tell me about your problems man
Tell me about your problems man
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I think you have more than enough to worry about on your own sven. I'm not gonna add to your already monstrous burden.
I'm in the school Musical as a senior.
>inb4 underage b&
And the lead is a tranny, everyone is a feminist and I'm the only person left of Karl Marx. I know that the music director and the dance director are trump supporters, but the director is a femenist that changes entire songs to Spanish and makes us do sign language for several songs to make it "inclusive" and the worst part is that she tells us we have a yuge Hispanic community and we don't, the few El Salvadorans we have hate it when we try to speak Spanish because they want us to speak English with them. The show is in two weeks, I play the male lead, Juan peron, we are in evita BTW. I'm about to go fucking insane.
im a highly respected professional with a degree and i am good looking and rich but i am still a virgin
lack of love, affection and wisdom.
I feel lost and confused. I have a lot of things I want to do, but too afraid to commit in case its the wrong choice and in the mean time more and more opportunity is slipping away as time passes.
Hang in there user.
It doesn't matter if you disagree ideologically
with them. They believe that they believe
something, and so do you, and so does
everyone and anyone.
I'm sure that you could stop stressing
if you gave no fuck about others.
You my son are bound to procreate. Worry not.
Tactical washing machine
I need to stick with a field and get a job in it, I keep going back and forth between physics/math but I don't really enjoy either much.
You're a saint user.
My fellow, I feel your troubles.
I have found only cold and friction here
in the North.
Keep your flame alive,
but know that the land is barren,
or it seems barren until it isn't.
I can't find a full time job and I'm afraid I'll get fired from a part time job so I don't try and find one in the meantime.
I cannot get a job. I live in extreme poverty and I will be homeless soon.
get pick on a lot because am white
The problem isn't their ideology, it's that they push poz on everything and everyone, and the show is suffering. All of wanted to do is put on a good show for my friends and family, but these cunts can't even let go of their politics for one moment. I don't discuss politics or anything I just leave when it is brought up. The tranny is playing the female lead and it can't sing high enough to hit some of the notes. They picked it instead of a girl that is talented and beautiful to fucking virtue signal.
I have an open sore the size of a quarter on my dick. Any suggestions?
Everything sucks for me lately
I fuck love those videos
At least you have it narrowed down that much.
I have so many branching paths that are fairly distant from each other. I wish I didn't have such a fractal personality and could fucking figure it out already.
I'm too apathetic for this life, I have a shit parttime job, a gf, friends but I still just don't care about anything. Pretty sure I'm borderline retarded too.
it's to cold here
and I want to kill all the black people
muslims too
Been accepted to graduate program for astrodynamics but I don't know if I'm going to get fully funded for research. Also need to figure out specifically what I need to research.
Could be worse
I don't have it narrowed down, I think they're both important fields for humanity but I like history and also think an engineering field might be less stressful on the mind, idk what to do.
Research open sores the size of a quarter on dicks. Fix this epidemic!
I feel you user. Everyone knows it for himself.
The fact of the matter is you can only win if
you consider that you first have to lose something. You know the saying:
You have to spend money to make money.
Otherwise you are stuck.
Don't be afraid to think that something will go
wrong; it will. Know that and plan your moves.
You know that you cannot carry
two watermelons under the same armpit.
That is the beginning. The only thing to it
is resigning from wanting not to make a mistake.
All people do, but all try to hide it. Nevermind them.
Everyone takes care of himself first. Know it,
and you shall see that the path is oneway.
Get NASA to start a fellowship for it and I'll apply bro
I had a brother once.
A bit faggy, but I loved the banter between us. Then he changed. He became a sick parody of his former self. Or should I say she? Xer? It?
What I am trying to say here is......
Sweden... I miss you.
Please visit a doctor or a hospital urgently.
Nothing else will fix it.
Apparently I'm incapable of seeing that gif without hearing this:
If you have the time, find some part time job
to substitute your current one, and then, in the
meantime search for a full time one.
