1. gets his alternative "facts" from "alternative media"
2. blames feminism for his virginity
3. never read a book, just listens to edgy anti-SJW vlogers
4. gets radicalized via shitposting
>Do you see a pastern here?
1. gets his alternative "facts" from "alternative media"
2. blames feminism for his virginity
3. never read a book, just listens to edgy anti-SJW vlogers
4. gets radicalized via shitposting
>Do you see a pastern here?
I would have taken his virginity, he´s a cutie...
he goes to jail, problem solved. you can't restrict freedom of speech, because some people can't recognize when people are not being serious.
Yeah, the English* are beginning to hate.
*(and French I guess)
No, I don't see a "pastern"... but he's very cute (for my weird standards). Would totally date.
why are slovenians and slovakians always such shitposters
Damn he never smiles in the photographs, and his eyes are already dead.
Isn't it weird that he shouted "allahu ackbar"?
Their countries are irrelevant
Kinda looks like a French Rowin Atkinson.
I bet he was a pretty chill guy.
>Pretty sure I'm on a watch list now
>Been laying this shit on heavy to my mother a few weeks prior saying that even if they are trying to genocide us it would be political suicide to kill them now and only serve to further their propaganda
>This happens
>White, high school drop out, no friends, shut in for a decade, all the sterotypes
Which one of you is going to dress up like my Rufen and spread your smelly kemono pussy for me in the leaf camps?
> gets his alternative "facts" from "alternative media"
as opposed to from the 'mainstream media' that donated their money - 97% to Hillary, 3% Trump. Give me a break, what a joke.
>blames feminism for his virginity
No sane guy (unless really desperate or nu-male leftist faggot) would ever date a feminist, so it's a non issue.
>never read a book, just listens to edgy anti-SJW vlogers
Yeah bro, I read my social studies book, I'm so educated bro! Animal farm? What's that bro? Nah bro you have to read Hard Choices it's da bomb bro #ImWithHer
>gets radicalized via shitposting
most mass shooters are left-leaning/democrats, despite what CNN tells you (yes there are studies on this).
No, but I see it here
How the fuck did he get an AK-47?
I don't even know where to find a handgun here
Va à Montréal et trouve les bonnes connections.
>Has furry shi in his HDD
pretty sure you have been on a watchlist for a long time
That's a great fursuit to be honest.
Haitians or the angels?
Not hard at least in Vancouver. I haven't talked to anyone in a long time and even my acquaintances tried to sell me a Grizzly 8.5" and a 30 round AR-15.
Not that I want that shit Mr. Five Eyes.
>el araukANO(maricon)
>This damage control.
>All these fake sources cited
You're still butthurt we didn't let you kill all those Bosnians that kicked your ass when they decided they had enough of your faggotry and broke away.
Ouais mais y fait trop froid
It's all Sargon of akkads fault
>2. blames feminism for his virginity
>Ouais mais y fait trop froid
La diversité chauffe le coeur donc ça compense.
He has to be stopped.
There's no proof whatsoever, he was in fact a feminist.
Attends l'été ma belle.
>radicalization by shitposting
are we gods now?
>never read a book
>is a beta anthropology major
loled and learned
False flag. Or at least covering up his mudslime accomplice
A horse's leg? No sorry.
I'd imagine this is similar to how the Koran was formed.
montreal nord, péter leurs chevilles
One must be pretty fucking retarded to get radicalized by shitsposts, oh.. he's a leaf- that explains it
Would you look at that
Then patriots are dumb af. It's common sense that people who are outcasts and are being excluded and ostracized from society are more likely to adopt radical ideologies and maybe even kill people. It's been nearly 20 fucking years since Columbine happened but nobody has learnt anything.
me too my mom tells me im radical and shes scared. its just annoying desu.
>yell fire in a crowded theatre
>there is no fire
>people panic and scramble
>people get injured
>"hurr it's their fault for not being able to tell I wasn't serious"
He was a known figure in the activist community in quebec. Just because he had a random group like of some feminist sounding shit on his facebook together with Le Pen and Trump does not a feminist make you fucking lying worthless virgin frogposting cuntbag
thank you for putting us all on a watchlist you fucking frog
the idea that some leaffag went from unifag student to buying an ak 47 in the black market simply to kill muslims in a mosque seems a bit far fetched to me
its not a beta uprising but rather a beta insurgency
> 1 possible occurance of right wing terrorism against Muslims. Though nobodies even sure.
>Countless acts of brutality and a swathe of murder and butchery committed by ISIS, and remnant in the migrants of Europe attitude towards westerners.
Guys...Islam is a religion of peace...why are you attributing all of these obvious Islamic attacks on Islam? Are you racist? Huh? You hate Muslims? How dare you!!
Nuance is truly dead
Thank you, fellow horsey user.
How is not the Pro Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-white male speech that drove him too far?
