceasing to be spineless pussies. Maybe once they actually have to function in real battles they'll realize how fucking bullshit feminism "equality" is.