Find a priest. They have the connections.
All my blue pilled friends just seem happier in general and overall better people. Seriously considering swallowing it myself.
My life is a wreck. Nothing can be improved. I hate this wreck. I died a long time ago.
Don't give a shit, or if you cannot not give a shit,
then stand your ground. If you have to fight to
be left alone by them,
if you have to bleed to be left alone by them,
then the price is negligible:
what are some scars compared to freedom?
My friend's gf left him because she was in love with me. I really like her but now thar we are together i fear i might easily lose my status of cucker and become cucked.
If failure is certain: go with the flow, enjoy the
irony of the thing.
Also i have shit grades in university and constant depression since 2 years ago.
I'm starting to realise how much I miss my old mates where I grew up.
>Playing footbaw at the cul de sac. Tearing down the "No ball games" sign every time A.C.C put it up since it was close to a road.
>Sneaking into the golf course across the street and collect/steal golf balls to then sell them for pennies.
>Use those pennies at the icer run by a guy called Sandy.
>Going down the house to go to the sandwich shop with my mate and for the police to be called because I was missing for hours.
>Stealing the dust caps off of cars.
>Going to my mates house for hours because he was the first to get an Xbox. Play nothing but halo 2 and World at War.
Parents split up. Never saw them much after that. Best mate now avoids me, the fucker had 2 kids with a girl he left before he was, depressed, anger issues and I hate the cunt's guts. One had to leave because his parents split as well, his mum left his dad with crippling debt.
After that I jumped from social group to social group each becoming even more insufferable than the next.
>tl;dr I miss my old mates which I used to do dumb shit with and hate the cunts I'm with now.
What's the matter user?
>the fucker had 2 kids with a girl he left before he was,
Before he was 18.
You clearly care that you don't care.
And that is caring.
Face yourself and you will find the questions
you will answer yourself.
user you will go to prison.
If you don't like it on the outside, that is no problem of course.
Have thorough talks with your supervisor.
If something smells fishy, bail.
It's tougher for him Fanon.
People need love and acceptance.
no it's all good, there are no muslims or blacks here
but still
I go on Sup Forums and see something about blacks and I just wanna kill em you know? Aboriginals too
I assume your friends are not living your life,
are they? Conversely, are you living theirs?
You can have gaps with between your friends,
it's not a problem user.
A death is a resurrection if truly a death.
It is a live possibility.
Face her and collect signs. Then you will know.
Trust in your family.
I like drinking and shitposting more than women. In fact after about 30 of them I'm not even sure they're human. Mindless, remorseless, incoherent scum.
What do
Maybe you need to channel your energy to
something. Something that will make you tired.
If not capable, make sure you exceed yourself
every time. At some point you will simply get
tired of yourself.
I hope you don't have a lot of stamina though.
I feel you user.
I'm alone and lonely myself.
It's not a problem if you don't have people
to talk to, or do fun stuff with them. It sucks yes,
but it's not a problem if you yourself first and
foremost don't consider it to be a problem.
Mind yourself, you are in its companionship
always afterall.
Thank you for the advice friend.
work 12 hours a day mon-fri while doing a degree in software engineering
You are kind user. You are welcome.
You need drugs.
48 year old kissless, hugless virgin having a sad
No problem user. I hope you find true friends soon.
You are not helpful
What does that />pic related/ mean tho
I can't be helpful anyway.
Maybe payed love is an option for jumpstarting you.
Kek no because I don't like be Irish
shit being Irish
I don't leave in America, where I could buy guns and protect myself properly.
Always be aware what the mob projects.
They channel and re-discover their hatred in here,
be careful not to be swept by the current.
