Is anarchy left or right
Is anarchy left or right
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Can be either rightwing or leftwing but it's always fucking retarded.
Its retarded.
Commie cucks and anarchists seem to be on the same side now which is hilariously ironic.
could be either desu
Right-Anarchy: Anarcho-Capitalists
Left-Anarchy: Anarcho-Naturalism
None. True anarchism has nothing to do with a liberal wing definition.
Because they have no idea what real anarchism and real communism actually are.
Giving a direction to anarchy not plausible, It can only go down
anarchy and nationalism go together well
There is no state to enforce the liberal policies, while capitalism works without a state.
Femanon here.
Anarchy is great because I get to have soo much good rebellious sex!
None, just retarded.
hey babe are you community property?
Is communism left? Well then what would be the furthest right of that? That's your answer if you're going to boil the political spectrum down to a linear representation.
>community property
I'm your property, chad.
nice binary you got there
>right and left politics
anarchy is a hyena feeding off the lions scraps
btw mrs binary it's not chad it's vlad
If anarchy happened you're family patriarch would sell you to another local family in return for food
what did kek mean by this?
learn your own language
ye. those were sum powerful digitz
get em check'd
Shut up, chad. Guess I won't fly a plane all the way over to you and won't become your personal cum dumbster.
At least my vagina would to be put to good use unlike your fat virgin dick.
i'll tickle your funny bone hun
I'd rather have you stick it up my vag and go wild.
you may or may not catch dysentry, but if you're down i'm down too
Either way, there's no good outcome.
I'd rather if you kill yourself then have your infected dick inside of me.
commies and anarchocommies are a fucking joke
i'll let you suck my dogs dick then
Its far right. Fascism is far left statism.
I'd rather not. I don't like beastlity you see.
Both but the violent ones are usually left wing.
shut up ya degenerate commie whore, you live in a flophouse and get dicked by all the junkies
It's a tired and old relic of the cold war that doesn't mean shit today.
Eat shit ctr
But at least they aren't dogs, nerd virgin.
Left at first, becomes Right within a week
yeah well, a dog is a step up from vermin ain't it?
Rape isn't illegal in an anarchist society
>I voted Hillary because I am against all systems
>a dog is a step up from vermin ain't it?
A dog is a step down from vermin, nerd virgin.
I know that's my fetish, kind sir.
anarchists seeking utopia are fucking retarded
anarchists seeing to accelerate the collapse are on-fucking-point.
half the people on Sup Forums fall into the latter and don't even know it.
not if you're you it aint
i have now that feeling you're a certain freakishly overweight camwhore
I know you're just b8ing, but there are a lot of people who genuinely believe that anarchy would lead to a feminist utopia. That's something I'll never understand.
It's whats left after you can't do anything right
Anarchism is anti authoritarian more than anything. A few autists might disagree because of their butthurt over not having the freedom to oppress others.
Lol when I lived in california. Most commie/anarchists were on goverment ran SSI and government ran food stamps.
The irony
>freakishly overweight camwhore
Your damn right, inbred fuck
You stupid males. Anarchy would still be your rule.
By default it is right wing as the left-right wing scale is about economics and the further left you go the more government regulation and control there is. How can you have any type of governmental economic control if there is no central power?
Americucks are responsible for misusing "left-wing", an economic description, for liberalism, a social policy/ideology description.
Anarchy was spread by Emma Goldman. A Jewish socialist. It is a left movement.
The right are zionists. Zionism and nazism acre both based in Jewish occult mystism. Rothschild brought hitler to England, trained him and funded his rise through American proxys.
Anarchism is a forced meme of Jewish socialists.
Platonic republicanism, which rejects moral relativism, and embraces reason, that's our movement.
Anarchy is neither right nor left because it's subjective.
>Anarchy would still be your rule
Anarchy would highlight how feminized society currently is by contrast. You don't know what you have until it's gone
Anarchy is going extinct as of lately.
Was gonna ask for your address and come over to hve sex with you but sense you repeat things I've already heard you can go jerk off to 2d.
