>“Fuck white supremacy, fuck the U.S. empire, fuck your imperialist ass lives. That shit gotta go.”
>“And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House.”
And to cap it all off the person shouting this is a teacher.
BLM Seattle: "We Need To Start Killing People"
Other urls found in this thread:
>BLM will be declared a terrorist organization soon.
The summer of happenings is coming.
>Directly advocate for killing the president.
It's like they want a one way ticket to Guantanamo.
My digits confirm kek wills it.
i cant fucking wait til the race war
This idiot is complaining about working 40 hours.
I work 60 hours a week, fuck this bitch.
never before have i seen such an eloquent, well-mannered, and intelligent individual.
That high pitch fem voice though
In the end the God-Emperor will be left standing over his vanquished foes.
Praise Kek! Long live the God-Emperor! May his Dynasty last 1000 years!
Oh wait they already are.
Race war starts in the Pacific Northwest.
Black people don't scare me at all their iqs are too low to organize for a proper white mans chimp out
>Muslim chef hat
>Advocates terrorism
Checks out.
Wait, this guy is a preschool teacher?
I did 59 last week, love that OT though. Right at a dollar a minute. I don't get yelled at though since no one ever wants to learn my job role.
He can shout shit all he wants but nobody has the balls to do it. That's all BLM is, shouting shit and attacking people they know won't fight back.
Let's get his name and contact info, just so we know right where to go when he does start killing people.
A dollar a minute Jesus Christ
>that pic
>it's ok to hurt nazis
>the white house is filled with nazis
>it's ok to support an insurrection against the nazis
That was quick
black people have no work ethic which is why they are an inferior race
I want to kick these savages teeth in.
I wish a nigga would
The race wars have begun.
Pic related is the change of my political ideology in the 5 minutes it took to watch that shit.
Send in the tanks.
>this is not racism, I swear
I want to live in a Hellshock universe
How are these people not a hate group?
Everything out of that guy's mouth is hate and racism.
Do we know who this woman is?
they should be reported to the fbi and classified as a hate group
can you give time, I can't listen to that fuck's voice for 5 minutes.
This motherfucker just said "capitalism is racism"
Sup Forums, what are the odds that such a significant mass of the fervent and misguided liberal reactionaries of Americans today actually have of effecting influential change upon our country?
People are being way too stupid over these recent weeks, and I fear that a raw momentum of this stupidity would cause "something" to happen if it does not quell itself soon enough.
Genuinely becoming more worried about this kind of stuff in America as the days go by...
40hours kek
The best Gibs speech I have ever heard. /clap
You're a Trump supporter. You don't get to call anyone stupid.
Everyone needs to swallow the Final Solution pill.
The only way to stop these pink haired globalist freaks and to restore order is to do a foot by foot sweep of every nook and cranny and purge them
>2017, The Summer of Happenings
Capitalism, capitalism is what fucking racism.
Notice how quiet the crowd got (all white trust fund bitches) when he said that they need to give brown people all their money because they want it. lol
>BLM will be declared a domestic terrorist org
Praise Kek!
Great argument, pal.
Way to prove him wrong with that hot intellect.
>i live in WA
>blm plans to kill whites
>liberals in this state will probably help them
>the left is so radicalized that they'll attack anyone that is not miles left of center
do you think i'm safe here on the eastern side?
Meh, it's Seattle.
A black guy in Seattle is like 3/5ths of a real black guy elsewhere. I mean, look at Russell Wilson. These people can't even fucking dance.
>Fuck American imperialism!
>Fuck corporations taking advantage of cheap labor from black/brown people!
There has to be a word for this beyond irony. They are literally fighting against the guy trying to reverse this. Of course it degenerates into communist rambling, but they were so close.
Reign of Terror redux soon.
Find the preschool this retard works at and inform them that he's "radicalizing" the three and four year olds he's teaching.
your post and accompanying picture indicate that you must be a rocket scientist? when did you give up on yourself?
Hi Lauren.
What brings you to WA for the day?
> Pavement apes refuse to try and earn capitol, instead riot and whine incessantly.
I feel sorry for black people who actually try to better their conditions, they are weighted down by thousands of facile niggers.
Because I'm sure logic and reason would resonate with the average Trump supporter. Your kind revels in stupidity. You don't rate a real argument.
Wew lads
This.. we have to physically remove these people..
We either take their lives or they leave the country.
I am an awakened Saxon, I used to feel sad about breaking a spiders web.
You're safe in the eastern half for sure. Just get rid of Seattle before that retard factory of a city takes you down too.
I'm also very sensible. Violence is very rarely necessary, and I would never trust any human beings who are so readily able to use it.
You are implying I am stupid for being a trump supporter. I am not a trump supporter, I'm just paying attention.
Classic leftism.
A lot of people are going to die, aren't they?
>we need to start killing people
>I'm a peaceful teacher
Can't wait
brother... I have been to a number of these marches.. you have nothing to worry about
This is the unfortunate truth.
Spokane republican office was spray painted with "Nazi scum"
Idk man.
How very close-minded of you.
If you don't mind me asking, what do you do?
I'm looking for a change of pace and have done some downright nasty jobs (crime scene clean up and slaughter house being two).
I'll do anything for decent $$$ provided it is legal and not immoral.
Yes, that is NVA controlled area.
what gender is the speaker?
>your post and accompanying picture indicate that you must be a rocket scientist?
is that a question?
We literally memed a happening into existence.
You mess with an ancient egyption chaos god and chaos is what you get. But out of chaos comes order.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
>leftists and rightists ready to purge each other
Putin successfully initiated a civil war in the States. Excellent.
>chaos god
Daily remember kek was never a god of chaos.
I mean he sounds like an idiot...
>Fuck this
>Fuck that
>Give me that
>Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
pretty edgy? do you have a point?
fucking terrorist scum
I'm starting to get worried too, but I'm on the (only slightly) more moderate East Coast.
>gibs me dat or I keel ya!
Nothing new.
Bring it fuckers
You faggots aren't even white. Stop this shit.
>bunch of faggots online trying to start black vs white shit
>aren't black or white
I'm moving to WA in a few months.
I'll save it from leftists.
I can't wait. Let them martyr a few white women. The Feds will roll tanks in and look the other way when the Klan "patrols" the streets in machine gun turreted jeeps at night.
We best timeline now
I thought it was a sheboon
The one on your head.
Shhhhh, race war in America is part of the destabilization plan. :^)
the blood good is powerful, he is quenched with thirst to sustain him
I'm in the roflcopter. Why choose such a faggot speaker?
get yer guns
>clearly an ISIS member
Nice one Muhammed.
It's a poem by Kipling not that you would recognize it since you're clearly an idiot.
I would say that the poem is a warning of what is currently happening to white men in this country but you won't heed it.
I would suggest you don't associate with open leftists and probably should leave the cities while you can.
A lot of people are going to die.
It is a Rudyard Kipling poem you fucking idiot.
Wait, that was a guy?
>shitting on capitalism
>advocating killing
They can start with themselves.
God damnit that is so close to being beautiful!
>some of us are working 40 hours
LMAO. is that thing seriously implying this is a struggle
>blood good
>blood God*
i dont believe i goofed that bad
that whiny faggot accent.
Pay up whitey!!