Why isn't the large guy entitled to a box?

Why isn't the large guy entitled to a box?

who paid for the boxes?

>equality of outcomes

Good luck implementing this in a way that isn't horrific.

Genocide of all humanity when?

He should buy a hammer for those manlets boxes

not soon enough

he doesn't need it

was he allowed to sell his box to the shorter one?

If that's a Cubs game they'll get sued equally.

I still don't understand how people haven't read Harrison Bergeron. It's a meme 6-page short story that destroys modern liberalism at its core.

I thought this was a politics board?

How is this thread related to politics?

Does anyone ever want to post political things anymore?

Neither equality nor justice are real

just report it

This is neither equality nor justice because those freeloaders aren't paying to watch the game like the people in the stands. They aren't owed a free watch and it's up to them to distribute those crates (which are also probably not their property) amongst themselves. Not government's job, buy a ticket, or work it out amongst yourselves.

can i get a quick rundown?


Except they did not pay to watch the game. They should be arrested for trespassing.

In that case, as the larger kid, "justice" is against my best interests. If I"justice" means people can take my box away, they can fuck off.

I thought this was a politics board?

How is this post related to politics?

Does anyone ever want to post political things anymore?

>6 pages
>quick rundown

You're part of the problem.

It's a short story where the government forcibly makes everyone equal by giving those inherently better "handicaps" so they'll perform equally to everyone else. Smart people get buzzers in their ears to prevent them from having coherent thoughts and being "smarter" than anyone else.

Justice would be building a bigger wall so they wouldn't watch it for free

This is liberal justice
Assume boxes are tax dollars
>implying height or genetics is the oppressor
>implying other humans owe you their hardwork bc of your personal problems

Never understanding that utopia is impossible in a stage 0 civilization

>. If I"justice" means people can take my box away, they can fuck off.

so you are saying your box your choice?

Dumb semantic bullshit. You could switch the words and liberals would still think it's genius

A short story about a dystopian future where the government enforces equality by making handsome people wear masks, strong people carry weights, smart people have ear devices that make loud noises and distract them from thinking, etc.

Ironically, it was originally written by a libshit to be a satire of conservative thought. "Hurr durr, this is what dumb Republicans believe our government will become."

A government department of equality weighs down the strong with weights so they aren't stronger than anyone else, covers up beautiful womens faces so they're not prettier than anyone else, a ballet is performed to enforced mediocrity, and the titular character sees through it all, smashes the weights off of him and frees the most beautiful ballerina. They're rewarded with 10ga. shotgun blasts for daring shake off the equality.

>The most famous Justice/Equality example is three kids watching a baseball game illegally

Justice and equality is requiring everyone to buy a ticket that ensures they get a seat to watch the game.

>not getting v& for trespassing
Pay for a ticket like everyone else you freeloader scum

>You're part of the problem.

sorry fampai how can i be better?

is that the story where the dancer's wear weights and the smart guy gets ECT? I thought that was slaughterhouse guy

How is this NOT politics?

Are you stupid sven?

Read a book.

I used to have a screencap of some user who had to read Harrison Bergeron for class and all the leftists thought it was a good idea but I can't find it

Justice is kicking those leeches out for sneaking behind the outfield wall.

How to spot a Libertarian.

Yes, it was written by the Slaughterhouse "guy" Kurt Vonnegut.

Trump is an intrinsic product of capitalism and the epitome of how it effects humanistic ethics in exchange to perpetuate an otherwise unsustainable society based on materialistic values, which ultimately lead to fascism. Honestly FUCK capitalism. FUCK people who are representful of the intrinsic INFANTILIZATION of commodification and immoral self-gratification. I personally idealize the idea of a global community for multiple reasons so it's sad to see separatist attitudes that avoid looking at the bigger picture of any situation. The power is in the people and I hope we see it through so that everything works out. It's important to me to try and stay educated and not fall to either side of the political spetrum to the point of forming dogmatic opinions, in which people on both sides of the spetrum do. I'd rather try and seek what truth and perspective I can find in these situations so I don't blindly follow anything because otherwise you'll just end up recycling hate in your own voice. The divide between us as people is a conditioned illusion and if people are too shitty to realize that, that's pretty stupid but, idk, I have faiåth we're smart enough to come to a collective conclusion on such a thing and move in a direction that's more beneficial for all of us instead of fabricating fictional divisions, because we're all on the same level and we're only human.

i already am fampai

why doesnt the manlet just sit on the tall guy's shoulders?



ffs what am i becoming

how about reading the fucking thing, 6 pages ffs

The tv movie is better

Why dont they buy tickets?

its all subjective

no justice is human extinction

Who paid for the fence?

