>culture tho? I'm Sicilian, Jewish, Irish, Scottish, and have some Welsh in me. If you mean Canadian culture I don't really fit in since i suck at hockey. So what culture?
Your fault for not knowing your own background & culture. You clearly don't care enough about your own heritage to take pride in it, or even be knowledgable about it.
>So the Jewish, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, or Sicilian
If that's your fucking heritage, then yes. I personally wouldn't be proud of being a Jew, because they are the eternal enemy of my people. But you can be a red-pilled Jew like Reactionary Jew on YouTube. Learn what you are primarily by percentage. That's the first step. Second step is getting in touch with family, learning the history of your people.
>No point since boss takes everything
Your fault for staying in a shitty job. I've left plenty of jobs before because I didn't like the conditions. No one is forcing you to be a slave.
>Perservance Literally what
If you don't know the definition of perseverance, there is no hope for you.
>First off you need money to get a girlfriend and eventually a family so it's kind of important. Second what you are saying...blah blah blah racism blah blah blah
I see borderline homeless bums, ghetto trailer trash niggers with girlfriends and wives. You're just talking out of your ass now. Unless you're deliberately going after a gold digger, women aren't as interested in shekels as you think.
Find a way to earn money you autistic fuckstick. My point is that you could be extremely wealthy, have a Mcmansion and a Lambo and babes on your shoulders, but if you have nothing to stand for, your life is meaningless.
You have to have something you fight for, some reason to live other than money, which you can gain or lose overnight in a capitalist society. Who you are, and what you believe in and take pride in, lasts forever. No one can ever take it away from you. I'm proud of who I am, and if that makes me "racist" then so be it.