Nothing special
A 20 something stay at home ambitionless NEET who has a pretty okay skill stack and could probably do whatever I put my mind to
but in reality have no idea if I'd ever have the drive to carry on with whichever path I choose given a few years
I can sculpt like a motherfucker, but know it will never make me a living
The people skills to work in any kind of service or manage things, but I'm only good at that for a few days in a row before people drive me insane
Musical talent that I could master any instrument in a year, but I hate the industry and would hate the profession but know that at worst I could just end up as some faggot with a soundcloud.
Well read but not good at articulating ideas coherently.
Nothing special in the slightest, my problems are as petty as anyone elses if not more so. So I generally have the good sense to not complain about it until I'm pressed to do so.
the redpill has ruined my life man, i just cant see anything beyond the futility of struggling against such a powerful system. my friends left and it just further shoots down my chance of ever getting a gf.
Martial arts, or if you are not interested,
home-made weapons, if the case is that severe.
You must have autism
I've been thinking about but it seems like it would be confirming the fact I will never have a meaningful relationship.
I started university in hopes of doing something I'd like but I'm not the studying type and don't seem to fit in at all.
now I'm wondering if I should continue anyway (spent two years her already) or do something else that might also earn me some cash
to top it off, I need to provide for my gf as well and my parents like to help, but can't afford much
Find a trivial job to make a living.
Then, do whatever you set your mind on.
I just got fired from a job in my career field. They got rid of my position.
it is true user, we have overestimated our force.
find something that has meaning for you,
even if it is futile. such is life
Oh and I guess to put the Sup Forumsard perspective that underlies all this I live in the Progressive shithole of melbourne, although not in the city.
So all of my friends are now politicizing and my social circles are getting smaller because everyones SJWing the fuck up their social repertoire.
So I'm trying to find out who my friends are and show some deep humility in order to find out who will ostracize me for my beliefs.
I don't know what I want or where I want to end up.
I used to just want to own a bar in the mountains and forget everything, but all this shit around the world keeps sucking me back in.
So yeah, same as most
Yeah thats the plan for this year; moneymoneymoney
Make my problems small and local, and maybe I'll find some kind of passion or new interest to distract me from it and then pursue it
I just get this feeling theres someone in my life I haven't met yet who's gonna change everything, but I say it aloud and it just sounds fucking silly.
Maybe you need to consider making a living
in another way.
The confirmation of it is the experience of 48 years. Times ahead can change and leave this
confirmation for times past.
26 and 7 years of experience. I feel defeated. First time that I've been shit-canned
i am so stressed out at my job the entire day is like a 9 hr panic attack. i need xanax but my doctor is a dick and says i should do deep breathing exercises at my desk and keeps trying to send me for 'stress management'. just gimme the pills, doc, just gimme the pills.
If there are jobs available, learn a trade.
>Boderline alcoholic
>Too stupid to pursue the field I want.
that about covers it.
Melbournefag here, best to get out of this place. Move to the country and just make new friends.
I am on the same boat. What area?
7 years of experience may be garbage for one
employer, but they are a treasure for another
Hotel and resort management
pic related
real life shit
Damn, mine is totally different. I'm on mining. If it's any consolation you can make a killing on your area in Brazil.
that's what I was planning to do, it just feels wrong to simply throw away the time u already studied, but on the other hand I don't feel like I'll be able to pass finals anyway. is it just guilt for having wasted time and money, or are they reasonable concerns?
It is a paradox that the anxiety of failing vanishes
when failing. Fail once, and you will not feel
the same kind of anxiety as before.
I'm working on getting another one, but January is the dead season in the hospitality game
Xanax (benzodiazepines) are no joke.
Their effect is relatively minor, easily replaceable with opiates or alcohol.
But they are addictive and the withdrawal symptoms include mental illness, seizures, coma, death, violent behavior, permanent brain damage.
Google Xanax withdrawals, horrible stuff. Big pharma really is not the answer, you would be better off with edible cannabis products or opiates IMO.
My country is about to use the attack to greatly curtail free speech, internet freedom, and gun ownership.
You win