How many Jews actually died in the Holocaust?
I still focus on the "even if you claim six gorillion died when it was only a few hundred thousand it's in the end irrelevant to the character of anyone but the Jews because they deserved to be thrown in camps" angle. We need not forget during WWI they refused to fight and then almost succeeded in subjugating the entire country after it was ground down by half a decade of trench warfare. 90% of the German communist revolution leaders were Jewish and Hitler also watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda kill some 7,000,000 European Christians only a stonesthrow away as well. Just take a look at the overwhelming negative Jewish influence in Weimar Berlin it was even worse than 2016 NYC. From a historical perspective it's a wonder it took so long for the Jews to be put on trial.
Obviously nobody should have died in a perfect world but these things happen. The nearly entirely Jewish German communist revolution leadership that were responsible for the deaths of untold thousands in their 99.99% goyim communist fighting ranks didn't give a shit about their own party members let alone collateral damage necessary to facilitate a brighter future. Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. This overwhelming negative influence was never more clear than in Weimar Germany.
Quite a few
>We need not forget during WWI they refused to fight
Jews, on average, enlisted far more than anyone in Germany and requested to be sent to the front lines. Don't discredit yourself, and the rest of your information, by starting off with something that's factually not true. Then again, Leaf.
as a descend of an holocaust surviver i can tell you that atleast over 20million jews
6 gorillion
too few
Not as much as the chinese or russian civilian casualties
Oh, vey, i am afraid, that all the servers in the world can not store the zeroes that come after 6, i am afraid ,that there is not grains of sand in the red sea, to match the zeroes, that come after 6, oh vey. Be a good goy. Shoah the fuck out.
The number doesn't matter, goyim. Only that you feel guilty enough to let us cuck you because of it.
>Catch a Jew doing thieving shit
"Oh no goyim, but the holocaust! Wasn't that sad? Yeah, that's a good goyim. 6 Decillion died, btw."
not enough, can you help?
We've got a popular magazine called exberliner here and they published a special edition this month praising bolshevism :^)
Prussian military archives were destroyed after WWI so we'll never know for sure, but the NSDAP pointed out regularly that virtually no Jews fought in WWI and that nearly all of the German communist revolution leaders, newspapers owners, and agitators were Jewish (sound familiar Americans?). As you know they pointed how this revolution if it didn't cost Germany the war it cost them the ability to not have a non-crippling peace forced on them. If we consider that virtually everyone alive in the 1930's lived through WWI and that virtually of the NSDAP claims of international Jewish influence can't be argued with to this day it's hard to not take this at face value and instead buy some unsourced wikipedia article written by a Brit born in 1990 named Adam Goldstein.
Germans let in the inbred tribe fleeing prosecution for their crimes against the Russian people (which would be avenged in part by Jew NKVD head Yagoda killing 7,000,0000 European christians around the black sea in the 1930's) with open arms in the 19th and 18th centuries and were put in the same position as modern day Americans thanks to their generosity.
Up to 12 million
It is forbidden to question the subject and it is well documented
You need to remember that the majority of the 12 million were killed several times aswell..
Not nearly enough.
not as many russians who died in the marxist revolutions though
6 Gorillon, Dontcha know?
I recently read very interesting study by third generation holocaust survivor claiming that acual number of jews killed in concentration camp is more than 17 million.
Really made me think.
A bit less then half the original number.
Don't we have any mathfags here that can estimate this and settle it once and for all?
We need someone to tell us where the fuel for the crematoriums (0.13-15 megajoules even per modern cremation) came from and why these massive mines and coal trains seemingly didn't exist, explain why the massive piles of fuel required to burn 3,000+ bodies per day aren't on any recon photos. Perhaps someone could explain how IG Farben produced thousands of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their only remaining chemical plant or where the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash went without a trace (6lbs per person on average) etc. etc. etc.
around 250 000
obviously not enough
Well played sir.
You know, I have to admit my almonds were really activated when somebody pointed out the tattoos on inmates only went up to 6 digits.
Few hundred tops.
in the what?
1. He accidentally slipped off a bridge. RIP Silverstien
not enough
Not enough
less than 6 million, more than 4 million
not as many as slavs though
5.5 million. Others unaccounted for, left the area, not sought after, etc. By the way, most by small arms fire.
sixteen quadrillion jews died during the holocaust and thats only in the first year