I think it's the mascot for f-list
(or at least the same color and species)
There's so many very stupid people out in the world. Like you probably truly don't understand how dumb much of our species is.
Because that's mainstream and acceptable.
Why do you say that? Most unifags are already gearing to kill somebody or something, only thing standing between that is a trip to Tor. Just a few years ago, this chick tried to stab a UofT professor but failed to kill him
"Stupid Liberals, always attacking people. Conservatives never hurt anyone!"
>Canada fucks it up
>will u be my ai gf?
Maybe leafs need to quit /pol.
anti-intellectuals do dumb things?
>panicking and creating a crush during a fire fake or not
Deserve to die desu
>>Do you see a pastern here?
Yes. The question you should be asking is, how do we make the process more efficient? How do we radicalize more young men into doing things like this? And havens why, if you're throwing your life away, why aren't you killing someone important?
What is Dylan roof...?
Looks like an anti-pol psyop
Janez, ti prinašaš sramoto naši deželi.
1post by this ID, most definitely a shill.
Has there EVER been more of an /ourguy/?
Patriots hate white men? Gay.
>And havens why, if you're throwing your life away, why aren't you killing someone important?
Exactly. Who attacks useful idiots? they are only symptoms to the problem. If you are going to attempt to fix something at least cure it at its cause.
This only served to bolster rhetoric for the retards.
He's a liberal feminist. Definitely barking up the wrong tree.
we need to criminalize whiteness
You really only have one thing left to do then - fulfill your destiny, leaf.
Here's my one question. Seriously.
Why do these idiots ALWAYS attack a church and never try to get a politician or criminals or something?
So what? He's not american and he's not french.
Are all infidels this dumb or do you personally put effort into it?
Let me set it straight. You do not become Muslim by chanting "Allah Akbar" once, nor do you become Muslim by killing things (since it is forbidden, contrary to assumptions made by infidels).
How does one come to the conclusion that a group of U.S financed, Israel trained, rag tag bunch of uneducated twats who kill Muslims, destroy mosques first, and fight Muslim armies in Muslim lands...could possibly be Muslims?
>inb4 my EDL Master told me so
a faggot autist, ya dingus
Come on Sweden, we can't help you if you don't help yourself first
Also loves Israel but the media or Alt media will not of course ever mention this.
he's quebecois so he's actually both at the same time
most crimes take place based on opportunity, so I guess he thought a mosque would be a low risk target with many potential victims
going against a criminal gang or a politician security is a higher league
War, battle, and raiding are not socially acceptable anymore.
800 years ago this French guy would have ridden his horse to Jerusalem to join the crusades, raid mosques, and battle saladin. And muslims would be raiding into Iberia and the Levant.
His self-preservation and battle genes just kicked in. It's a problem because we live in different times.
autism- many such cases! Sad!
shut the fuck up he is a hero
>most mass shooters are left-leaning/democrats, despite what CNN tells you (yes there are studies on this).
The opposite is true. Only a few were dems like the Orlando Shooter.
Anders Behring Breivik, an admitted right-wing conservative tea party enthusiast who wanted to start his own Norwegian tea party. Adam Lanza was raised by a right-wing conservative Republican mother and tea party eschatologist. Nidal Malik Hasan was a right-wing conservative extremist. Scott Evans Dekraai was a tea party member, donated money to Tea Party groups and even has a "JoinTheTeaParty" license plate frame.
So what are some examples of liberal leaders speaking against whites?
lol... can we get this man a reality check and then a safe space
so we can start with him, i hope
Tone it down sweden Jesus
Shaun should look up Table 43
how about we ban black people from living
>the sectarian mudslime was a Sup Forumsack!
>78 replies and 9 images omitted
kill yourself pol. sage
weird how there's a lot more people in the US who legitimately hate Muslims, about 100,000 ex veterans who saw their brothers blown to bits
>can we get this man a reality check and then a safe space
I've never heard of Shaun King. Is he a liberal leader? Is he seriously speaking against whites?
Or is he using comedy to expose the irony of blaming large groups for the actions of a few of its members? (composition or broad brush fallacy )
Has shaun white really never looked up crime statistics?
so he false flagged his own life and race
pretty dedicated desu
>the eyes of defeatism
it is time to make men great again
Happens all the time senpai.
This is the dumbest example for a couple of reasons
>1. I highly doubt everyone would just flip the fuck out and zerg rush the door
>2. People would easily be able to smell and or see or rather not smell or see the non existent fire and tell the dude yelling to just shut the fuck up
The only way you'd get people out of to pull the fire alarm, which isn't speech. Dumb example, people aren't mindless idiots who just run around like spastics just because you yell fire
Indeed. This one was a gem
I don't know what to believe anymore
A politician might have a security detail. A criminal might return fire.
By this logic the vast majority of Muslims and Christians of the past were lying about their religion. Intra-Sectarian violence has been a thing for thousands of years.
He's the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved