Redpill me on nicotine

I keep seeing Sup Forumsacks in the self-improvement threads talking about how nicotine is red pilled and increases your testosterone. I have also seen people here claim nicotine isn't that bad for you if it's taken through gum form or w/e as opposed to smoking cigarettes? Can someone please go into more detail about this?

I've been a militant anti-smoker all my life and just looked at all smokers as stupid sheeple letting the man poison them, but I am willing to listen to and consider some honest viewpoints from the other side.

i smoked for 15 years about 1 pack a day.

dont do it.

you are a slave to yourself and making corporations rich.


>is a stimulant

>is very addictive

>helps with problems like Alzheimers

>increases concentration

>helps with psychosis and schizophrenia

go buy snus

>Most addictive substance people use
>Reduces appetite
>Messes with genes
>Causes joint problems
>Kills energy levels/motivation
>Causes depression

There is no good reason to do nicotine.

sounds like bullshit, lung cancer is not as common as they want you to think but it's still garbage you're putting in your body

Wow, two posts on Sup Forums with completely opposite views. This will be interesting to watch.

I have some salmiak flavored snus in right now. The only thing the Swedes aren't bad at is tobacco.

Smoking beefs up your lung's defense against chemtrails.

one good thing about public school education is the way they pounded into our heads that tobacco is literally Hitler. It really demonstrates how effective propaganda is, and smoking is just about extinct now

Not really, they didn't exactly contrast, more like pros and cons.

Anyway, I smoke. Scared of cancer and all that, bad for my income, but overall it's not too bad if you have time to smoke.

Nicotine is a mild stimulant and it doesn't carry many negative effects if you take it through gum or a patch or whatever. That said there's really nothing it can do for you that caffeine won't do while being cheaper and available from less dangerous sources.

lol I remember in high school there was always a ton of kids smoking outside the school in this blindspot where the teachers couldn't see from any window. I don't think it's as effective now that it's encouraged by the government/MSM to disrespect authority/your elders and to take what the gangster rapper on TV says more seriously than what any adult in your life does.

considering that drug culture is on the rise, you're probably correct. Its pretty safe to assume that anyone who smokes pot also smokes cigarettes. I wonder if Trump is going to make any big changes to education at all

salmiak is disgusting, just buy normal tobacco flavor

>Its pretty safe to assume that anyone who smokes pot also smokes cigarettes.
That's more due to the fact that tobacco is often mixed in with anything that gets smoked more than anything else.

I have COPD. Slowly suffocating to death. There is no cure. Thanks, tobacco.

This, it's the smoking that's bad.

I know vape are fedora tier, but what about using one to quit? How dangerous is the vapor containing nicotine?

How much did you smoke and for how long?

you're getting baited.

you will waste a lot of money. you will die possibly a lot younger than you otherwise would. it tastes bad. it ruins food taste. women dont like it when you smell of tobacco. everyone else can smell it much more than yourself because you will become used to it. many more examples to why you should NOT start smoking the tobacco jew.

Alright Sup Forumstards, show me what you smoking?