Obama only waited 10 days before breaking the tradition of ex-Presidents staying out of current politics.
He's isn't leaving Washington and he isn't going ANYWHERE in the sense of politics. He was a community organizer...Obama gives the radical Left tacit approval..Civil War is coming, have no illusions.
So Trump can attack back, Obama will wish that he have closed his nigger lips
Dominic Bailey
Well, this is officially spooky. The only reason I didn't take the left's tantrums seriously so far was due to their lack of a clear leader.
If Obama is going to direct them in some sort of march on DC shit will spiral really quickly.
John Rodriguez
I;m hoping this happens. Someone needs to tell Obama to shut his stupid mouth and go golf. Incidentally, he sucks at golf, which is hilarious because that's all he knows how to do
Nathaniel King
my waifu, can't wait till she's running.
Ayden Baker
he is literally irrelevant.
Tyler Reyes
Tyler Collins
I expected him to do this. He was dropping hints he would with the old twitter
Nolan Cook
>cnn baiting for war in other news, if you're born with a penis, that makes you a male human
James Howard
kek, think trump has forgotten about the corruption, unlawful actions and not being a natural born citizen?
nigger will get btfo
Nolan Young
Is there a rule where past presidents can't say anything to do the current president or is this just a gentlemen's agreement that he isn't following?
Noah King
You've never seen him play basketball or rap then
Adam Powell
Matthew Johnson
I told you Obama would be your Blair.
David Jenkins
You don't think the side with all of the gays and women will beat the side with all of the gun owners?
Blake Wood
Go suck more vodka-nigger dick faggots.
Andrew Mitchell
>muh tradition
remind me again who is the guy who broke the tradition of releasing his tax returns
Ryan Edwards
I don't know, I think it's just politeness, respect and decorum. clearly obummer has none of those
Jaxon Morris
He "weighed in" by saying he thinks protesting is a healthy part of democracy.
Thats hardly jumping into politics.
Jordan Young
He's a nigger.
Nathan Miller
you have good eyes and a sharp mind
thanks for your truthful obervation
Ryan Sanchez
It is an unspoken tradition. All Presidents have adhered to for the most part. Especially when involving the sitting President.
Robert Lopez
Caleb Ward
>when your legacy was so worthless you try to keep going
Parker James
>calling for killing white people is just a healthy part of democracy
Aaron Green
Maybe it's because im a dumb ass Burger that cant read a map, but i had no idea there was a place called Crypus
Looked at where it was, just under turey
Thomas Richardson
>create list of unstable countries likely to have terrorists come from >new president uses your list to ban people from entering the country >he's a raycis
Caleb Ross
>faith-based discrimination I really hate this fake news
Hunter Robinson
It's like Cyprus but sadder.
Jaxon Parker
Jackson Ross
Yes, publicly calling for violence against Whites is "healthy." CTR: Red-pilling normies since 2014. Thank you, cucks.
Zachary Ross
Thank god at least we know a sane human is still in Washington.
Kevin Diaz
>Muslim angry about Muslim ban
Top fucking kek. Captain Nignog please go home!
Kevin Gutierrez
Daniel Lewis
>having a penis makes you male literally shaking
Thomas Ward
>breaking the tradition
Like Trump with his tax returns, or his conflicts of interest, or his payments from foreign governments. All that stuff is out the window.
Barack Obama is a citizen and can do whatever he likes.
Daniel Edwards
It's basically the Cayman Islands for Meds/mudskins.
Tax shelters, large private resorts where drugs and pizza are exchanged, some elites have SHTF-shelters there.
Brody Foster
tax returns isn't a real tradition, it's only been practiced sporadically, but it is a convenient media talking point.
and when the previous republican candidate had his tax information openly lied about in congress by the democrat leader, that nullifies any requirement to release any tax information.
Jaxson Flores
I guess that's why they call him king nigger ROFL xD
Brody Watson
He can, but the tradition existed for a reason, and I don't know whether the Kenyan fully understands how many worms are wriggling out of that can he opened. You've probably noticed that Africans tend to be rather dim when it comes to grasping important concepts like "consequences."
Ethan Hughes
Eat shit Dumptards
Joshua Ramirez
Leftists will rally around; he's all they've got. If he isn't go away, OP's >muh civil war is happening.