It's only Americans who associate left = more gov, right = less gov you dumb cunt.
pic unrelated but true, this thread is fucking cancer
well my wayward son- anarchy has a number of flavors- Here in the states the most popular variety is Anarcho-Syndicalism also known as Anarcho-Communism.. It's literature is probably the most important stuff that you can read if you want to truly understand power politics which at the end of the day are the only kind of politics.. the people in the thread attacking it are probably not well versed with the literature- the concepts have effected great change throughout the history of the USA
anarcho-nationalism ftw
well I would have to disagree with you there at least from the US perspective.. but whatever floats your boat.. just not our thing
Americans use "lefties" and "liberals" or "progressives" synonymously. And when you tell them National SOCIALISM is left-wing conservatism they flip out because they can't process that combination in their brains as they equate leftism with liberalism, when not only is it wrong, but its in a completely different dimension.
There can be;
left-wing conservatism (Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy)
left-wing liberalism (most modern socialist western countries)
right-wing conservatism (Singapore)
right-wing liberalism (USA today)
And then you can have more combinations in terms of whether these ideologies are authoritarian or anarchist, however left-wing anarchism does not exist as they contradict each other.
what applies for amerika applies for greece also
I do need to disagree with you on your point.. I believe anarchism to be more dogmatic and again almost a toolset for examining power politics... if you look at the lefts power mobilization especially in regard to the working class in the USA.. quite a bit of that power's credit can be given to the ancoms.. i think that is where people get confused on anarchism.. the idea that it needs a state to exist?
yea- i'm afraid that I don't see that in the US.. even Donald Trump doesn't stand for that?
well, i say it's about time to purge the degenerates, the kikes, the mudslimes, all the faggots and the social justice cucks, fill them with lead, hunt them down until not one of them is left all degenerates must die
islam islame
muslim = mudslime
take a hike kikes
>Pinochet, Franco or Kaiser Wilhelm II were of course not right-wing
>neither were pretty much all monarchichal systems of the 19th century. Nope
>never mind Hitler and Mussolini, they were completely left-wing
You can't make this shit up.
>Right-wing politics hold that certain social orders and hierarchies are inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable,[1][2][3] typically defending this position on the basis of natural law, economics or tradition.[4](p693, 721)[5][6][7][8][9][page needed] Hierarchy and inequality may be viewed as natural results of traditional social differences [10][11] or the competition in market economies.[12][13] The term right-wing can generally refer to "the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system."[14]
Now get fucked.
a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
A government and an anarchist state can not co-exist, because if a state or government to exist then there must be authority and laws which contradicts anarchy.
The communist aspect in Anarcho Communism requires authority. You might say that the communist aspect is voluntary, but as soon as one person refuses to share assets or labour it seizes to be communist, or if the people force that person to cooperate, then it seizes to be anarchist.
I just posted this in a thread that was archived too soon: Political compass explained with figures...
As this one quite good explains:
but ...
someday i hope that there will be an anarcho-nationalist squat
And this is explained current situation:
It's hard for many to understand, that Trump is actually a National Socialist and is much more left-wing than Obama or Clinton...
Just there is not Left like Left... The spectrum is not single-linear axis, and your destructive liberal LGBT left is bottom-left quadrant, but Trump is top-left quadrant...
> Give people work, rebuild highways and factories (remember that, right?)
> Protect economy by tariffs
> State planing to force private industries return
> Protect and accent nation
> Good relations with unions
> Conservative values (remember, that Eastern socialism was very conservative near the end... there were no people with colored hair, no openly LGBT people, very few lazy people on gibmedats, rather large stress on chastity and cleverness...)
> Voted primarily by blue-colar workers in rust-belt and red-neck farmers in central plains
> Opposed by white-collars, (((academia))), (((media))) and (((un-holywood))), by large jewish banksters...
Yes - there is a bad left, and there is a good left, of which you have got little experience, so you did not recognize it, when it came.
One can't map all political philosophies onto a left-right line, nor a 2D left-right +auth-lib plane. So anarchy isn't really either, but that being said, it's closer to right-wing, because many right-wing folks try to minimize government, whereas a powerful large government is a necessary part of left-wing politics.
version on white background...
And anarchists?
They are at bottom, either left or right, in this setup...
They are very near LGBT feminazi, near hippies, but also near some rather rare preppers on AnCap side...