How about no one gets a box unless they fucking build one themselves?

aight man i bookmarked it for later

Anyone have the edit where the two guys have their legs cut off and no one can see over the fence? It most accurately reflects the outcome of Communism.

The pic is right but misleading.

The right pic is obviously a voluntary arrangement. This is exactly why socialism is bad, because it leads to the pic on the left.


>paying for a box


>tfw too intelligent for books
Can you convert it into a mathematical equation?

Considering height is not something that can be controlled, is this picture admitting that some groups of people are simply inherently inferior to others, hence needing extra help?

I like how they called Theft, justice. Everyone in the stadium payed for a ticket to watch. These thugs just found random boxes and pier over the fence.

They are confusing justice with equality of outcome which is as pinko as it gets.

Whose Labour produces the box?

He is a big guy

He is in a filthy faggot loving communist society, no one is entitled to a box unless you pay for it/make it yourself.


This is justice.

Because the government is naturally the solution to making everyone watch a game they didn't pay for.

manlets must pay

Yes, [math] U = \int t u \rho 1 d [/math].

Because midgets secretly rule the world you dumb krautnigger


sure man it is somewhere in here, you might have to do some digging or string conversion to find it π = C/d

Justice for what? Why should any of them get a box at all? What is the basis for deserving a box?

I will agree with this once leftists have a quantifiable metric for measuring injustice. As it stands they have none and you cannot enact justice using an undefined concept

Left is exacly what equality suppose to be. Everyone have equal chances, not my problem some people are dumber or shorter than others.

>>> How hard have you worked?

Why aren't they trying to earn money to see the game, instead of freeloading? It's like they want to contribute to the decline of the sports industry.

Who built the fence?

Why are they trying to watch a game for free instead of buying a seat? Fucking kids.

how close are we to that in American society?

The right answer is that state should ensure that what is on the left is the default state, in hope that what happens on the right is what society does voluntarily.

Ya know, this is what i hate hearing from people. In my family, i am going to be the first one in college. My grandparents didnt even finish high school and their parents were the first in America. Yea they were hated on. But look at me now. I believe in equality. Eqyal opportunities. Not this BS that no one in my family believes in. Success is something earned on an equal ground...not something supplied to those who beg for more crates.

Real equality would be that everyone no matter the height has access to boxes, more precisely no one is forbidden from acquiring them with hard work and effort.

So what this is implying is that when the people are given equal opportunity, their inherit genetic differences still create inequality in the output of success. So we should offer more opportunities to some because they are not genetically fit to achieve the same level of success as others on a same playing field?

>in hope that what happens on the right is what society does voluntarily.

is that not what charities and community out reach are for? not my fault some communities are better (more homogenous) than others.

Maybe it's a family, and the shorter one is his son and the middle one is his teenage son.

I fucking knew it , the next step in the SWJ - LGBTBBQ movement :


Why should humans be equal when it's our strength as individuals that separate us from cattle?


Delete this everyone is equal, people are all the same

Redditors have to leave



The game is the economy. He can participate without a certain booster. Why are you so retarded?

What's the title of the story?

Ants have a better society than we do and following your might makes right reasoning is why we are called cows by the actual cows. There will always be more surface area in smaller people than big nephilim bastards you support. The meek shall inherit. Clod.

>read Harrison Bergeron.

why theyre fucking greedy people who ratter save theyre shekels?

>Ants have a better society than we
Then why are they killed by us rather than us by them? The most basic of famine wipes ants away, they're an animal machine not like us whatsoever.

Who determines whether he needs one or not? Why do they get to decide he doesn't need one?

nice pay-pay can i save it?

Harrison bergenon

It is; that's the best part. Vonnegut is revered by the left because he is anti-war, anti-facism. Harrison Bergenon is the perfect way to reveal to them the error of their modern ways, that, in fact, *they* have become the facists.

But then, surely a blogger will point out that Vonnegut was, indeed, a heterosexual white male and he will be seen as a nazi.