Luis Morgan
>and when the previous republican candidate had his tax information openly lied about in congress by the democrat leader
This was a thing?
Elijah Butler
Shitskin Turks are sitting on rightful Greek clay in Cyprus, complete with fucking DMZ.
A war between Greece and Turkey is more likely right now than another Civil War.
Aaron Lewis
Josiah Moore
Jaxson Clark
>Obama breaking traditions: bad >Trump breaking traditions: good kek
Jayden Gonzalez
Muh damage control. He just doesn't want his tax write off for going ass to mouth on Putin to get out.
Josiah Murphy
He is avoiding releasing his tax returns because they show embarrassing and likely illegal payments from foreign governments, a hopeless record of tax losses and negligible contribution to the public finances.
>the tradition existed for a reason
All that is out the window now.
Andrew Hall
Harry Reid said Romney didn't pay any taxes, from the Senate floor, in 2012
Thomas Anderson
Sebastian Jones
Stay in politics, Obama, please.
That way we get to keep you in the spotlight long enough to void your entire presidency by following up on that forged Birth certificate of yours.
That's right folks
>Islam got BTFO
>Canada may block access for the fucking leafs after this shootout
The entirety of the leftist media, nay the left in GENERAL and their coersion in an attempt to erect a liberal, oligarchical reigeme filled with putrid, pedantic psuedo- intelectual political pundits and their sycophant race/sex/genderdemiqueerfluid-baiting shitlords in the LGBTQIABCDEF[semicolon][multiplication symbol] TO THE fifth fucking power, who think that their HAIR color should resemble a bowl of regurgitated fruit loops being licked up and yet again retched by a dog in the vicinity when viewed from above, IF you can even see them after looking at cucks wearing pompadors and hipstery bubble glasses, and nut-hugging high waters as if to resemble some shitty 60's fashion mockumentary HAVE GOTTEN AND CAN FOR-FUCKING-EVER BTFO!!!!
Evan Gomez
Not necessarily, shitlord.
Brandon Flores
Your all going to have to go back
Connor Edwards
other candidates haven't released tax returns, so you may speculate all you like, but it really doesn't matter.
Aiden Phillips
Did I miss something? Everyone's calling it a "faith-based" "Muslim ban," but isn't it just a ban from people coming in from countries that foster America-hating terrorism for the sake of our national security?
Isaac Brown
King nigger better tread lightly. Trump has the authority to drone strike US citizens and not even explain himself after Obama set the precedent
Evan Hernandez
>Obama makes law that allows immigration bans from specific countries >Trump uses said law >OMG this is so wrong you guise
Obama is the biggest hypocrite to ever enter the white house and the obvious misinformation as to what Trump is actually doing just makes it worse. I find it hard to believe I once respected that man
Honestly, Obama only risk adding to the confusion and tensions everyone feels when trying to figure out whats actually happening.
Also, Obama clearly realizes that the left is clueless and floundering at how to deal with Trump. Hillary is nowhere to be found and (((Bernie))) was STFU on Trumps first full business day when Trump killed TPP.
The left is in free fall and the only groups that identify as the left are SJW, POC, LGBT, and (((Liberals))). How is the left ever hope to gain power if the base is constantly pull so hard to the left?
TL;DR: Obama is going to drag what is left of his legacy through the mud if he gets involved.
Leo Long
what tradition?
the tradition to stay out of politics if you're disgraced?
legitimate arguments can be made against his politics, not his personal or character issues. that's not controversial. deny that he is a good father and husband. go ahead.
he's stated he will be active in mentoring young talents of the future. he's going to be very involved and public. people are going to be reading more of his essays (if you read) in science journals--you know, one's he has written himself. you reveling racists are gonna get tired of saying the N word, at which point, your veil will momentarily lift and you will glimpse beyond your brutishness to recognize the other forms of lower life at the bottom rungs of existence. in that moment, you will feel shame for the first time. that is the door to enlightenment. take it.
if precious president orange considers his 20 million twitter followers (many of which are just haters and bots) a "powerful weapon against dishonest media," president O-face starts off with 80 million, and the initial salvo from the influence of a golden age.
Gentleman's agreement. Obama has freedom of speech like everyone else. However, the nigger is the first to violate the agreement. Because he is a nigger.
Kevin Ramirez
Jaxson Jackson