I am going back to the fundamentals. Linking a wikipedia article on right-wing politics which will just explain and state what people name these ideologies does not prove your point, as it does not matter whether certain ideologies were regarded as right-wing or left-wing, what matter is whether an ideology fits the criteria for these labels.
And yes National Socialism was definitely left-wing, but not extreme left-wing.
funding numerous worker’s welfare programs
> Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.
> 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises, and 11 million went on theater trips.
> Every citizen was given a radio.
> A 5 day work week for all citizens.
> Free Public Health.
> Hitler’s government banned Trade Unions, and it was mandatory that all workers had to join the German labor Front trade union. Strikes were banned, and people who refused to work were imprisoned.
> Every large factory had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools for its workers.
> Organized Industrial Production & Farming for self-sufficiency
>Hitler initiated a policy of self-sufficiency, where the goal was to produce only what is required by Germans. The goal of the National-Socialist government was to produce for its country everything the German people needed without having to rely on imports to meet the needs of its citizens. Along with the calculated production of material goods, new policies were introduced so that the aim of farming was to produce what German’s needed, not what was most profitable. The government subsidized the farmers for loss of profit and farmers were given guarantees that all of what was grown would be purchased.
Public welfare programs with the slogan “None shall starve nor freeze”. Every year, high-ranking Nazi’s and citizens would take to the streets to collect charity for the unfortunate, which generated a feeling of comradeship toward those in need. They even went to the extent of publishing names of those who didn’t give charity in the paper as a punishment or reminder of their neglect. According to Mark Weber of theInstitute for Historical Review,
“On one occasion, a civil servant was prosecuted for failure to donate, and his argument that it was voluntary was dismissed on the grounds it was an extreme view of liberty, to neglect all duties not actually prescribed by law, and therefore an abuse of liberty.”
I think you are catching on but still missing my point- anarcho-communism is not anarchy and communism simultaneously.. if you are interested i could definitely recommend some reading? syndicalism is maybe a more apropos term
It´s right, but not the only right. Look at this pic.
Sure, please recommend me reading material.
I believe for anarchism to exist you just need a void where the state does not have power or where power is removed from the state by challenging it... i disagree with the assumption that it needs to exist as a form of government if that makes sense to you?
Thanks. I'll add some of these books to my list.
Not familiar with Chomsky.
That is correct, but please explain to me how will you implement left-wing/socialist/communist aspects to it when there is no power to enforce it.
oooh - exciting- you should check him out too- still alive albeit barely lol(he is getting up there) - Noam Chomsky- linguistics professor at MIT- had a fascinating movie come out earlier this year that examines to a certain extent what I am referencing- called Requiem for the American Dream- you should be able to find his books used online for cheap- I would recommend starting with Manufacturing Consent
Note, that Soviet Union was SOCIALISTIC state, highly statist.
It was utterly opposite of COMMUNISM, which is communitarian and anti-static... It was even more far from communism, than is today Israel or even USA...
(image here just to explain the main different between socialism and communism)
the power is derived from the people and their mutual goals - again I would recommend familiarizing yourself with American labor movements to see where this has been incredibly successful- I just am not super familiar with labor history in Europe to provide a good example
I believe anarchy is inherently right leaning as it's the least amount of government involved. Anarcho-communists are fucking retarded. You can't redistribute wealth and resources without a state. At the same time, it could be classified as neither seeing as right vs. left describes government policy leanings, and in anarchy there isn't supposed to be a government in the first place.
I think you lack a solid concept of what anarchy actually is then? It is power politics- you do not require a state. Do you have any references for your opinions or this is something you learned in school?
Okay I will look into this for sure.
true anarchy is right wing (anarcho capitalism)
but leftist claim that hierarchies are not what true anarchy is all about.
which is bullshit anarchy is a world with out rulers not a world with out rules. and since its impossible to abolish private property with out some sort of state anarchy could only exist in the form of a right wing privatized society.
i came here to tell you that anarchy is still anarchy even though it has an unchallenged hierarchy... well son... thats not anarchy then... you clearly do not understand power politics or anarchism
No one has experienced real anything in our shit societies. Neither of our countries is a real democracy or really capitalist. Nothing is fucking real, everything is just a whore for profit.
only because you allow it be that way? you have nothing to lose but your chains and nothing to gain but the world